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Monkeys destroy cables and cause fire in Chomsin Road near mountain


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Just thought I'd share a funny/interesting story!

I think it was Tuesday just gone when I woke up really hot as the air con has turned off due to a power cut, around 5 or 6am. A few hours later it came back on, after which I got up and went to use the Internet - it was off.

I asked the neighbour and he said everyone was off (and cable TV) as monkeys (of which there are loads, near the bins on Chomsin road, at the end of my road, and near the mountain before the Chinese cemetery) had been climbing on the poles as usual and caused a fire/bang/explosion or whatever.

I went to look in the street and there were HUNDREDS of cables everywhere strewn across the road, dangling down, many melted into a big black melted heap beneath one of the poles. There were about 5 cars/trucks there with True, TOT, 3BB etc and others doing the repairs. Thankfully TOT came back on late afternoon which was great. But they're still fixing the mess today - 4 days later!

I'm surprised that they authorities/Internet companies got their act together and fixed things so quickly, though there's still a mess in the road. Wonder when it will happen again, as I frequently see the monkeys on the cables in the middle of the road. Unfortunately, lots of Thais and even a few stupid farangs come and feed them, which just encourages them (I guess they don't live near here), and the security gates around the bins are absolutely no deterrent as there's frequently monkeys in the cages, going through the rubbish and making an absolute mess everywhere. Crazy old Thailand! :-)


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