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The Missus recently came home and asked me if i had seen the "how" next door in the trees.

I followed her outside to see what she was all about.

She showed me this.

Description: it's a little less than 3" wide and a little short of 4" long.

And what a wallop it packs, as i was to witness a little later.


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good photo,i am guessing a wasp nest of some kind.


I agree with you. The Missus has an S4 and I think it takes very good photos and performs tasks well.

Anywhy not knowing what the structure held I approached it with mild trepidation as I wanted to get another photo. I carefully tried to remove some of the tiny twigs obstructing my view and as I did so one of them lightly snapped.

At that moment i felt like the characters in Jurrassic Park when they heard the approach of the Tyronasoaurus Rex. In my case the ground didn't shake but maybe my knees were a bit. I was hearing this incredible deep rumble. Fortunately for me, the troops didn't mass. I was only faced with one of the super sized hornets we occasionally see here in Thailand. He decided to check out his hive and lucky for me he didn't go on the warpath.

Considering his size, I have to wonder how they manage to build a hive which seems way too small.

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If they are a pest and you want to get rid of them go out at night and quickly slip a plastic bag over the whole thing , tie the top, cut the nest off the tree and put it in the freezer. The nest that is not the tree.

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If they are a pest and you want to get rid of them go out at night and quickly slip a plastic bag over the whole thing , tie the top, cut the nest off the tree and put it in the freezer. The nest that is not the tree.


Actually they are no problem at all for me.

I believe the inhabitants of the hive are the large hornets we all occasionally see around. The one I bothered to take the snaps of on my phone was not threatening to me at all. I just know he has potential to do me some damage and especially if he has companions along with him.

As with the hive, I find it to be a beautiful work of nature and don't want to hurt or disturb it or he hornets at all. I do admit wasps are a different story due to their aggressive nature.

When the Missus showed me the photo she took on her phone I actually thought it looked like a threatened cobra ready to strike.

Nothing short of a natural masterpiece to me.

I'll never be bothered with hornets in Thailand if I can help it.


They are very dangerous if they are hornets. They will attack you if you try and remove them , get someone who knows what they are doing, they can kill you if they attack in numbers, They have been know to kill elephants, The problem is if the wind knocks the hive down.

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