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French man found hanged in Koh Tao with his hands tied behind his back – foul play suspected

Lite Beer

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Can we be spared photos of the deceased.... if they have not already been posted to facebook, that would be an improvement. Does anyone know if his next of kin has been notified and the name of the deceased.

And while i'm making requests, someone slap the reporter how is this a murder suicide??? Is there another corpse or evidence this person snuffed out another life shortly before their own??

I agree. Please don't post images of this poor chap hanging.

I will allow the image of the tied wrists but nothing more than that. Other mods may feel even this is too much and may remove these too.

How can we conduct our investigations with no pictures ??

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Can we be spared photos of the deceased.... if they have not already been posted to facebook, that would be an improvement. Does anyone know if his next of kin has been notified and the name of the deceased.

And while i'm making requests, someone slap the reporter how is this a murder suicide??? Is there another corpse or evidence this person snuffed out another life shortly before their own??

I agree. Please don't post images of this poor chap hanging.

I will allow the image of the tied wrists but nothing more than that. Other mods may feel even this is too much and may remove these too.

How can we conduct our investigations with no pictures ??

You don't conduct investigations. Here we discuss reputable news sources only.

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You can tie your hands in front ,then walk through them .This case stinks though .

Did you see how tight the knots are. Even in front of him he would be hard pushed to get those perfect knots. You should try get a couple of shoe laces and see if you can tie yourself up in knots ?

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Let the investigation take it's course. Thailand is not rife with serial killers or gangsters, most of them come here on the plane.

Thailand is rife with at least mobsters, gangsters and scammers... serial killers are an American thing.

Most coming in on the planes are tourists.

Serial killers can be from any country. It's just less likely to be reported or investigated properly in certain countries. One of the most prollific serial killers ever was from the communist Soviet Union. There's a good movie about it starring Donald Sutherland. The movie will also show you why these things happen(ed) but don't get reported as much as they do in the free nations. Propaganda etc. You'll hardly ever hear about a Chinese. North Korean, Iranian or Thai serial killer (at the moment anyway). There are reasons for this and it's not always down to cultural reasons. Thailand will have its fair share of nutters like anywhere else.



This might be a bit of an eye opener for you.

So you beleive that these figures include unreported cases? Can you see cases being reported in China? It is listed on this study, but with only 41 serial killers. With that population and corrution level you believe that? This study only seems to relate to reported/cases tried in court. Policing and detection levels are much better in the highest scoring nations. The USA does have a lot of killers, but for someone to say all serial killers come over on planes from the USA is crazy.

Also, almost half of the murders in the USA on this list are by gun. Stupid gun laws and the ease in purchasing guns is also to blame here. Hot heads in most countries get into fights, due to having no gun. Hot heads in the USA shoot people.

Edited by Fatty123
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Any Burmese running around, they can pin it on? This type of "suicide"is common in Pattaya! apparently the the locals don't question the prod. Always goes away. Be careful out there folks, this really is the "Wild West". Take it seriously.

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Just when you think it can't get any worse for Koh Tao. What the hell is going on there ?! Cue the apologists "it can happen anywhere". "

RIP to yet another poor foreigner.

Unfounded and ill thought-out Thai bashing BS. Take a look at these stats...which one might have done before posting.


These aren't the only stats, but I'm referencing these so that you can rank the countries for yourself. Rank away to your heart's content, and you'll find that despite your assertion, Thailand came in 106th......

"Yeah, just much much more likely in Thailand than anywhere else." .......... coffee1.gif

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Can we be spared photos of the deceased.... if they have not already been posted to facebook, that would be an improvement. Does anyone know if his next of kin has been notified and the name of the deceased.

And while i'm making requests, someone slap the reporter how is this a murder suicide??? Is there another corpse or evidence this person snuffed out another life shortly before their own??

I agree. Please don't post images of this poor chap hanging.

I will allow the image of the tied wrists but nothing more than that. Other mods may feel even this is too much and may remove these too.

Whilst I agree, I've not seen any photographs of said corpse and wouldn't click on any links to them either. I also have not seen ONE photograph of the murdered couple. They're very easy to avoid if you ignore your baser instincts whistling.gif and simply don't access them. Who'd want to have those images in their heads defeats me blink.png

The photos of this poor chap hanging have been posted by members and then removed by mods.

You are quite right, there's no reason to show such images here.

Folks, please show so restraint, respect and sense when posting images of crime scenes on this forum. Thanks

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Sadly i don,t think the majority of the foreigners get that. Seem to have the attitude i will do anything i please. It has reached a boiling point from all the disrespect over the years. Perhaps it is payback time.

To all the foreigners visiting or living here in Thailand just please be careful not to bump-heads w the locals.I grew up here and I've visited almost all places in TH(part of my job too).I can speak Thai and honestly I never had a prob w them but then again I'm Southeast Asian too.They just don't like foreigners who disrespect them in their own country no matter who they are or what they are.

