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Bar girl expectations: How realistic?


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Seems like a BarGain to me. My wife was talking to some only moderately pretty girls in Pattaya recently who said they were getting 80-100K per bonk in Bangkok with Arabs over the new year!

It's getting worse than the west-end (of London) and no doubt the Russian girls were making more. Back in the da.........................

NONSENSE, Do you believe what a prostitute says, "100,000 baht / a bonk " Wise up, please

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I know a farang (offshore worker) that took a girl from Cowboy and bought her a home in Udon, one in the village and as well hundreds of rai. I dated the sister of his lassie for 3 months, which also worked in the bar in Cowboy but I dropped her after 3 months. I burned around 800k but court her playing cards so I dumped her over night.

Your mate will end up a lot worse off, not being mean to him, its just the odds are heavily stacked in her favour

He knows it but also he is around 67y he has a 10y old son. Strangely his wife burned all the money in rai's to buy more rubber trees so the latest news is he still have not retired as some of those pland purchases was done by bank loans.

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Thailand is not the West. Stop thinking in Western terms comparing bargirls to prostitutes in the States and Europe. The fact that she dreams of buying her mother a house tells you a lot about her. A slim chance, but I hope it works out for her.

At whose expense?

One thing that never seems to get answered is what does the farang get out of the deal other than regular sex? Do the numbers, it's cheaper to hire a pro 3 - 5 times a week than buying the cow, along with all the baggage... And you don't have the inlaws come squat in your living room unannounced...

Using that analogy why should anyone have a GF or get married when they can just go to a bar or call up a hooker for sex. Reason? most people want to have someone they have an emotional attachment to. If no emotional attachment needed why even bother with a hooker just put on some porn and take care of yourself or get a blowup doll.

Except for physcopaths most persons want an emotional relationship with someone who they care for and cares for them.

The Dr BJ human dolls on Soi 7 are great. 20 minutes and no talk needed.

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HEY FOLKS ..... ga ruu naa don't think only "falangs" pay for this.

My Thai Fiance' has four (4) Best Friends. Each is a mia noi with a Thai Man.

1 is in her 60's -- gets 45,000THB a month. Has millions.

2 are in their early 40's --- get 35,000THB a month and own condo and car and have several million in bank.

1 is in her early 30's with a 4 yr old --- gets $40,000THB and has condo and car.

_ None are attractive

_ The Thai men come by each morning on their way to work for 30 mins.

_ In-And-Out. Just like the Mainland USA Burger Place.

_ None have ever worked a day.

My Fiance' and I "mildly" argue about this all the time.

She says they are "lucky" and I disagree.

I think they are all lonely.

I Believe: It is a "Status Thing" for rich Thai men to have a mia noi -- multiple wives. It is as common as a Pad Thai cart on Inthamara Boulevard.

no lonlier than the wives of these rich guys

You have a point but I know a lot of rich wife's and I mean they are loaded by the millions and they have gicks on the outside as well. Nothing really to do with status as they hide it most of the time but those married woman's would love to be screwed all night. I was single for almost four years and only went for that gals in Bangkok. In fact I only went for married womans,

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Probably she saw in Channel 3, about 2 years ago, that a Canadian millionaire who meet a young girl serving in a BK hotel restaurant, not only kept sending her money for years, until he retired and moved to Thailand, to get married and given 1.000.000 US Dollars to her mother. For some reason Channel 3 love those histories. At this moment is making a big deal showing and interviewing a 80 years old rich Thai that got married with a 45 years old woman, like its never is happening here. If she is smart, she will fulfill all her dreams, and I wish her luck. At least she is sincere and direct.

Many western women feels the same and never tell...and got what they wanted, not just one time....many.

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There is a reason she is 34 and still working as a bar girl

All her expectations are unrealistic

I would never pay sin sod ... let alone for a BG

Never buy them a house, they could live in a condo that I buy in my name

Supporting her family ... stuff it

She will still have the same expectations and the same job in 2016 2017 and 2018

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There is a reason she is 34 and still working as a bar girl

All her expectations are unrealistic

I would never pay sin sod ... let alone for a BG

Never buy them a house, they could live in a condo that I buy in my name

Supporting her family ... stuff it

She will still have the same expectations and the same job in 2016 2017 and 2018

There are many reasons why you shouldn't have a Thai woman. Probably the first reason is you refer to Thai people as them.

