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Phetchabun poultry and rabbits


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I would like to network with anyone else in/near Petchabun raising and selling poultry and/or rabbits. I currently produce pureblood Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns, Sam Saipan, and crosses. I am working on Barred Rocks. I also have Jumbo Brown Quail and New Zealand Rabbits. I do sell eggs and surplus chicks as well as dressed quail and rabbits. I would like to hear from anyone else involved around here.


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I can't imagine you will get that much response in this forum,maybe better in the farming one.

From my experience of the expats in this area most aren't into farming or such just living the retired life playing golf and drinking the odd beer.

Still you never know.

Good luck and happy new year.

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The folks on the farmers board know me, but most are way too far away. I am doing this mainly to have a good source of low choesteral meat. Rabbits and quail are lower than chicken and my male chickens will be leaner as well. Quail eggs do not have any bad cholesterol. I don't medicate or vaccinate and mix most of my own feed so I am as close to organic as I can get. Most of my males are free range as well. I am just looking to cover my costs by providing meat and Pure breed (or cross) layer chickens for those who just want a few or few dozen to run around. If demand grows I will to, but I'm doing it for me. I'd be happy to show anyone around. I have a beer from time to time with the guy you are talking about with the chicken farm, but he does 10,000 broilers at a time and CP has very strict rules on him having any other poultry.

A while back I had the wife by a couple of roasted quail from a guy that sells in the markets and fairs. He sells them for 25 baht a piece and his 2 birds weighed 150 grams total (75 grams each). My last batch ran 170 grams each dressed. Plus you have know idea how many antibiotics are in his birds or eggs.


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Actually you come across as a bullshit trolling retard! <deleted> off, you Are not welcome in phetchabun. If I ever find out who you are I will choke your chickens

Who are you to decide whether he's welcome or not? you sound like a silly little ( old ) man to me - loser!

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Actually you come across as a bullshit trolling retard! <deleted> off, you Are not welcome in phetchabun. If I ever find out who you are I will choke your chickens

Who are you to decide whether he's welcome or not? you sound like a silly little ( old ) man to me - loser!
I'm not little, and you do not understand tongue in cheek. I would love to slap you you silly you little faggot
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I am doing this mainly to have a good source of low choesteral meat

The ills of cholesterol have been debunked to the point the US FDA is revising its guidelines to say cholesterol is of not of any dietary concern.


I was already aware of the article and the issue is a little more complicated than presented. I agree that most people do not need to be that concerned with cholesterol intake, but there are those that should be. I am definitely one of those. I would like to see some of the original research, but a lot of studies now are funded by groups with agendas and some of the science has gotten sloppy. In any case my quail and rabbits are not only lower in fat and cholesterol than most other meat, but they are organic, fresh and taste great so I will stick with them.


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