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Swedes rally in support of mosques after arson attacks

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Your remark about Muslims doing the bombing in Thailand and killing.. you are right.. but you forget one important thing. They kill other Muslims there too. So how do you explain that if its all aimed at Buddists or if all Muslims are bad.. why then do these Muslims get killed by other Muslims.

Some people are so driven that they do not care if they inflict casualties that are collateral damage.

Sunni and Shia Muslims have been killing each other for over a 1000 years, it is not a new phenomena.

Sweden, along with various other EU Countries have a major problem. That problem is being suppressed. I would take a guess that the thought of admitting to it, does not bear thinking about.

There is a problem for sure but that is different from condemning all Muslims like so many here on this board.

Right now with Muslims coming back from fighting for ISIS you got some violent dangerous people. They should be checked (or deported). I am not against action against Muslims that cause a problem. What I am against is the blanket judgement of all Muslims while in reality most of them just want to live their life.

Someone was talking about Muslim enclaves in other countries. Guys.. take a look at Pattaya and Phuket and other tourist area's you could call that farang enclaves. They don't all speak Thai there (often heard comment that Muslims don't speak the language of the country they live in while most foreigners probably speak less Thai as the average Muslim speaks the national language in their home country). When its voting time for Thais they can't drink and all of a sudden all the farangs try to break this.. talk about breaking the law in a country. We act just like the Muslims or any group for that matter that immigrates and flocks together.

Just go through the history of the USA and its immigrants.. little Italy, Chinatown... and all of a sudden Muslims are strange and bad when they do the same thing.

Just separate bad Muslims from those that want to live their own life in peace.

Just separate bad Muslims from those that want to live their own life in peace.

That would be easy.

That would be called integration and denouncing the " Bad " Muslims by the " Good " Muslims.

Now tell me where that happens in Sweden and across Europe ?

Now tell me where you are protesting and denouncing the BAD farangs in Thailand.. you don't .. why because you don't feel responsible for those and just want to lead your life.

Just separate bad Muslims from those that want to live their own life in peace.

That would be easy.

That would be called integration and denouncing the " Bad " Muslims by the " Good " Muslims.

Now tell me where that happens in Sweden and across Europe ?

Now tell me where you are protesting and denouncing the BAD farangs in Thailand.. you don't .. why because you don't feel responsible for those and just want to lead your life.

I personally do not know any bad farangs in Thailand, that is why I do not protest or denounce them.

The ones I do know have integrated fairly well into the Thai way of life.

I had the decency to answer.

Now you try the same.

Just separate bad Muslims from those that want to live their own life in peace.

That would be easy.

That would be called integration and denouncing the " Bad " Muslims by the " Good " Muslims.

Now tell me where that happens in Sweden and across Europe ?

Now tell me where you are protesting and denouncing the BAD farangs in Thailand.. you don't .. why because you don't feel responsible for those and just want to lead your life.

I personally do not know any bad farangs in Thailand, that is why I do not protest or denounce them.

The ones I do know have integrated fairly well into the Thai way of life.

I had the decency to answer.

Now you try the same.

Those Muslims also don't know the bad ones, that is the whole point im trying to make. They don't know them personally and they don't want to meet them.

Ill give you an other example.. you might get it or not in the Netherlands and Uk we have / had football hooligans.. they did a lot of damage. I have yet to see normal soccer fans denounce them. Why.. because they are not the same group. Same as you and me and bad farangs.

You just group all the Muslims together and say only way to be good is denounce the bad ones that you don't know. Give them the same chance you give yourself by saying I don't know them and or am not connected to them so I don't have to denounce them.


"Muslim community leaders addressed the gathering preaching tolerance." Meanwhile, their friends around the world behead infidels and stone women to death.

Really? All friends are they? Infidels getting beheaded in all countries around the world where there are muslims ? And women get stoned to death in all countries where there are muslims? You must in the lead for the prize for making the dumbest comment yet. Why don't you be honest and just write "I hate muslims and I am quite happy to write complete, misleading crap, and that feeds the current "Let's not let the truth get in the way, let's all just hate muslims!"

Did he say ALL??

