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What is a reasonable income for living in Thailand?

Bill Miller

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if a lady doesn't contribute with a man means she is using him unless if she really can't work and she is taking care of the family,then her job is to minimize the expense of her bf not spending his money on her family, whoever told you that you are obliged to take care of her and her family is ONLY seeking your money now and in the future, and remember the more you spend on a lady's parents the more they will say you are a ^KOIY^ and the less you spend the more the parents will say about you ^kiniyaow^ so if you get my point both act you will get headache and in the future you will realize that this lady or any other lady who tell you to take care of her and her family is only USING you same an ATM and if you ignore what i am writing and you don't understand my words means you are the big new fish in Thailand who will in a matter of time write his story about how his Thai gf or wife have used him and took everything from him then kicked him out.


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One million a month or year?

The way the op is talking I am hoping its per month

$30,000 a month and he said not Hiso. He does not seem to continue with answers or further comments here so I am assuming annual income. If its monthly one must wonder if he is a misplaced rockets scientist or what. I am going with Troll post for sure.beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

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I make from min 50K to 100K a month depending on business. I pay the rent of 10K a month

GF earns 30K a month, but she saves 10K and send another 5K to her parents so she is left with 15K spending money.

On the months I make only 50K, we struggle a bit, as her 15K usually only lasts her 3 weeks and I give her 5K so after rent I only have 35K.

Ii also pay child support of 10K a month, which then give me 25K a month.

So I basically live off 25K a month (on a bad) with all living expenses paid.

If I didnt drink, I could easily live off that, but I am out about 4 nights a week so it can get a bit thin.

But I probably average about 70 to 80K a month and I can live very comfortably with that and even have a trip to Hua hin or Pattaya for a weekend.

Were you asked to relate your income and expense report? Who cares about your money and expense. This topic is not about you and your expenses.

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With 65 KB pm you would be upper middle class, not HiSo.

If you want to cope with Bangkok HiSo snobs you would need more, but in this case you wouldn't need to ask TVF, would you?

Didn't need to ask TVF in the first place. He has not bothered to reengage in the conversation so I am going out on a limb and calling this a troll post.

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Generally speaking...your gf's attitude about you becoming a personal banker for her and her family is very common for a farang bf...it is likely to be a bone of contention...thru out your time with her...good luck!

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I don't see enough info to help properly. Do you work? away from home? What type work is she doing now or did she do in the past? Is the only child in this family willing to help her mom?

I met my Thai wife as an expat outside of Thailand and 95% of her friends were American expat women. I worked a ton and was high paid so saw no reason for her to work outside the home to make a small amount. She kept a great house, was/is a great cook, and joined me with our expat friends on the weekend, and on many trips around Asia on business.

We did help her family B400,000 when farmers Mom and Step-father could not pay other relatives who had footed hospital bills that piled up for a sister in a terrible wreck that had her in ICU for 21 days and then multiple surgeries. We bought a little pickup and left it in Isaan for all our use for eleven years but when we retired and began to come to Thailand every year during year six, we used it exclusively for 2-3 months a year. They used the truck for doctor trips, and eventually began to earn an income taking others to the doctor.....putting lots of miles on our truck.

We also sent a very much younger brother to high school in Bangkok and then university for a degree, seven years of expense. This was an investment in the family for their future.

Early in our marriage, she built the first concrete and brick home in her village for her then widowed mom with money she had saved from her work. During the years, we usually helped a little to start the new rice crop along with four other siblings. Sometimes, I think this money was most of the profit from rice farming. Her mother re-married after 14 years of being a widow. Her step-father was told me they used about B50 a day, B18,000 a year, not counting $ for rice field.

As her parents age and find it hard to find help for the farm, they use more machines and make less income so the need for the five children to help a little rises. However, you can see that it does not take much to live on an Isaan farm since they have rice and vegetables. Water bill is B100, electric is B400, and Thai Old Age pension is B500. No rent, no mortgage, just a little money for extras and gas for a fairly new family pickup purchased by the other members of the family as mom wanted a face saving dedicated truck.

Now and again I ask my wife if we need to contribute a little more as we give less than B10,000 a year, and she says not yet. Most Isaan parents want something from you all the time for face, for something to brag about in the village, even if there bank account has several years of living expenses sitting in it.

