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Thai politics: Govt may drop cases against politicians for sake of peace


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stuttering parrot post # 7

Tainted with suspicion siampolee?

Banned from politics and public life.?

Why not just burn them at the stake !

No trial just suspicion!

Innocent until proven guilty I thought and not judged by an unelected military court but in the court of the people.

It may have escaped your notice but I stated ''that all political groups and hues would and should be treated as outcasts if tainted with political misdeeds'' not one group .

You are so blind to the truth or you are incapable of actually understanding or wanting to understand that all political parties and their assorted politicians carry equal blame for the past misdeeds which are indeed manifold and varied in their magnitude politically family wise as well as financially.

Well this is apart from your messiah,In essence your post really highlights your bias and lack of knowledge concerning matters over many years, certainly in the 24 years I've lived here not one party is innocent and as regards the duplicitous political gangsters, well they are spread across the whole political spectrum in case you hadn't or didn't want to notice.

I seem to recollect that the Messiah and its puppets you support were indeed somewhat ''creative in manipulating Parliament and the civil administration in all its guises to go down the roads of no trials along with totally ignoring the rules of law as well as the electorates wishes.

Those actions are precisely what has led us into a coup and the current situation.

Blame is to be in fact must be apportioned to all sides nothing more nothing less.

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" closed-door meeting when NLA members debated whether they should accept the impeachment case"

Since when NLA represent the interest of the Thai people?

Thaksin et al, (the rice scam, Thaksin corruption, etcz) have to be jailed and punished regardless.

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Seems to be the norm here ,if your rich and influential,

no matter what you do you will never pay for your crimes,

while the poor are given the bums rush,straight to the nick,

no years of appeals for them.

Until this is corrected,the majority of the population will be

second class citizens,with little chance at real justice,and

forever under the heel of the privileged.

regards Worgeordie

I totally agree. Thanks

IMO If there is no punishment there is no crime and without rule of law there is NO democracy.

Thai people could have greater quality of life if only......

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I believe I once posted, and post again, it is a vicious circle that will go on and on until laws are enforced:


The coup d’état circle = > Military Government > Coup d’état > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup d’état > Military Government > Coup d’état > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup d’état > ad infinitum!!

Until the cycle is broken, using punishments and laws accordingly.... nothing will ever be achieved in Thailand, IMHO!

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stuttering parrot post # 7

Tainted with suspicion siampolee?

Banned from politics and public life.?

Why not just burn them at the stake !

No trial just suspicion!

Innocent until proven guilty I thought and not judged by an unelected military court but in the court of the people.

It may have escaped your notice but I stated ''that all political groups and hues would and should be treated as outcasts if tainted with political misdeeds'' not one group .

You are so blind to the truth or you are incapable of actually understanding or wanting to understand that all political parties and their assorted politicians carry equal blame for the past misdeeds which are indeed manifold and varied in their magnitude politically family wise as well as financially.

Well this is apart from your messiah,In essence your post really highlights your bias and lack of knowledge concerning matters over many years, certainly in the 24 years I've lived here not one party is innocent and as regards the duplicitous political gangsters, well they are spread across the whole political spectrum in case you hadn't or didn't want to notice.

I seem to recollect that the Messiah and its puppets you support were indeed somewhat ''creative in manipulating Parliament and the civil administration in all its guises to go down the roads of no trials along with totally ignoring the rules of law as well as the electorates wishes.

Those actions are precisely what has led us into a coup and the current situation.

Blame is to be in fact must be apportioned to all sides nothing more nothing less.

Even if you are right about Thaksin interference in Parliment and civil Adminstration, totally ignoring the law etc etc, you must be able to distinquish the difference in the severity of the outcomes. The NACC and EC interferences and I include the constitutional court, are aimed at selective banning and eradicating political opponents. I see no parties that the elites favored been banned or charged by the NACC. That is the prejudice in full view last 8 years.

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If they have done wrong in the past, they must be held to account

Bringing stability back to Thailand will take some tough choices and some hard decisions

but they must be made.

You cannot let people of on a free pass

100% correct Lew. The easy option would be to ignore it, forget about it and hope it all blows over. The message that sends out is that a deal's been done, the elites of whatever party are indeed above the law, and worse still, that the wrong doing can be repeated without fear of accountability.

Notice despite all the huffing and puffing Thaksin's illegal passport hasn't been cancelled nor have any extradition formalities been started; Red Bull boy isn't being pursued, the rapist car crashing actor seems to have avoided punishment for various crimes, and there are various other cases where the rich elite are involved that seem to have stalled and vanished off the news radar.

The whole judicial system is based on nepotistic connections, social position and wealth and has very little to do with laws and justice. There can be no meaningful change within Thailand and how it's governed until that changes.

Laughable that Red Weng comes out though with veiled threats of future violence if the members don't vote how Thasksin wants them to. He must have received a Skype instruction. Still following their old styles - threaten and intimidate anyone with a warning in case they vote against us. Clowns like him will keep martial law in place with his silly sabre rattling.