Seems your comment would be the dumber one yet


I, too, have criticized much of the knee-jerk unthinking criticism of Thailand that appears on TVF. But the often time crude remarks we see here are as nothing when compared to taking over parts of a city and instituting your own laws on a de facto basis. In your own Netherlands it is unsafe to criticize Muslims--you can be killed for it. I don't know anywhere in Thailand that Thais are unsafe because of rampaging farangs. There is of course one place in Thailand where bombings, murder, and assassination are a common occurrence. But that is in Thailand's far south and the element doing the terrorism is a Muslim one.

How is it unsafe to criticize Muslims in the Netherlands ? I know of only 1 guy who died because of it and they got the person who did it. It happened before I even left for Thailand (if i still remember correctly) That is not too bad that is 1 incident in more then 10 years.

Your remark about Muslims doing the bombing in Thailand and killing.. you are right.. but you forget one important thing. They kill other Muslims there too. So how do you explain that if its all aimed at Buddists or if all Muslims are bad.. why then do these Muslims get killed by other Muslims.

Collateral damage?


Is it not ironic that we are discussing Muslim victim hood in Sweden when recently the police in Malmö had to close off some roads to prevent attacks on police stations by Muslims. Still I'm sure the politically correct Swedish police will investigate the Islamophobic attacks whilst aiding and abetting their leaders in their policy of national suicide.


About 25% of Malmo is now Muslim, this is the sort of action that takes place when their numbers increase, parts of Malmo are no go areas and an Islamic law unto themselves.

1) This information should be addressed to Swedish Gov't.

2) Be careful not to be prosecuted for inappropriate way of thinking (if you are a Swede).

3) Looking back at 2) I am abhorred at what happened to 'Democratic' Sweden.


Those Muslims also don't know the bad ones, that is the whole point im trying to make.

Actually, they do.

When the reporter who compiled the original report into the rapes of hundreds of children in Rotherham went to the Muslim community and it's leaders with her findings, she was rebuffed and ignored.

To say Muslims don't know what's happening in their own communities is plainly ridiculous.

You just group all the Muslims together and say only way to be good is denounce the bad ones that you don't know. Give them the same chance you give yourself by saying I don't know them and or am not connected to them so I don't have to denounce them.

No. I am not grouping all Muslims together. I am saying that in European Countries, the majority of Muslims have created Muslim enclaves. If you think that they do not know what is going on those communities, you are deluded.

As an example.

Catholic community in parts of N.Ireland. A small percentage were active terrorists. A larger percentage were " Sympathisers ". Most knew what was going on, when and where. A method of reducing collateral damage.

Loyalist communities exactly the same.

It is absolute folly to suggest that the Muslim communities are any different. The same would go for any other minority community that was engaging in lets say, nefarious activities.

As for your assumption that there are bad farangs in Pattaya and Phuket. I will take your word for it. I have been to neither and have no intention of ever going to them either.

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You just group all the Muslims together and say only way to be good is denounce the bad ones that you don't know. Give them the same chance you give yourself by saying I don't know them and or am not connected to them so I don't have to denounce them.

No. I am not grouping all Muslims together. I am saying that in European Countries, the majority of Muslims have created Muslim enclaves. If you think that they do not know what is going on those communities, you are deluded.

As an example.

Catholic community in parts of N.Ireland. A small percentage were active terrorists. A larger percentage were " Sympathisers ". Most knew what was going on, when and where. A method of reducing collateral damage.

Loyalist communities exactly the same.

It is absolute folly to suggest that the Muslim communities are any different. The same would go for any other minority community that was engaging in lets say, nefarious activities.

As for your assumption that there are bad farangs in Pattaya and Phuket. I will take your word for it. I have been to neither and have no intention of ever going to them either.

No I don't think Muslims are different, there will be a small percentage of active terrorists, then you got sympathizers. Do you think that 100% of the Catholics who lived there agreed with the violence. ? I doubt it I really doubt it. I think a larger part just wanted it all to be over. I think its the same goes for Muslims. I doubt that it was even over 50% that supported the violence (Catholics or loyalist)

Your example is a real good one for sure, so that is my point holding 100% responsible for the actions of a minority.

Your post is great, finally someone coming with facts and reason.

I doubt that it was even over 50% that supported the violence (Catholics or loyalist)


If 50% of Muslims in Europe supports what is going on. That is a frightening number compared to the entire population of N.Ireland.