Just please avoid getting in a fight w them.That's the first rule to keep in mind when coming here.

That is absolute none sense.

Murder is justifiable payback for some else's miss-perceived disrespect ??

A sad and pathetic attempt to distract and spin a defense.

Your insinuation is so very ugly.

You must be of the " she was wearing a short pink skirt and deserved it " brigade.

I agree. Stop putting the blame on the victims. It just gives the criminal more justification and power to continue. What they should doing is informing thai that confrontation in the correct non abusive way is healthy. You can't keep going around beating up and killing the foreigners.

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No conspiracy theories on this one please.


Rest in peace to the victim.

Yes, the "Victim" is now resting in Peace. Most conspiracy theories have some basis. No real facts have come out to

base an opinion about what really happened-- unless, of course, you read this initial report and smelled something funny.

The report would be really laughable if the event wasn't so tragic.

The person who wrote the article may be the one at fault for not reporting in a professional manner. Misunderstanding

has happened in Many other articles about varied subjects--have no idea who the writers are or do the Police write

the articles and are copied here? Have no idea.

Without a) the lacerations in the body B) the photos of the deceased c) the prior MO given by a person, graphic enough to match the scene or d) a mystery frenchman providing a testimony on prev. mentioned related case - I'd given some benefit of doubt for the situation. So far the original leaks came from (Khaw or ข่าว) Thailand Online, and a Burmese democracy blogger - the photographer is still unknown. There appears to be some officials one might want to have a word in the background of the photo with the hands tied behind his back (included)


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No conspiracy theories on this one please.


Rest in peace to the victim.

Yes, the "Victim" is now resting in Peace. Most conspiracy theories have some basis. No real facts have come out to

base an opinion about what really happened-- unless, of course, you read this initial report and smelled something funny.

The report would be really laughable if the event wasn't so tragic.

The person who wrote the article may be the one at fault for not reporting in a professional manner. Misunderstanding

has happened in Many other articles about varied subjects--have no idea who the writers are or do the Police write

the articles and are copied here? Have no idea.

Without a) the lacerations in the body cool.png the photos of the deceased c) the prior MO given by a person, graphic enough to match the scene or d) a mystery frenchman providing a testimony on prev. mentioned related case - I'd given some benefit of doubt for the situation. So far the original leaks came from (Khaw or ข่าว) Thailand Online, and a Burmese democracy blogger - the photographer is still unknown. There appears to be some officials one might want to have a word in the background of the photo with the hands tied behind his back (included)


Jabis, my memory is getting frail, but did I not recently read that there was a witness to the recent Koh Tao murders and that this was a Frenchman?

Or am I imagining that?

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Let us hope that the French government will not be as supine as their UK counterparts and demand a full investigation is done, led by the military from Bangkok, and that the true perpetrators of this and other crimes are brought to book.

For now, my plans to relocate with my Thai wife to Thailand are on indefinite hold. We are safer here in the Middle East. She's from Pattani. A lovely town in what should be a wonderful country.

Thai authorities, get a grip before it is too late.

I doubt the French have any more clout than the British. They can try the EU route. Germany would have more clout than Britain and France, but even so, no country would really allow another to dictate its internal processes.

If France makes a noise the Thais will make the usual platitudes - assurances of a first class investigation by a force who already tried to pass this off as suicide and completely screwed their investigation into the murder of 2 Brits.

There was another young Brit from Bristol found dead after the previous murder.BBC reported local police had informed his mum in Bristol. That story seems to have totally died now.

If you're in Bahrain, Qatar, UAE or Oman and can keep working then I'd stay there if I were you, for the time being.

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Perhaps he started to ask inconvenient questions on that island about the double rape and murder? Perhaps he had a cool business idea that would divert some of the mafia head's business income into his pocket, such as solar energy? He perhaps planned to open a disco, or a dive shop? Or did he - in the end - accidentally fall in love with a girl "owned" by the mafia king pin's son? So many questions, so little answers.

RIP to the unfortunate Frenchman, condolences to family and friends.

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No conspiracy theories on this one please.


Rest in peace to the victim.

Yes, the "Victim" is now resting in Peace. Most conspiracy theories have some basis. No real facts have come out to

base an opinion about what really happened-- unless, of course, you read this initial report and smelled something funny.

The report would be really laughable if the event wasn't so tragic.

The person who wrote the article may be the one at fault for not reporting in a professional manner. Misunderstanding

has happened in Many other articles about varied subjects--have no idea who the writers are or do the Police write

the articles and are copied here? Have no idea.

