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My Expenses in Pattaya for 2014


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great post thanks. probably live about as you would. My needs are modest. I am "on the fence" about retiring. My cash and investment cash flow will easily support 3k USD a month, and that is not even counting social security which I get in just a few more years. I currently carry my own US health insurance with Florida Bllue Cross blue shield. That has risen 25% a year and now costs me $265 a month. Darn Obamacare is worse and the cheapest plan through those sites would cost me $388!

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What type of insurance is this? " health insurance in America for me (4300/mo)."

I envy you both. You must have group policies in America. Since I have had a triple bypass, I feel that means my heart is now in good working order. Plus, any insurance would not cover a "pre-existing" condition. But since I am an individual, (not in a group policy), Blue Cross/Blue Shield wants $2500 (US) a month for coverage. I declined, and became self-insured.

...and that is the situation I would be in if I EVER canceled my insurance in the US under my retirement plan. I would no longer be allowed back into the discounted group plans at OPM. As I said before, the only way I could drop this insurance is if I knew with 100% certainty I'd never return to the US, then I'd be free to get insurance here.

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Did you also notice the price increases over the past year? To me they are the highest I've seen in over 10 years.

Fried rice with fried egg from 40 to 50 baht

Cold Cappuccino from 35 to 45 Baht

Beer Chang big bottle from 40 to 50 Baht

Small bag of Pineapple from 20 to 25 Baht

Many times on the market also increased, fruit, meat, vegetables.

Al this is at local shops and markets where we come for years.

Many restaurants that have not increased prices have reduced the servings, but it's the same effect.

School fees up with 5% every year.

I wonder how Thais on lower incomes cope with this, apart from the schools, they eat and drink too. I see many struggling with money again.

Yes, prices have gone up. About 10 baht for simple dishes at my favorite Thai restaurant. The biggest increase I saw was for my favorite cheese at Friendship Market -- Bega Mild. It went from 155 to 180+. I know it's now 180 something, maybe 183. Nevertheless, because of how I live my life it has affected me very little. I cook or make all my food at home (mostly) and I know how to make cheap foods go a long way.

I also wonder how Thais manage to make ends meet. I would definitely hate to have a job making what the average Thai makes. Seeing how little money skilled Thai workers make, compared to my country, is sad. However, that is certainly what makes Thailand cheap for us Expats...cheap labor.

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great post thanks. probably live about as you would. My needs are modest. I am "on the fence" about retiring. My cash and investment cash flow will easily support 3k USD a month, and that is not even counting social security which I get in just a few more years. I currently carry my own US health insurance with Florida Bllue Cross blue shield. That has risen 25% a year and now costs me $265 a month. Darn Obamacare is worse and the cheapest plan through those sites would cost me $388!

Yes, with my SS, which I just applied for and it should be adjudicated within the next month, and my federal annuity and my house rental income, I'll be pulling in about $4500 a month net so I'm spending considerably less than my actual income. However, I need to spend this little given what I'm spending on our ongoing construction project.

I'm also lucky in that my BCBS costs are only $134/mo as a single person under OPM. Yes, I've been calling my GF my wife (it's a Thai thing), but in essence she is and will be my wife in about 1 year when we move to America. We've already been together 5 1/2 years full-time.

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I use to spend 80 to 100k and sometimes even more a month. Made one major change in my life and my expenses were cut in half... dropped the money hungry part time hooker that I called a girlfriend and got a real girlfriend. Now I pay nothing and she is more lovely and sexy than the bar tramps that I was with before. Life is so good... And cheap too :)

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You mentioned you are planning to move to America with your wife.

Can I ask why? It seems you have a good relationship with your wife, is there no risk that this could change if you move?

Good job with the house, 3M in my country (Aus) will be lucky to get you a 2 car garage only (no house).

And good job with the budget.

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Jeez it must be a bloody big wall around the property?

My perimeter wall is about 150 linear meter and 2 meter high and cost over 500.000 Baht, and that is also how much it was valued by a bank for a mortgage recently.


The bank valued your fence separately while you applied for a home mortgage?

What next?

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This prompted me to examine my monthly costs. Obviously I could cut back quite a bit if necessary.

Rent 10,000

Cable TV 2,100

Phone 900

Electric 2,600

Water 150

Motorbike 1,200

Drugs & Booze 3,000

Sex 16,000

Food & Grocery 19,000

Medical 2,000

Misc 4,000

Charity 4,000


Almost exactly the amount Immigration requires for farang retirement.