The following quote is taken directly from a pro Muslim website. I would ask you to read that website. educate yourself and then come to your own conclusions.

(25 countries in the European Union which alone have 21 official languages) identify themselves as Muslims. The U.N. estimates Europe will be 55% Muslim by 2040.


The only other thing I will say on the matter. There is very little chance of me returning to Europe and I will probably already be dead by 2040.


No, this was a Muslim rally, just look the pictures.

My question is only:

HOW MANY church are there in Muslim countries?

Uuppsss ....

They are the most most pushy and violent people.

Why don't they go home simply instead of any rally ???

Do worry soon when the Muslims take over Sweden their will be no Churches in Sweden

I doubt that it was even over 50% that supported the violence (Catholics or loyalist)


If 50% of Muslims in Europe supports what is going on. That is a frightening number compared to the entire population of N.Ireland.

The following quote is taken directly from a pro Muslim website. I would ask you to read that website. educate yourself and then come to your own conclusions.

(25 countries in the European Union which alone have 21 official languages) identify themselves as Muslims. The U.N. estimates Europe will be 55% Muslim by 2040.


The only other thing I will say on the matter. There is very little chance of me returning to Europe and I will probably already be dead by 2040.

I don't think 50% is supporting it, i read numbers of 25% for Ira supporters (not actively helping). Now that was a warzone with bombings on both sides. So its bound to be higher there plus people would get killed by their own if they did not obey IRA. So i think the amount of muslims would be far below 25%.

I wonder how many of the posters here have actually had interactions with normal Muslims while they lived in their country. I know I have and the ones with a job were no different from you or I (especially the Turks). I worked with quite a few and none of them wanted Sharia or a war in Europe. They just wanted a promotion at work or a second car a nicer home. Just the same as everyone else.

I really wonder how many have worked with Muslims and how many people are just older posters who fear everything that isn't white skinned.

Now the other kind the young street criminals.. that is a different story. They should lock those up and throw away the key.. but the same goes for non Muslim street criminals. Groups of young people be they Muslim or white will always intimidate others. Just watch how safe you are with a group of drunk obnoxious white youths.


This is an old trick. The moslems demand more mosques then try to make it look like the local population is doing the demanding.

I agree about the "politicaly correct" brigade. They are evil.

  • Like 2
I doubt that it was even over 50% that supported the violence (Catholics or loyalist)


If 50% of Muslims in Europe supports what is going on. That is a frightening number compared to the entire population of N.Ireland.

The following quote is taken directly from a pro Muslim website. I would ask you to read that website. educate yourself and then come to your own conclusions.

(25 countries in the European Union which alone have 21 official languages) identify themselves as Muslims. The U.N. estimates Europe will be 55% Muslim by 2040.


The only other thing I will say on the matter. There is very little chance of me returning to Europe and I will probably already be dead by 2040.

The wording is 5% of the EU countries identify themselves as Muslim; that statement in itself is erroneous. The relevant European countries, from your link, with a relatively large Muslim population are listed below. It is accurate to state not one are currently a member country of the EU.



Bosnia and Herzegovina



The only countries that would identify themselves as Muslim would be Kosovo & Albania, that in anycase are secular.

I do not believe the claim the UN has stated Europe will have a total population of 55% identying themselves as Muslim by 2040 - where is the link to the UN agency report?


Oh and comparing farang immigrants in Thailand with muslim immigrants in Sweden is ridiculous. Farang immigrants in Thailand can only stay if they can support themselves financially and usually get kicked out if they commit crime.


British paedophile arrested in Thailand for 6th time.

Hence the word "usually".

After reading the link I notice that he has been arrested several times but charges have been dropped or cases are ongoing, therefore as far as the law is concerned he is not yet a criminal. Maybe I should have specified "convicted criminals", but I assumed that was obvious.

  • Like 2

HOW MANY church are there in Muslim countries?

Quite a few.

Here's a list of the oldest ones in Indonesia, the largest Islamic population on Earth:


And a list of Christian Churches in Pakistan, home to about 200,000,000 muslims.


Hope that helps you a little bit. smile.png

We know how safe the Pakistani muslims are don't we.

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