We have contributed to help the family where we saw need, not because of Thai culture or perceived rules. We do see some very young adults whose parents have returned from Bangkok to the village to do nearly nothing and are now asking these children to help support them. Sad indeed that 40 somethings are retiring early.

If I was you, I would agree to provide B5,000 a month for her mother if there are no other children, less B if there are. Any expense in our family must be cleared with us before we agree to pay, so tell mother that if she goes to the international hospital without asking you she will have to pay. If your new GF wants her mom to have more than B5,000 she should get a part time job. I would not go all in at this early stage.

When house and car do not require payments, B30,000 a year can be enough for you and her and a kid plus another B5,000 for mother. University will cost B75,000 a year in Isaan when that time comes. Kids in high school can easily consume B2,000 a month.

Pre-nuptial agreements in principle need not be written but should be discussed now, not later. Chiang Mai has become expensive we hear.

You have plenty income, the issue is how much do you want to give away to GF and family.

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I make from min 50K to 100K a month depending on business. I pay the rent of 10K a month

GF earns 30K a month, but she saves 10K and send another 5K to her parents so she is left with 15K spending money.

On the months I make only 50K, we struggle a bit, as her 15K usually only lasts her 3 weeks and I give her 5K so after rent I only have 35K.

Ii also pay child support of 10K a month, which then give me 25K a month.

So I basically live off 25K a month (on a bad) with all living expenses paid.

If I didnt drink, I could easily live off that, but I am out about 4 nights a week so it can get a bit thin.

But I probably average about 70 to 80K a month and I can live very comfortably with that and even have a trip to Hua hin or Pattaya for a weekend.

Unlike another quoting you, I find your info/story informative. Some of us are wordy, me more than you. :)

bkkheat, since your GF saves a third of her income, why not you too? That might even up the way you two handle the finances. :)

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Firstly the correct proceedior for living together in Thailand is both parties pay 50 / 50 with ALL bills ! You both want to be together then its fair to share the bills right down the middle. A nice house in the country village of Chiang Mai will cost you from 3,000 to 3,500 ( not advertised ) you will need to do a lot of " footwork ".and if you don't drink or smoke then 10,000 to 12,00 baht a month would be a reasonable income ( 6,000 baht each input ) But after what you are saying about the lady already asking you to pay all the bills - well " the alarm bells have started ringing and the lights are flashing " get rid of her as soon as possible because " my friend " you will have serious complications to deal with! Live in Thailand and live on your own at first,there is no rush to find anybody! just don't end up being " a fool " like many farang who live here and start paying for the lady and her families life with YOUR money just because you cannot live alone.

F.J x

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Well! That depends!

If you are over 50 years old, fat, and ugly, and she is under 30 years old, and beautiful, then yes! You should support her and her daughter to.

If she is over 50 years old, fat, and ugly, and you are under 30 years old, then she should support you.

If you are both over 50 years old, fat, and ugly, then yes she should contribute financially as well.

If you are both over 50 years old, fat, and ugly, and she still expects you to support her, then drop her, and find a beautiful woman under 30 years old, and support her instead.

Hope that helps!

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In normal Thai relationships, both partners work and both contribute financially. Just like at home. The reason she has been a single mother for 20 years is that no Thai man is going to put up with her rubbish. If you're gonna pay for everything at least get a 20 year old hottie, not a 50 year old single mother.

Who told you about the age of the mother?

My gf is 37, her daughter is 18, and I think 19 y is average for a first child in Thailand.

A 20 yo hottie? You probably want a virgin, right? I prefer a 37 yo hottie with some experience biggrin.png

Ah yes, the old debate; which is better, a practiced move, or a spontaneous reaction? I'll take the latter, thank you.

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so as most people commented:

1) usually the wife/gf contributes to an income as well unless she looks after children but even then she should be able to contribute something.

2) 1m baht per year is ok to live from for a couple. I spend less although we don't have debt, both car and house we own and is paid upfront.

Now you should really challenge her attitude that she doesn't want to contribute financially to you as a couple or her family. It's a matter of character and I guess also if she has a decent education and is still young, what does she do if she is not working? Personally I prefer hard working, well educated women who contribute to the family, be it through a business they run, a job they have or some other ways.

I have probably muddied the waters a bit here.