I've found that when discussing any nationality with another person if they refer to the nationality as them I politely get up and excuse myself and leave.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Seems like a BarGain to me. My wife was talking to some only moderately pretty girls in Pattaya recently who said they were getting 80-100K per bonk in Bangkok with Arabs over the new year!

It's getting worse than the west-end (of London) and no doubt the Russian girls were making more. Back in the da.........................

NONSENSE, Do you believe what a prostitute says, "100,000 baht / a bonk " Wise up, please

What are you, an Arab hater?

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Seems like a BarGain to me. My wife was talking to some only moderately pretty girls in Pattaya recently who said they were getting 80-100K per bonk in Bangkok with Arabs over the new year!

It's getting worse than the west-end (of London) and no doubt the Russian girls were making more. Back in the da.........................

NONSENSE, Do you believe what a prostitute says, "100,000 baht / a bonk " Wise up, please

What are you, an Arab hater?

I was telling you to wise up, which is nothing to do with Arabs. Your wife was talking to some Pattaya prostitutes who told her they get 100,000 baht "per bonk". Pathetic, more like 600 baht / bonk. Wise up.

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she has to be able at 34 to perform many more tricks than a monky can with a hundred yards of vine. think about it.....how many 6" sections of pipe have been layed down in this keystone pipeline project ? hundreds ? maybe thousands. and then there is you. :-)

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Farang who get smitten with these girls go in blind, flipping the coin as it were - we've all been tempted, if truth be told.wai2.gif

Once a newbie farang is smittensmile.png with a bar girl, its all down to his perceptionfacepalm.gif , which will be his realityclap2.gif - until violently shatteredwhistling.gif - or notwub.png


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There are those that throw money at their kids and spend no time with them (She's Leaving Home-Beatles). Then there are those that spend time with their kids and want the best for them; not spoil or pamper, but most sane people want to buy things for those they love.

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you'd be surprised how stupid some guys are when it comes to thi women and bar girls... her expectations are not impossible if she meets the right mug and plays her cards right

At 34 she's fast approaching her use-by date as a bar girl, what she wants aand what she gets may be totally different.

A 34 year old bar girl demanding a sin sot cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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She's deluded, but many of them are. I mil sin sot for a <snip> of 34, hilarious, but sad really. You should have asked her what she is offering in return!

the thing is, even though she is deluded, if she knows of or has heard of some loser offering this to her, and if she does get lucky, she might just get it.

as for offering in return, im sure the answer will be something like 'the opportunity to care for me' 'for me to love you' 'someone to cook' 'someone to service you on your bi annual visits'

everytime I heard stuff like this I think 'well, so can a hooker' 'well, so can a hooker' 'well, so can a hooker' 'well, so can a hooker'....and it would be so much cheaper and less hassle to get a new one each time! and more exciting

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OP must have met up with the same lady I met in BKK some years ago, who insisted she was not a prostitute, but she then proceeded to demand a "contract" with me as follows:

I pay the all the rent for her apartment and the rent for the beauty shop she ran downstairs, plus all the utilities.

Buy her a condo to the tune of THB 1 million.

While she continued on with various other financial terms of this contract, I consulted with my "attorney", Mr. Jonathan "Jack" Daniels, and left while the lass was in the middle of a sentence and stopped all further negotiations and discussions with the young lass...If the OP would like a referral to my attorney, he is welcome to it.

a lot of women, partcularly/especially in the western world think that as long as they dont get paid per hour, then they are nt whores

its funny to listen to them justify it

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Well in her line of work, she is playing the lottery.

If she wins, she will end up with a house etc. If not, she will end up as just another old former hooker with no respect, back in her village.

Most bargirls do not have the brains to win the lottery. They are first of all uneducated and trained with only thinking about "fast and easy" money from their old business. They do not understand about investments and maintaining and growing ones assets. She might get a farang to borrow money and buy a house in her name. Then he dies and she is left with missing payments, which she can not pay. House is gone and she is worse of than she started. Happens all the time. It is far from always that the farangs gets cheated.

