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Why do Thai's (especially the women) have such a false sense of reality concering money?

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Probably more to the point. Why do you blokes marry these birds?

Pretty simple. Great and constant sex (at least initially), thinking with the wrong head, and her not showing her true colours until well after signing on the dotted line. I even had outlined exactly what I made before we got married and what lifestyle we would be able to afford. But once the friends start up and get in her ear, after the ring is on, well as Jake said, its all about keeping up with the Joneses, and if you cant, well someone else surely will be able to do so for her.

But that will be the last time for me, ie putting a ring on it as they say. In the meantime, I don't think I need to tell anyone that LOS is single man's paradise. I even had an old ugly massage lady last time I was in Pattaya tell me that exact same line whilst getting a normal massage - I had to agree with her.

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I have to vent a little, because this is something that has really, really, really started to annoy the hell out of me. Why do all lower class Thai's have completely unrealistic views about money? My wife's friend married a Frenchman, moved to France and got a job at the airport. Now I'm not sure what kind of job a badly educated Thai girl can get, but I'm as sure as hell it isn't what her friend told her. Her friend said that she earns 6,000 euros per month and that her husband earns 30,000 euros per month. I said to my wife, 'she's lying', my wife did what all Thai women do and says her friend is not a liar and that it's me who's stupid. Last week we went to visit another of her friends, she says her husband makes 90,000 TBH per month and that her friend (his wife) earns 80,000 THB per month. I said 'if they really earned that much why do they drive an old beat up car and live in a dump a million miles away from where they both work?' She flew into a rage and said 'my friend not be liar'.

This is constant. We even talked about good paying jobs and she said that Thai Air pilots earn more than two million baht per month. I immediately said 'no they don't', one of my friends is a pilot for Virgin and I know he earns good money but he doesn't earn that much in the UK, but Virgin is one of the highest paying airlines and Thai Air pay so badly they can't even keep their pilots. I looked into it and found a pilots forum and I was right, Thai Air pilots are on terrible money and nowhere even close to the industry standard pay. I shown her this and she kicked the computer, flew into a tirade and started screaming about how it's only me who's poor.

I just hate seeing people lied to, and getting false expectations. No matter how many times I tell her that in the UK if someone is earning more than 25k per year it's a good job they've got, she thinks I'm lying because all her friends in the UK earn 25k (uk pounds) each month and all drive Rolls Royces (okay an exaggeration but you know what I mean). I even said 'maybe your friends in the UK are all prostitutes, because nobody I know earns that kind of money except drug dealers and prostitutes'. She flew into a tirade again!

Are all Thai's so completely and utterly clueless as to the real world? I was recently back in the UK for four months and all the Thai's I saw in London all had one thing in common, they all looked desperately unhappy, oh and poor. I haven't told my wife this because I fear she'll fly into yet another tirade.

I live in the U.S. And those salaries (80,000bt and (90,000bt/mo) are not unrealistic. To be honest, they are a little on the low end....it's that she's using it to manipulate you into giving her more money, not that her friends are lying to her.

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I live in the U.S. And those salaries (80,000bt and (90,000bt/mo) are not unrealistic. To be honest, they are a little on the low end....it's that she's using it to manipulate you into giving her more money, not that her friends are lying to her.

Those were the wages she claimed her Thai friends earned in Thailand.

She claimed her unskilled female Thai friend in Europe was earning 240,000bht/month

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I live in the U.S. And those salaries (80,000bt and (90,000bt/mo) are not unrealistic. To be honest, they are a little on the low end....it's that she's using it to manipulate you into giving her more money, not that her friends are lying to her.

Those were the wages she claimed her Thai friends earned in Thailand.

She claimed her unskilled female Thai friend in Europe was earning 240,000bht/month

My bad... But shes still a manipulator.

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If she keeps on just go get a new mango off the mango tree , thais are like mangos on a mango tree .

Funny... that's just what Thais say about farangs, only it's farangs on a dtohn farang.

That's just not true,

Easy to earn 500-1,000bht in after a hooker bar evening, quite another thing to find a foreigner that will live with you and pay for everything.

