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Why do Thai's (especially the women) have such a false sense of reality concering money?

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sounds like you married a live one!

what gets me about the lying is when they accuse me of lying (falsely) based on absolutely no evidence apart from what's going on in their head or something their 'friend' has told them.

only the other day i was having coffee with an exgf who told me a replacement uk passport cost 100 baht. i said no, it costs about 100 pounds. she wouldnt have it and called me a liar. i said i would show her on a web site the cost. of course she didnt want to know. all reinforcing the reason she got chucked.

she has a good job and can be reasonably balanced, so what upcountry girls are like a dread to think.

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i earn very very good money in the oil and gas, working at the moment in angola,,

but guess what, i still bought a second hand pick up and a second hand m,bike,

just some of us arnt flash

I know that not everyone is flash. These people do not work in the oil and gas industry. They are not owners of their businesses or anything like that. They both have mundane office type jobs and posses no skills and can't speak a word of English. As to the Thai girl living in France working at an airport - Are you telling me a girl fresh off the farm in Thailand can rock up in France, barely speak the language and land herself a 70k job just like that?

I'm just saying these people are obviously lying, Thai's love to 'show power', they nearly all over-egg the pudding when talking about their own incomes. Yes some street vendors will possibly clear a lot more money than people think, yes some taxi drivers will earn a lot if they get a great position.

Do you really think these tales that Thais tell have credibility? Really?

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i earn very very good money in the oil and gas, working at the moment in angola,,

but guess what, i still bought a second hand pick up and a second hand m,bike,

just some of us arnt flash

I know that not everyone is flash. These people do not work in the oil and gas industry. They are not owners of their businesses or anything like that. They both have mundane office type jobs and posses no skills and can't speak a word of English. As to the Thai girl living in France working at an airport - Are you telling me a girl fresh off the farm in Thailand can rock up in France, barely speak the language and land herself a 70k job just like that?

I'm just saying these people are obviously lying, Thai's love to 'show power', they nearly all over-egg the pudding when talking about their own incomes. Yes some street vendors will possibly clear a lot more money than people think, yes some taxi drivers will earn a lot if they get a great position.

Do you really think these tales that Thais tell have credibility? Really?

im just saying to you my freind that they dont all lie,,,,,as you said they did,,

the best way is just dont listen, in one ear out the other,

if some one in the village said to my wife and me they earn this and that, i would just say good luck to you,

thats why i told my wife, dont go telling people what i earn, or what we earn from the pigs,

its our bussines,

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In respect of money Thais appear both remarkably opaque, but also very open. You can ask anyone how much their shop /house rent is and how much the noodle stall makes. But there is a huge amount of face involved. Many Thais we know are quite rich; but they would not want you to know exactly how! And very often they, as with many people in the 'Orient' do not want to display wealth. Sometimes they drive huge cars (HP!), sometimes it is 'family money' often acquired over generations and the accumulation of land with associated rental and other income. Basic salaries are easy to determine poor or rich. How much for a month in 7/11?For managerial positions look at the job adverts in Thai papers and Bangkok Post. (And don't forget 'bonuses') What seems to happen is that there is a "conflation" from the particular to the general. There are plenty of reasonably wealthy people on TV with assets and substantial incomes, as there are anywhere. There seems to be a presupposition on the part of many Thais that 'foreign' wealth is somehow a 'norm'. I should think nowadays many Chinese, Korean and Chinese visitors to LOS are far wealthier than europeans; but the stereotype sticks. In this case looks like there is another 'agenda'!!

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@OP, simple answer to your question - lack of education (including mathematic) and role models in the families. It isn't a special women problem.

She believes it. Then facts or reality are enemies of the truth.That's your/her problem.

As proven by the religions over the centuries, facts don't have a big chance against faith/believe.

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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

that is a great and true way when it comes to thai woman
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This discussion reminds me of a stripper I knew in Hurley Wisconsin. I do think it is more a universal issue among undedicated go go dancers the world over rather than specific to Thailand.

You're right, but there's also the issue of what causes what...and this is the sort of mentality that causes people to be poor.

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This discussion reminds me of a stripper I knew in Hurley Wisconsin. I do think it is more a universal issue among undedicated go go dancers the world over rather than specific to Thailand.

You're right, but there's also the issue of what causes what...and this is the sort of mentality that causes people to be poor.

Lack of education. Look at all the people on TV who resort to stereotypes in almost every thread. An uneducated farm girl, go go dancer from Wisconsin is not much different than a farm girl from Issan dancing in Bangkok. Rich people get richer because among other things they give their children a good education.

I like bimbos/strippers and have spent a lot of time with them in Thailand and the USA and Canada. The Canadian bimbos are the brightest of the lot but still bimbos.

Although if lost in the jungle definitely choose a Thai go go dancer companion. Not only can she dance to songs in her head; the jungle is like a grocery store to Issan ladies.

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