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Boris Johnson has given up U.S citizenship because, 'of idiotic and aggressive behaviour by U.S immigration staff'.

BJ holds both U.S & British Citizenship but usually only travels on his Brit passport, but because he was born in the U.S, I.O's told him he must travel on his U.S passport, which had expired.

He was asked by an I.O, 'Have you ever held a U.S passport', of which he answered 'Yes, but it had long expired'.

He was told he had to travel on an American passport if he wanted to enter the U.S.

He has accepted that the U.S can get by without him, so has tendered his resignation from the U.S as a Citizen.

Two points, I wonder how many know of this regulation and perhaps who cares, and I wish it was that easy to get rid of him although he can be a laugh at times he is completely hopeless.


Extract taken from the Oxford Mail

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