Not to mention, the level of language skills, aggressiveness, attractiveness and youth a Thai woman needs to play in the first place.

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Good to know. I recently only found out the extent of the gold diggerness of Thai women, I thought it was mostly the lower class and bar girl types.

This level of stupidity would be very hard to deal with, you must be a very patient guy.

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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

What's the obsession with age?

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i earn very very good money in the oil and gas, working at the moment in angola,,

but guess what, i still bought a second hand pick up and a second hand m,bike,

just some of us arnt flash

I know that not everyone is flash. These people do not work in the oil and gas industry. They are not owners of their businesses or anything like that. They both have mundane office type jobs and posses no skills and can't speak a word of English. As to the Thai girl living in France working at an airport - Are you telling me a girl fresh off the farm in Thailand can rock up in France, barely speak the language and land herself a 70k job just like that?

I'm just saying these people are obviously lying, Thai's love to 'show power', they nearly all over-egg the pudding when talking about their own incomes. Yes some street vendors will possibly clear a lot more money than people think, yes some taxi drivers will earn a lot if they get a great position.

Do you really think these tales that Thais tell have credibility? Really?

im just saying to you my freind that they dont all lie,,,,,as you said they did,,

the best way is just dont listen, in one ear out the other,

if some one in the village said to my wife and me they earn this and that, i would just say good luck to you,

thats why i told my wife, dont go telling people what i earn, or what we earn from the pigs,

its our bussines,

what we earn from the pigs, your on the inside then??

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Are all Thai's so completely and utterly clueless as to the real world? I was recently back in the UK for four months and all the Thai's I saw in London all had one thing in common, they all looked desperately unhappy, oh and poor. I haven't told my wife this because I fear she'll fly into yet another tirade.

Nope not all. Only the stupid ones.

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I have heard so many Thai women go on like those in the Op. Almost always to get extra money.

Those that do ask for extra, call their bluff. Plenty more out there to be had. The difficult part is finding a 'keeper', yet they are out there and there are plenty in the 'lower classes'.

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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

yep, my gf tries this tactic on with me too, you will be pleased to hear she is ignored, nevertheless well looked after..

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Rule number one about Thais,

MONEY NUMBER one, the first thing we/i get ask when bringing a present with me for the Thai family , HOW MUCH IT COST, How much I get Paid.

Good title for a book. Have you considered writing one?

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Thai men marry the best marriage prospect they can, the most intelligent and best working woman they can. They keep the pretty little gold diggers in the bar and on the side. The majority of farang men however are yet to learn.

So so true.... Only motorbike taxi drivers and bar boys marry Thai bar girls. Farangs are stupid and willing to take seconds or lower end girls with hopes it all works out. Some work out many don't ....
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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

Unless of course you actually like her.

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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

Unless of course you actually like her.

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Yep, they all lie about how much they and their friends earn (or given by men).

It's a way of trying to extract more money from you.

What she is really saying is,

"all my friends get more money from their man, than I do, so give me more"

There is a very simple answer to this challenge, call her bluff!

"If you think you can find a guy who will provide you with more, I will be sorry to see you leave"

Works every time with my gf, who is in her 30s and too old to find a new guy (that will pay more).

I'm happy with my gf, but reality for her is, I can find a girl in her 20s for not much more money.

You wife/gf is instantly replaceable in Thailand for a younger one, no need to hang on to the old one.

that is a great and true way when it comes to thai woman

I just read a few of your posts georgemand and I have to say you really seem to dislike Thais. I was going to say that you should learn the language and you might change your mind but on second thoughts, learn English first eh!

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Also, the fact that she does not value or respect your opinion is a sign that she is not worthy of your time, nor attention. Unless of course you have low self esteem, and enjoy being mistreated. Just move on. There are plenty of other gals out there that are far more respectful, and far less ignorant.

Were the OP's courtship orgasms so intense that he was completely blinded to the fact that his wife despises him?

Honestly, though, the guy's obviously a troll but there are plenty of guys who've found themselves in this predicament

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