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Definitely many Thai need an adjustment as far as ethics and morals is concerned. It is not up to the generals to instigate a ministry of morals and ethics.

Kids need to learn in school (!?) and may be kids can teach their parents.

I am always wondering where the lack of morals and ethics finds its origin.

Among other the introduction of capitalism ( in terms of greed) could have a lot to do with it.

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Thais actually have moral...

But it is requires you making them "lose face" to activate it. (You tell them, that they did something morally wrong)

And that is when they are morally allowed to kill you :-)


Stopped reading after "obedience to seniority in society". English is not my first language, but this sounds to me a bit like follow the leaders without questioning. Death of any progress.


Thanks for the laughs, some of you guys are comic geniuses.

I can imagine that a lot of the foreigners posting on this topic, who say the Thai people have little or no morals, themselves possess the morals of a Patpong sewer rat, and many of them (not all of them of course) were only attracted to Thailand so they could exercise freely that lack of morals.

Keep the comedy going, it is good therapy after a hard day's work. clap2.gifcheesy.gif


Great to read such positive posts. With all the Western countries so righteous it is a wonder any one bothers to come to Thailand. But hold on I just remembered the Western governments are as corrupt as he day is long. The USA ignored ballot papers because it suited the outcome, the UK was furious over the expenses but only because they got caught out. Name one Western country that is without corruption? Difference is they cover it up more.

But what really is puzzling is if Thailand is so bad, so expensive and so backward why did many of the TV members who comment chose not just to come here but continue to stay? I guess most are masochists there is no other reason.


Thanks for the laughs, some of you guys are comic geniuses.

I can imagine that a lot of the foreigners posting on this topic, who say the Thai people have little or no morals, themselves possess the morals of a Patpong sewer rat, and many of them (not all of them of course) were only attracted to Thailand so they could exercise freely that lack of morals.

Keep the comedy going, it is good therapy after a hard day's work. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

I came here for the street food.....

  • Like 1

Thanks for the laughs, some of you guys are comic geniuses.

I can imagine that a lot of the foreigners posting on this topic, who say the Thai people have little or no morals, themselves possess the morals of a Patpong sewer rat, and many of them (not all of them of course) were only attracted to Thailand so they could exercise freely that lack of morals.

Keep the comedy going, it is good therapy after a hard day's work. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

I came here for the street food.....

I first came here to do an English teaching course, have not taught a lesson yet but have a beautiful wife and son, so it was not a complete waste of time.

Oh, and I do like the street food. biggrin.png

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"We should not have to wait until a law is passed before we raise a stink about it."

Where is the stink?

The impression given by a seemingly relunctant and accommodating Thai public of the Junta's ever tightening control over the population is sadly encouraging the Junta to even further manipulation. The Junta is like a child who demands sweets and when given sweets, it demands even more. If the Thai people accept less freedom, they will get less - it is a downward spiraling cycle towards a totalitarian society.

The nation's political leaders express "concerns" about the Junta's governance of the nation but take no direct opposition - still hoping for their place in the sun of the new empire? The Junta is following the classic oligarchy governance of placating public activism with a combination of insignificant financial handouts and intimidation - "we give you a little and you give us a lot." The Thai people are proud of having never been made a colony nor conquered by a foreign power. But they have been subjugated to the same degree internally.

Only bravery and sacarfice can truly raise a stink. The future began yesterday. If you wait for tomorrow to change the future, it's already too late.

ricky, you seem to care a lot more about the Junta than most of the Thai people I know. And from what I have seen and heard over the years the average Thai could not give a rat's ass what bs came out of Bangkok, no matter who is in power.

The only time they really react is when they are hit in the pocket, as in ripped off rice farmers.

A lot of the jackboot oppression you carry on about is all in your mind, everyday life in Thailand seems very similar to what it was pre-coup days, minus the killings on the streets.

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Perhaps if section of defamation law that allows lawsuit even when reporting the truth were ditched, then just maybe press could fulfill it's function of reporting what is really going on. Then the public could decide whether or not to keep those sociopath types in power via voting booth... oh, I forgot. This is Thailand.... this current proposal is so out of bounds it even boggles an old timers mind such as mine.

An informed population is absolutely essential to a functional democracy, anything that restricts freedom of speech (except cases like the shouting fire in a theater kind of situation) chips away at the foundation.

You can't have a properly working democracy where opinions and facts are silenced, pretty difficult if morals are dictated too; how about if someone wants to stand up and call BS to the notion that obedience to seniority is a moral rule to abide by?


A morals council, eh? Having a laugh, aren't they? Just another project to use as a tool for the personal gain of the organizers. Hope they don't start taking themselves too seriously and extend the reach of the fun and games and start busting too many heads.

It goes without saying that morality can't be enforced by govt.'s, schools, or even parents, it has to be inspired by upholding moral behavior with intelligence and compassion in one's own conduct. If people cannot desist from acting in a selfish and capricious manner in positions of responsibility, or anywhere else it is due to systemic and social problems that make upstanding moral behavior difficult to impossible. A government council on morality is at best just a public relations deception strategy or gone to far a tool to oppress people using morality as the excuse.

"it has to be inspired by upholding moral behavior with intelligence and compassion in one's own conduct. If people cannot desist from acting in a selfish and capricious manner in positions of responsibility, or anywhere else it is due to systemic and social problems that make upstanding moral behavior difficult to impossible."

There lies the schizoid side of the idea, how can people stop acting irresponsibly when avoiding responsibility for one's actions and looking the other way to avoid conflict are practically the national pastime? The higher up the totem pole the worse it gets.

Lately, I think, it has been getting better; people are more likely to cry foul when they see wrong. But there is still a long way to go on the issue.


"And who can forget that short film with Adolf Hitler in it?"

Come on, who are you trying to BS. Hitler is already dead for many year, how could he be staring in Prayuth film?


There cannot be such a thing as 'Thai morals' because Thais, whoever they may be, and Sino Thais do not share a common morality.If you take "Do as you would be done by" as the Golden Rule., then Thailand is clearly a country without either ethics or morals. But where is so different?! People!

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