The lady in question does work, and very hard. She is a department manager in a global retail chain, and works average 60-70 hours per week for about 30,000tb a month salary. She has also put herself through massage school and would like to open a shop of her own, but feels it is necessary to save money for a year or two working somewhere overseas. Higher income, perhaps, but much higher COL as well. I think her statement about a "good boyfriend" was 80% jest.

She would like to contribute to support for her 87 year old father, and as I say I have no problem with that at all.

The daughter is grown, and very serious about improving her work skills as a recently graduated nurse so she can help mom out.

My major concern was whether 1 mill/year, disability pension and retirement combined, would provide a decent baseline for a couple plus dad.

If I made that per month I would hardly be asking, now would I?

Thanks again to the kind folks have given some serious thought and info/advice.

Edited by Bill Miller
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With 65 KB pm you would be upper middle class, not HiSo.

If you want to cope with Bangkok HiSo snobs you would need more, but in this case you wouldn't need to ask TVF, would you?

Didn't need to ask TVF in the first place. He has not bothered to reengage in the conversation so I am going out on a limb and calling this a troll post.

Dear counter-troll,

maybe he's just reading the posts.

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With 65 KB pm you would be upper middle class, not HiSo.

If you want to cope with Bangkok HiSo snobs you would need more, but in this case you wouldn't need to ask TVF, would you?

Didn't need to ask TVF in the first place. He has not bothered to reengage in the conversation so I am going out on a limb and calling this a troll post.

Dear counter-troll,

maybe he's just reading the posts.

Yes, or sitting in limbo at Thai immigration getting my "permission to stay" extended.

Certainly not waiting in breathless anticipation of the soi disant humour of a few of the members here.

Members, indeed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

so as most people commented:

1) usually the wife/gf contributes to an income as well unless she looks after children but even then she should be able to contribute something.

2) 1m baht per year is ok to live from for a couple. I spend less although we don't have debt, both car and house we own and is paid upfront.

Now you should really challenge her attitude that she doesn't want to contribute financially to you as a couple or her family. It's a matter of character and I guess also if she has a decent education and is still young, what does she do if she is not working? Personally I prefer hard working, well educated women who contribute to the family, be it through a business they run, a job they have or some other ways.

I have probably muddied the waters a bit here.
The lady in question does work, and very hard. She is a department manager in a global retail chain, and works average 60-70 hours per week for about 30,000tb a month salary. She has also put herself through massage school and would like to open a shop of her own, but feels it is necessary to save money for a year or two working somewhere overseas. Higher income, perhaps, but much higher COL as well. I think her statement about a "good boyfriend" was 80% jest.
She would like to contribute to support for her 87 year old father, and as I say I have no problem with that at all.
The daughter is grown, and very serious about improving her work skills as a recently graduated nurse so she can help mom out.
My major concern was whether 1 mill/year, disability pension and retirement combined, would provide a decent baseline for a couple plus dad.
If I made that per month I would hardly be asking, now would I?
Thanks again to the kind folks have given some serious thought and info/advice.

If this lady is earning 30,000 baht a month ( which is a " ridiculously high " income ) then i don't even think you should be paying her any money whatsoever! or even thinking about it! Let her take care of her own finances and you concentrate on your " cool life " in the land of smiles " ..........wai2.gif

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In normal Thai relationships, both partners work and both contribute financially. Just like at home. The reason she has been a single mother for 20 years is that no Thai man is going to put up with her rubbish. If you're gonna pay for everything at least get a 20 year old hottie, not a 50 year old single mother.

I million baht should be sufficient to live on outside of Bangkok but I believe that the lady is taking the pee. How has she been supporting herself and a child ??

Although it is common for Thai children to look after aging parents, normally the parent will bring something to the party. What you do not mention is there will be other relatives that think Farang should look after them as well.

Rules :- Do NOT buy a house just rent. Do NOT open joint account. Do NOT buy a car. If you want transport buy a scooter. Do NOT marry this girl. AND be ready to run at a moments notice.


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In normal Thai relationships, both partners work and both contribute financially. Just like at home. The reason she has been a single mother for 20 years is that no Thai man is going to put up with her rubbish. If you're gonna pay for everything at least get a 20 year old hottie, not a 50 year old single mother.

I million baht should be sufficient to live on outside of Bangkok but I believe that the lady is taking the pee. How has she been supporting herself and a child ??