Very interesting/informative thread. I can see from what others are spending that I am spending way too much on food (Western food) and a Thai woman whose name translates into Thai as "Givahme Allyahmohnee."

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This prompted me to examine my monthly costs. Obviously I could cut back quite a bit if necessary.

Rent 10,000

Cable TV 2,100

Phone 900

Electric 2,600

Water 150

Motorbike 1,200

Drugs & Booze 3,000

Sex 16,000

Food & Grocery 19,000

Medical 2,000

Misc 4,000

Charity 4,000


Almost exactly the amount Immigration requires for farang retirement.

Very interesting/informative thread. I can see from what others are spending that I am spending way too much on food (Western food) and a Thai woman whose name translates into Thai as "Givahme Allyahmohnee."

If you stick to the coconut bar you could half the 16k or get double the amount of girls

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You mentioned you are planning to move to America with your wife.

Can I ask why? It seems you have a good relationship with your wife, is there no risk that this could change if you move?

Good job with the house, 3M in my country (Aus) will be lucky to get you a 2 car garage only (no house).

And good job with the budget.

She really wants to go and I want to show her America and I'm getting a bit tired of Thailand with a lot of stupid things I see and have to deal with.

There will be absolutely no doubt that I will miss certain things here and if it's really bad then I'll return. She also has dreams of getting a job and making lots of money. On that she may be disappointed unless she really digs into improving and expanding her skills. I want to get her to a point where she can program websites, beyond HTML/CSS and Dreamweaver. I want her to learn PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. I have a computer science degree and know programming, so I spent a significant portion of 2014 learning all that and building her website. It was quite fun and kept my mind busy at the ripe old age of 61, now 62. Heck, she has a live-in teacher...me.

As far as her being changed by America. Maybe, but at this point there isn't much we don't know about each other having lived together for 5.5 years. She already acts like a privileged, entitled, independent American anyway. Nah, we'll be OK...as OK as we are here.

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Why do you need a mortgage, i thought you were laying cash out for this project.

If you are directing that comment at me. It's not me that made the comment about a mortgage.

Edited by oneday
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You mentioned you are planning to move to America with your wife.

Can I ask why? It seems you have a good relationship with your wife, is there no risk that this could change if you move?

Good job with the house, 3M in my country (Aus) will be lucky to get you a 2 car garage only (no house).

And good job with the budget.

Sheesh. A garage? Can get a brand new house for that in some states in the US.

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You mentioned you are planning to move to America with your wife.

Can I ask why? It seems you have a good relationship with your wife, is there no risk that this could change if you move?

Good job with the house, 3M in my country (Aus) will be lucky to get you a 2 car garage only (no house).

And good job with the budget.

Sheesh. A garage? Can get a brand new house for that in some states in the US.

Prices vary widely all over America.

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I always tell farangs, the best thing you can do is take your wife to the US and put her to work. They learn real quick that they dont hand out money for free there! My wife got rich, but it took her 20 years.

Also, it was a great learning experience for the wife. Now we have been back here for 20 years and have incorporated the best of both worlds into our lives. I see the difference in wives who have lived abroad and those who havent.

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You mentioned you are planning to move to America with your wife.

Can I ask why? It seems you have a good relationship with your wife, is there no risk that this could change if you move?

Good job with the house, 3M in my country (Aus) will be lucky to get you a 2 car garage only (no house).

And good job with the budget.

Sheesh. A garage? Can get a brand new house for that in some states in the US.

Basically you need half a million dollars (15M Baht) to buy a house in any of the capital cities in Australia. If you want to live in a really disadvantaged area in one of those cities (think high crime rate, theft, vandalism, being locked up in your house at night too afraid to go out) an hour or more from the CBD, or buy a cheap fibro (made of just sheets of asbestos) house in a very rural area far away (many hours) from a capital city and all of its amenities (and with no jobs in those rural areas), you might be able to get away with half that, ie 7.5M Baht.

It aint cheap living in Oz, hence why I am considering making the move to LOS permanently once I am 50 in a few short years.


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This prompted me to examine my monthly costs. Obviously I could cut back quite a bit if necessary.

