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Will external GPS clash with in-built navigator? I can't get a gps signal...

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I wonder if there's anyone here using an external gps such as garmin, tom tom etc, although your car already has an in-built navigator?

My external gps doesn't work in my new bmw and I'm not sure if its due to the in-built navigator or the tinted sun film i've installed.


Go back to B.M. They both should work perfect .I use an old Garmin,its easy to plot n go sitting in the office,and the Iphone Google GPS,the same.The tints prob is an old Red Herring. Had that crap with a Sportivo they didnt commission it right.


Window tint can affect a GPS signal.

I don't have time to look now but on the Hi-Kool Web page they list their grades of film giving information on which ones might interfere with the GPS signal.

Just as an aside, I have Navigator that came with the Toyota. It works Ok but can't get any updates so the wife has an app on her Phone that that does the job.

The other day we were out looking for some place and I was taking directions from the nice lady on the wife's Phone app when all of a sudden the "nice lady " informed me that I was exceeding the speed limit by 11kph - w00t.gif

Soon turned that option off - don't need two women nagging me whistling.gif

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