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Man survives sleeping car crash at Phuket's Heroines Monument

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Man survives sleeping car crash at Phuket's Heroines Monument
Eakkapop Thongtub


PHUKET: A 40-year-old man who totaled his vehicle near the Heroines’ Monument traffic circle after falling asleep at the wheel late last night, emerged from the wreckage with only a few bruises and scratches.

Rescue workers and Phuket police responded to a call from Thalang resident, Mr Jamnien Sinthong, 55, who informed them that a car had smashed into his house, just across from the famous Phuket monument.

At the scene, authorities found the wreckage of a white Toyota Yaris with Phuket plates, which had smashed into a TOT telephone booth, having knocked over a building post as well. Also at the scene, the driver, who appeared to be unscathed though in a “dizzy state”, was identified as Mr Senee Thongloi, 40, of Songkhla. Officers had the vehicle towed to Thalang Police station and brought M Senee for questioning.

Mr Senee told police that he had just attended a company New Year’s party in Chalong, and was on his way to his birth home in Phatthalung Province. However, he said he dozed off before his vehicle crashed into the barriers of the Monument, which caused the vehicle to “bounce out of control” and finally smashing into the house and telephone pole. Mr Senee said he was able to help himself out of the car to safety.

Police noted a drag marking on the road, about 150 metres before the final collision spot, and are currently assessing the cost of all the damages.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/man-survives-sleeping-car-crash-at-phukets-heroines-monument-50399.php

-- Phuket News 2015-01-02

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Phatthalung is a huge drive from Phuket ........ and he was tired after just going down the road? Lucky he didn't kill any-one with his reckless behaviour.

Didn't even make it 25 kilometres before plowing into things.

Sounds like a drunk decision to me.

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Don't attend a Nye party and drive. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the breathalyser isn't fixed yet.

yeah, but he paid to ensure the breathalyser fix had not been fixed yet, wonder what the final Tea Money damage total will be...?

Sounds like the barriers fault of the Monument, making the vehicle 'bounce out of control' into the House, pole and phone booth. Just good he never Killed anyone

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Phatthalung is a huge drive from Phuket ........ and he was tired after just going down the road? Lucky he didn't kill any-one with his reckless behaviour.

Didn't even make it 25 kilometres before plowing into things.

Sounds like a drunk decision to me.

"Didn't even make it 25 kilometres before plowing into things." - I would be surprised he could walk 25 meters in a straight line to the toilet, let alone, to his vehicle.

Once on the road, I'm impressed he made it as far as he did. :)

On a serious note, just think how many cars/bikes he passed, coming in the opposite direction. He could have wiped anyone of them out.

Sigh - here we are in 2015 and the Phuket transport debarcle is still putting all our lives at risk.

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Don't attend a Nye party and drive. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the breathalyser isn't fixed yet.

." I'd bet my bottom dollar that the breathalyser isn't fixed yet." - if I may go slightly off topic for a question to other members.

Given the large amount of damage this guy caused, as well as his car appearing a write off, is is possible, that by paying to keep the breathalyser "broken" at the time of his arrest, thus, intoxication can not, or will not be proven, does that mean his insurance will pay for all the damage, where as, if he was breathalysed, and well over the limit, it voids his insurance?

In western countries, if you are over the legal limit, and have an accident, you become unisured.

In this case, is it possible that the "tea money" he "donated" has actually saved him a lot of money in compensation to the owner/s, as well as getting him a new car, thus, further adding to the injustice surrounding this incident?

Any thoughts?

Edited by NamKangMan
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Don't attend a Nye party and drive. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the breathalyser isn't fixed yet.

What is a drag marking, and how could it impact the fact that the man said he fell asleep before crashing. How can anyone with a shred of accident investigation background, tie a drag mark, found 150 meters before the crash site, to this accident? This surely has me stumped, and inquiring minds want to know.

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