Without a) the lacerations in the body cool.png the photos of the deceased c) the prior MO given by a person, graphic enough to match the scene or d) a mystery frenchman providing a testimony on prev. mentioned related case - I'd given some benefit of doubt for the situation. So far the original leaks came from (Khaw or ข่าว) Thailand Online, and a Burmese democracy blogger - the photographer is still unknown. There appears to be some officials one might want to have a word in the background of the photo with the hands tied behind his back (included)


Jabis, my memory is getting frail, but did I not recently read that there was a witness to the recent Koh Tao murders and that this was a Frenchman?

Or am I imagining that?

No, I saw something. However it was just a post on here and I wasn't too sure whether something had been lost in translation as there was no source quoted. Maybe somebody can correct.

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Just when you think it can't get any worse for Koh Tao. What the hell is going on there ?! Cue the apologists "it can happen anywhere". "

RIP to yet another poor foreigner.

Unfounded and ill thought-out Thai bashing BS. Take a look at these stats...which one might have done before posting.


These aren't the only stats, but I'm referencing these so that you can rank the countries for yourself. Rank away to your heart's content, and you'll find that despite your assertion, Thailand came in 106th......

"Yeah, just much much more likely in Thailand than anywhere else." .......... coffee1.gif

Well aren't you the little ranker possum!

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To all the foreigners visiting or living here in Thailand just please be careful not to bump-heads w the locals.I grew up here and I've visited almost all places in TH(part of my job too).I can speak Thai and honestly I never had a prob w them but then again I'm Southeast Asian too.They just don't like foreigners who disrespect them in their own country no matter who they are or what they are.

Just please avoid getting in a fight w them.That's the first rule to keep in mind when coming here.

Should really be described as common sense. Not liking being disrespected by a foreigner in your own country is a character trait not exclusive to the Thais. However, it is how it is handled. It is more often than not about business, women, traffic etc. I was recently at a holiday resort in the far south of Thailand frequented by a lot of young backpackers. If they could understand Thai and the way the young local Thai men spoke about them they would be horrified. Especially the women. I was shocked and disgusted and found it hard to keep my mouth shut. But I did. For the very reason you state here. Self-preservation

Unfortunately understanding Thai is a double edged sword, as I find out every time I go outside.

'Why hasn't he gone home yet?' is the phrase I am hearing most now. This from strangers who have never set eyes on me before. Then the curt 'funny' remarks to friends, and the insults which just seem to come out in the same uncontrollable way a cough or a sneeze might.

So true. Sometimes I think I was better off not understanding what was being said around me.

I remember an old hand telling me years ago: if you want to live (survive) in Thailand then don't learn Thai. I can see the wisdom in this but in my own case I studied the language and alas...there are so many times when I wish I was still a dumb illiterate foreigner, which is how the vast majority of Thais prefer us to be.

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Let us hope that the French government will not be as supine as their UK counterparts and demand a full investigation is done, led by the military from Bangkok, and that the true perpetrators of this and other crimes are brought to book.

For now, my plans to relocate with my Thai wife to Thailand are on indefinite hold. We are safer here in the Middle East. She's from Pattani. A lovely town in what should be a wonderful country.

Thai authorities, get a grip before it is too late.

I doubt the French have any more clout than the British. They can try the EU route. Germany would have more clout than Britain and France, but even so, no country would really allow another to dictate its internal processes.

If France makes a noise the Thais will make the usual platitudes - assurances of a first class investigation by a force who already tried to pass this off as suicide and completely screwed their investigation into the murder of 2 Brits.

There was another young Brit from Bristol found dead after the previous murder.BBC reported local police had informed his mum in Bristol. That story seems to have totally died now.

If you're in Bahrain, Qatar, UAE or Oman and can keep working then I'd stay there if I were you, for the time being.

This one?


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Let the investigation take it's course. Thailand is not rife with serial killers or gangsters, most of them come here on the plane.

This article does not make any sense, first he talks about suicide then they discover his hands tied behind his back.

Surely the police could see him tied but then it is Koh Tao.

As for your comments about Killers and Gangsters, methinks you lead a sheltered life.

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Can we be spared photos of the deceased.... if they have not already been posted to facebook, that would be an improvement. Does anyone know if his next of kin has been notified and the name of the deceased.

And while i'm making requests, someone slap the reporter how is this a murder suicide??? Is there another corpse or evidence this person snuffed out another life shortly before their own??

I agree. Please don't post images of this poor chap hanging.

I will allow the image of the tied wrists but nothing more than that. Other mods may feel even this is too much and may remove these too.

Whilst I agree, I've not seen any photographs of said corpse and wouldn't click on any links to them either. I also have not seen ONE photograph of the murdered couple. They're very easy to avoid if you ignore your baser instincts whistling.gif and simply don't access them. Who'd want to have those images in their heads defeats me blink.png

The photos of this poor chap hanging have been posted by members and then removed by mods.

You are quite right, there's no reason to show such images here.

Folks, please show so restraint, respect and sense when posting images of crime scenes on this forum. Thanks

Agreed. I only put up a cropped image of the hands to show he could not have tied those

knots himself..

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