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from a political perspective, they will demonstrate the junta's capacity for flexibility and compromise in negotiating peace and reconciliation with key adversaries.

aka Now the junta has them all ringfenced and hogtied they can be safely ignored coffee1.gif

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Seems to be the norm here ,if your rich and influential,

no matter what you do you will never pay for your crimes,

while the poor are given the bums rush,straight to the nick,

no years of appeals for them.

Until this is corrected,the majority of the population will be

second class citizens,with little chance at real justice,and

forever under the heel of the privileged.

regards Worgeordie

I totally agree. Thanks

IMO If there is no punishment there is no crime and without rule of law there is NO democracy.

Thai people could have greater quality of life if only......

Plus the whole coup thing was pure bs anyway coffee1.gif

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I believe I once posted, and post again, it is a vicious circle that will go on and on until laws are enforced:


The coup détat circle = > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > ad infinitum!!

Until the cycle is broken, using punishments and laws accordingly.... nothing will ever be achieved in Thailand, IMHO!

The only way the cycle is broken is when the judiciary, agencies and military reform. Punishments and laws subscribed to all equally without fear and not subjected to patronage to the politically powerful and the wealthy.

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Smell the fear reeking from these yellow and green cowards. Viva la Yingluck, Viva la democracy,

You have no clue. Read the international press to get a background on what's going on.

I am aware that the Junta has two main aims, firstly to ensure that Thaksin never wins power again and secondly................

They are afraid if they proceed with this idiocy against Yingluck the people will rise up and take to the streets and toss them out thus preventing them from achieving their second aim.

Believe you me, they are terrified and that has led to the infighting amongst the upper levels of the coup factions. 2015 will be explosive, Thaksin has been wise to keep a low profile while these imbeciles self destruct.

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Smell the fear reeking from these yellow and green cowards. Viva la Yingluck, Viva la democracy,

You have no clue. Read the international press to get a background on what's going on.

Any particular papers? Pointers with key words would be helpful too.
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Smell the fear reeking from these yellow and green cowards. Viva la Yingluck, Viva la democracy,

You have no clue. Read the international press to get a background on what's going on.

Any particular papers? Pointers with key words would be helpful too.

Basically Andrew Macgregor Marshall's Facebook, BangkokPundit's blog and Pavin Chachavalpongpun's many articles

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I believe I once posted, and post again, it is a vicious circle that will go on and on until laws are enforced:


The coup détat circle = > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > ad infinitum!!

Until the cycle is broken, using punishments and laws accordingly.... nothing will ever be achieved in Thailand, IMHO!

The only way the cycle is broken is when the judiciary, agencies and military reform. Punishments and laws subscribed to all equally without fear and not subjected to patronage to the politically powerful and the wealthy.

That's true Eric. And that would include applying them to elites like the Shins without fear of reprisal from their private militia.

And don't forget to add the yellow elites hiring their mobs at courts and the PDRC blocking polling stations.

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I believe I once posted, and post again, it is a vicious circle that will go on and on until laws are enforced:


The coup détat circle = > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > ad infinitum!!

Until the cycle is broken, using punishments and laws accordingly.... nothing will ever be achieved in Thailand, IMHO!

The only way the cycle is broken is when the judiciary, agencies and military reform. Punishments and laws subscribed to all equally without fear and not subjected to patronage to the politically powerful and the wealthy.

That's true Eric. And that would include applying them to elites like the Shins without fear of reprisal from their private militia.

And don't forget to add the yellow elites hiring their mobs at courts and the PDRC blocking polling stations.

Look at Indonesia, it has shown the way in how to break free from decades of military dictatorship. Google the Gecko and the Crocodile.

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stuttering parrot post # 7

Tainted with suspicion siampolee?

Banned from politics and public life.?

Why not just burn them at the stake !

No trial just suspicion!

Innocent until proven guilty I thought and not judged by an unelected military court but in the court of the people.

It may have escaped your notice but I stated ''that all political groups and hues would and should be treated as outcasts if tainted with political misdeeds'' not one group .

You are so blind to the truth or you are incapable of actually understanding or wanting to understand that all political parties and their assorted politicians carry equal blame for the past misdeeds which are indeed manifold and varied in their magnitude politically family wise as well as financially.

Well this is apart from your messiah,In essence your post really highlights your bias and lack of knowledge concerning matters over many years, certainly in the 24 years I've lived here not one party is innocent and as regards the duplicitous political gangsters, well they are spread across the whole political spectrum in case you hadn't or didn't want to notice.

I seem to recollect that the Messiah and its puppets you support were indeed somewhat ''creative in manipulating Parliament and the civil administration in all its guises to go down the roads of no trials along with totally ignoring the rules of law as well as the electorates wishes.

Those actions are precisely what has led us into a coup and the current situation.

Blame is to be in fact must be apportioned to all sides nothing more nothing less.