Although it is common for Thai children to look after aging parents, normally the parent will bring something to the party. What you do not mention is there will be other relatives that think Farang should look after them as well.

Rules :- Do NOT buy a house just rent. Do NOT open joint account. Do NOT buy a car. If you want transport buy a scooter. Do NOT marry this girl. AND be ready to run at a moments notice.


It now appears that the original poster is a fool. Both the lady and daughter are working and bringing in good money

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I have been reading that living in Bangkok it was costing approximately 1 million baht A year for A single farang.Married farang

Quite A bit lower.Now I'm hearing more.I mean A single man for 1 day could be 6000-8000 baht easy no problem.

Now if the same man is conservative eating street foot,low price room then maybe closer to 1000-1500 A day.I'm not an expert on

Living conservatively.If I want something I go and buy it with in reason.

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I have been reading that living in Bangkok it was costing approximately 1 million baht A year for A single farang.Married farang

Quite A bit lower.Now I'm hearing more.I mean A single man for 1 day could be 6000-8000 baht easy no problem.

Now if the same man is conservative eating street foot,low price room then maybe closer to 1000-1500 A day.I'm not an expert on

Living conservatively.If I want something I go and buy it with in reason.

But then you have the other end of the scale as i live on 5,500 baht a month - " all in " ( Pattaya )

In Bangkok i could live on 7000 baht - " All In "

100 baht a day is plenty for delicious Thai food! ( in fact i ate a delicious Thai Yellow chicken curry with rice in town earlier for 70 baht ( freshly made in the Wok ) are your mouths watering viewers...?

F.J x

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If you are desperate to be exactly with that girl , then yes you have to accept whatever she says else she make your life miserable. Just remember a girl like that will make your life miserable anyway and the moment you are out of money you will also be out of door and her life.

Be a man, say no if I stay with you I will only take care of the needful stuff and nothing over my budget. Else go and find another boy friend.

As you may notice number of tourist has decreased dramatically here and it may just get worse too. So there will not be a big problem to find a decent good girl.

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cooked, you have a good point. I don't think that the people who respond, and are living with a woman, like you

said there either in BKK, Pattaya, Phuket, any of the places that have all the comforts of city life along with the woman. many of them are jaded and have bounced from woman to woman. and why not if that's your thing Thailand provides the opportunity. that being said, I think you sound happy and have acclimated, to a small village life

style. I know a guy on FaceBook, who is married to a Philippine girl, has a kid, and lives on the side of a mountain

he's happy as a pig in shit. and his village is pretty much like yours. some advice, read the posts, and take what you like and disregard the rest. I think some of the guys on here are in fact knowledgeable, the problem is determining which ones they are LOL..

Edited by billbob6840
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" Her idea is that a proper "boyfriend" takes care of all of his girlfriend's financial needs including her family, of course."

What a load of rubbish ..... mate , if you believe that then you are surely gonna get taken for a ride. coffee1.gif

It's all part of "the game."They throw an outrageous quote out there, you come up with a ridiculous counter offer,like zero.Don't start half way,cos there is only one way to go.String this out for years.

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If she is smart enough to get you to support her parents and any others then good for her

It is not your responsibility to pay for her family ... cannot wait to her what you will be asked to pay for sin sid 555

My GF has a job, she sends money every month to to her mother, she pays the mortgage for her mothers home

But this is the myth perpetrated amongst the Thai mass's,get that farang and the whole village is set for life.Unfortunately a few farangs have gone down this road,blinded by the "cat' and have paid the penalty and stuffed it up for the rest of us.Huge sin sod for 2nd hand goods,with baggage,brand new car,motorbike and house,it's hard for Thais to believe we are not all dollar millionaires.I started kenioa,and stay that way.

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A reasonable income living in Thailand? In my opinion, why would you want to take of care of some lazy girl and a family that could care less about you. You are a farlang and that will never change I don't care how much money you give to the family and the girl. I was a fool for doing it for a few months and learned that there a tons of other women out their that are single and would like to meet a farlang, sure some will have an angle just like the bar girls do but I hooked up with a girl working an honest job making around 10K a month and she is content with that and does not ask me for anything. Save your money and use it to network your way around Thailand and eventually you will meet up with someone that is more interested in you than just your wallet. It may take time before you find the right one for you but hey this is Thailand enjoy being single. Good luck .

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