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Can I Find A Job In Thailand?

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I'm going to move in Bangkok for the second time, next year. I studied in Thailand for one year at undergraduate level and will go back there to settle definitly. First I will enroll a Master Degree in International relations. The classes are only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Beside that it will not allow me to get drunk on Saturday night, my main concern about this coming new life in Thailand is that finding a job sounds pretty hard, if it's not impossible.

I know relatively many foreigners work in Bangkok and even elsewhere in the provinces but it seemed to me that they were all 40 Y.O. up...

To make it short, I'm 23, will finish my bachelor degree in 9 months and I'm quite scared by what I see in the newspapers and jobseeking websites: nothing for Non-Thai citizens aged under 35 and without a couple of year of experience in any fields...

I know one can be teacher of anything in Bangkok quite easily, or being model if Mother Nature decided so, but I would like to know if before this, there is other tracks. So, if anyone can give me any tips or (elder's) advises, it would be...cool.

Thanks a lot

Yes I'm french, my english is not as good as most of you guys. Sorry for that.

Edited by mat2k
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I felt sorry for you that nobody had added a serious reply. What have you against teaching? Your written English is good with a few mistakes - I have seen some native speakers make many more. You also have French to offer which might provide you with some work. What do you want? You are afterall wanting to study for 3 days a week and teaching English would allow you the flexibility to do this. Earn, learn and experience.....and only 23! The world is your oyster as could be said.

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