Even if you are right about Thaksin interference in Parliment and civil Adminstration, totally ignoring the law etc etc, you must be able to distinquish the difference in the severity of the outcomes. The NACC and EC interferences and I include the constitutional court, are aimed at selective banning and eradicating political opponents. I see no parties that the elites favored been banned or charged by the NACC. That is the prejudice in full view last 8 years.

Stop it Eric, it's getting pathetic to keep suggesting Thaksin might or might not have interfered in parliament. Anybody here over the last few years knows he ran PTP, made all the decisions, issued instructions, selected cabinet ministers, summoned members to overseas meetings, promoted and demoted at will and paid large sums out to supplement their civil salaries. He owns PTP, they are his employees and he runs it like the CEO of his own PLC.

His previously owned parties, that were banned for fraud, were managed in the same way. They all followed a plan of trying to remove checks and balances, circumventing accountability and relying on nepotism, cronyism and favoritism when making appointments or awarding contracts. Do you think his conviction for breaking a law, which he was aware of but thought unimportant, or all the other 15 outstanding charges are all minor transgressions? He's a crook, pure and simple, whose risen to become a multi-billionaire by whatever means necessary. His family wealth increased 450% during his sister's puppet regime. How much did the wealth of Thailand and the average Thai person increase in the same period?

Thaksin and his parties are arrogant in your face in the way they go about things - "trust us, don't ask questions, do as we say not as we do, we are in charge we can do what we like" and see nothing wrong in lying and threatening openly. The other parties are a little more subtle so draw less attention. All, sadly, are above the law and never pursue one another.

I will stop if you stop the excessive hyperboling. Talk about Parliment, you don't notice the shenanigans put up by the Dem? You really think foolishly that you can have your own way in Parliment without the oppositions in and outside Parliment kicking up a row? How naive to say such a thing.

He keep harping on the Shin's wealth. If the tax regulators have not seen anything illegal, there really nothing for you to base your retort on.

Everyone except you knows that PT is Thaksin party. It's on full display during election and nothing shady about it. Ultimately people decide and the people did decide.

Are you kidding when you said other parties are more subtle? Didn't the tyranny of the minority escape you mind. The Dem and their cahoots outside Parliment wre equally loud and vocal culminating with the PDRC shut Bangkok numerous times. They behave like they above the law and even the law allows them to continue. That's not law but abetting a cause.

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I believe I once posted, and post again, it is a vicious circle that will go on and on until laws are enforced:


The coup détat circle = > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > ad infinitum!!

Until the cycle is broken, using punishments and laws accordingly.... nothing will ever be achieved in Thailand, IMHO!

The only way the cycle is broken is when the judiciary, agencies and military reform. Punishments and laws subscribed to all equally without fear and not subjected to patronage to the politically powerful and the wealthy.

You seem to have forgotten the politicians and the police as well.

In truth the only way the cycle will be broken is when ALL the people from the highest to the lowest in the land reform, take the responsibility for ALL their actions, respect the laws of the land and expect punishment if they are found guilty.

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I believe I once posted, and post again, it is a vicious circle that will go on and on until laws are enforced:


The coup détat circle = > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > Military Government > Coup détat > Interim Constitution >Constitution > Election > Elected Government > Coup détat > ad infinitum!!

Until the cycle is broken, using punishments and laws accordingly.... nothing will ever be achieved in Thailand, IMHO!

The only way the cycle is broken is when the judiciary, agencies and military reform. Punishments and laws subscribed to all equally without fear and not subjected to patronage to the politically powerful and the wealthy.

That's true Eric. And that would include applying them to elites like the Shins without fear of reprisal from their private militia.

And don't forget to add the yellow elites hiring their mobs at courts and the PDRC blocking polling stations.

Look at Indonesia, it has shown the way in how to break free from decades of military dictatorship. Google the Gecko and the Crocodile.

I have always said that Indonesia is a good example of the political and economic progress when there are no coups. Bitter that some here still think coups here are necessary and full of Thainess. Pity those lose souls.

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Tainted with suspicion siampolee?

Banned from politics and public life.?

Why not just burn them at the stake !

No trial just suspicion!

Innocent until proven guilty I thought and not judged by an unelected military court but in the court of the people.

Judicial process has been launch against them before coup....... they ll be judge by court of the people

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Smell the fear reeking from these yellow and green cowards. Viva la Yingluck, Viva la democracy,

You have no clue. Read the international press to get a background on what's going on.

I am aware that the Junta has two main aims, firstly to ensure that Thaksin never wins power again and secondly................

They are afraid if they proceed with this idiocy against Yingluck the people will rise up and take to the streets and toss them out thus preventing them from achieving their second aim.

Believe you me, they are terrified and that has led to the infighting amongst the upper levels of the coup factions. 2015 will be explosive, Thaksin has been wise to keep a low profile while these imbeciles self destruct.

They won't self destruct. They have heavy backing in more than one form. PTP are the ones, truly, who are good as gone. They won't be in the picture any further now. Some 'grassroots' groups may arise in the future, but hopefully more genuine and less violent than ones in the recent past.

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