Rent 10,000

Cable TV 2,100

Phone 900

Electric 2,600

Water 150

Motorbike 1,200

Drugs & Booze 3,000

Sex 16,000

Food & Grocery 19,000

Medical 2,000

Misc 4,000

Charity 4,000


Almost exactly the amount Immigration requires for farang retirement.

I like to see this too as it gives me a ball park what I used to spend. That much for food? Wow.

16k for sex. If that's not hiso then that's what I call busy.

I think he got F&D and Drugs&Booze the wrong way round. And I never met a Thai girl called Charity before!

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I always tell farangs, the best thing you can do is take your wife to the US and put her to work. They learn real quick that they dont hand out money for free there! My wife got rich, but it took her 20 years.

Also, it was a great learning experience for the wife. Now we have been back here for 20 years and have incorporated the best of both worlds into our lives. I see the difference in wives who have lived abroad and those who havent.

Yes, I do believe it will be one heck of a learning experience for her. I know she thinks she knows what she will find, but I know her eyes will be opened by all the good things and bad things she never dreamt of.

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I always tell farangs, the best thing you can do is take your wife to the US and put her to work. They learn real quick that they dont hand out money for free there! My wife got rich, but it took her 20 years.

Also, it was a great learning experience for the wife. Now we have been back here for 20 years and have incorporated the best of both worlds into our lives. I see the difference in wives who have lived abroad and those who havent.

Yes, I do believe it will be one heck of a learning experience for her. I know she thinks she knows what she will find, but I know her eyes will be opened by all the good things and bad things she never dreamt of.

On my very first trip to Thailand I was lucky enough to meet up with a very nice lady that had spent 2 years in the USA Los Angeles area. She worked in a Thai restaurant with her farang boyfriend/husband (not exactly sure of the whole story). But she clearly understood how hard she worked there but made little money. America Expensive! I said yep. Most Thais only see the vacationers or retirees and think every body has money. They don't see the average middle and lower economic classes with kids and car payments and insurance bills etc. I kept in contact with another Thai Lady that moved to the USA, married a guy in Ohio (brrrrr) and went to work in one of the auto plants there on the assembly line. She said the boss was so mean. Yep. Not a lot of sanook in jobs like that. No talking, no walking around, no communal relaxed lunches etc. She eventually had two kids last time I checked and was no longer on the job.

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I always tell farangs, the best thing you can do is take your wife to the US and put her to work. They learn real quick that they dont hand out money for free there! My wife got rich, but it took her 20 years.

Also, it was a great learning experience for the wife. Now we have been back here for 20 years and have incorporated the best of both worlds into our lives. I see the difference in wives who have lived abroad and those who havent.

Yes, I do believe it will be one heck of a learning experience for her. I know she thinks she knows what she will find, but I know her eyes will be opened by all the good things and bad things she never dreamt of.

On my very first trip to Thailand I was lucky enough to meet up with a very nice lady that had spent 2 years in the USA Los Angeles area. She worked in a Thai restaurant with her farang boyfriend/husband (not exactly sure of the whole story). But she clearly understood how hard she worked there but made little money. America Expensive! I said yep. Most Thais only see the vacationers or retirees and think every body has money. They don't see the average middle and lower economic classes with kids and car payments and insurance bills etc. I kept in contact with another Thai Lady that moved to the USA, married a guy in Ohio (brrrrr) and went to work in one of the auto plants there on the assembly line. She said the boss was so mean. Yep. Not a lot of sanook in jobs like that. No talking, no walking around, no communal relaxed lunches etc. She eventually had two kids last time I checked and was no longer on the job.

Yep, those are the things I think will shock my lady (America is expensive), but I also hope she will have many good experiences, especially when I take her on a tour of the National Parks. I also hope she will get a decent job doing what she knows best; graphic design.

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To live in Pattaya is amazingly cheap! I have been living on 5,500 Baht " all in " for a long time now! But if you wanted a very nice quality condo with pool then i think 10,000 to 12,000 Baht a month " all in " would be easily done.(Inc rent,food,bills the lot! ) The only thing that would " rock your budget " are " Booze,Farang Food & Ladies ".i don't drink so i am lucky and your ladies of course should be " free " that's if you play your cards right ! ( the average one bedroom condo of nice quality here in Pattaya will cost you no more than 5,000 baht a month and gives you plenty of extra to enjoy yourself!

F.J wai2.gif At your service........

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