The bargirls do to, because they have no financial understanding whatsoever. Some do, but they are very few. At her age and with her looks, she will have to be pretty lucky and most importantly smart (which she most likely is not).

that maybe very true, but in my mind, not knowing that a house loan or a car lease costs money every month, is not to do with financial literacy or education or inteliggence, its PURE COMMON SENSE

if you think that payments are going to disappear when farang dies or leaves, then thats just stupidity to the maximum, no different ot a woman saying 'oh I didnt know a newborn baby required food and attention'

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Sometimes; not always. Don't you want to lavish your love with worldly goods? Or do you just want to bed down and walk on the beach and be a cheap-ass? If you had a child you loved, I'm sure you'd want to get him or her the best things in life you could afford from clothing to iPads. Perhaps, you'd prefer to send your kid out in rags with a Samsung! Same goes for a woman. Do you want your woman living in a 9x9 room with a mat on the floor? If she's good enough to sleep with, she's good enough to treat like a princess.

yes, I want to lavish my love with gifts and other things that make her happy, whether it be the most expesnive thing or something thats sentimental (lets say a hand wrtitten love note for arguments sake). And I will do it on my own accord, on special occasisions or when she has been good to me, or I feel deserves it for whatever reason

I do not want to lavish anyone who doesnt deserve it, doesnt appreciate it, expects it, and probably will be thinking its not good enough

if that was the case, I might as well go and spend it on myself !

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These gullible men who buy Thai girls houses,cars etc. make things difficult for poorer men like myself. They expect these riches from everyone.

Mind you, I have never met a man who can prove he has given gifts like this. Maybe,it is all big talk. He has a few beers then boasts about his generosity. If he can prove it then he is a complete mug for being conned. What did Barnam the circus guy say? "There s one born every minute". Or could the girl be boasting and fibbing?Or maybe,the guy has been living in a log cabin in the Canadian rockies for the last 50 years and is completely naive.

I have a number of daughters all with degrees and brought up as proper ladies. None of them married a man who could not provide a house and the basics of life like car and Yacht/Country Club memberships and at least two horses. I would and have called any man not able to provide those things a bum. If you can't you are not ready to assume the responsibilities of a man and husband and I'd suggest working until you can.

Let me give you an example. Husband J. worked his way through graduate school as a farm manager and champion rodeo performer. Graduated MBA top honors. Got a job managing one of the largest cattle ranches in the USA and built a very nice home on 50 acres and had it paid for in 2 years. My grandson and granddaughter both had their own horses and were riding about the same time they could walk. J is not a handsome man but he is intelligent and hard working and loves his family. I knew him since he was 6 years old.

I had 354 horses at 21 years of age--a 1966 Corvette 327ci/300hp, and a 1964 FLH 74ci/54hp

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Seems like a BarGain to me. My wife was talking to some only moderately pretty girls in Pattaya recently who said they were getting 80-100K per bonk in Bangkok with Arabs over the new year!

It's getting worse than the west-end (of London) and no doubt the Russian girls were making more. Back in the da.........................

NONSENSE, Do you believe what a prostitute says, "100,000 baht / a bonk " Wise up, please

What are you, an Arab hater?

I was telling you to wise up, which is nothing to do with Arabs. Your wife was talking to some Pattaya prostitutes who told her they get 100,000 baht "per bonk". Pathetic, more like 600 baht / bonk. Wise up.

I know that what you said it has nothing to do with Arabs, I just wanted to see the extent of your ignorance and intolerance.

After 20 years here I make no great claims to wisdom about Thai's of any sort, but not being a misogynistic bastard which you clearly are, I have no reason to doubt these particular claims. Do you know who we were talking to. No you f....ing don't. Wise up and understand that everything in Thailand is not so black and white as you think.

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I know that what you said it has nothing to do with Arabs, I just wanted to see the extent of your ignorance and intolerance.

After 20 years here I make no great claims to wisdom about Thai's of any sort, but not being a misogynistic bastard which you clearly are, I have no reason to doubt these particular claims. Do you know who we were talking to. No you f....ing don't. Wise up and understand that everything in Thailand is not so black and white as you think.


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Thailand is not the West. Stop thinking in Western terms comparing bargirls to prostitutes in the States and Europe. The fact that she dreams of buying her mother a house tells you a lot about her. A slim chance, but I hope it works out for her.

At whose expense?

One thing that never seems to get answered is what does the farang get out of the deal other than regular sex? Do the numbers, it's cheaper to hire a pro 3 - 5 times a week than buying the cow, along with all the baggage... And you don't have the inlaws come squat in your living room unannounced...

Using that analogy why should anyone have a GF or get married when they can just go to a bar or call up a hooker for sex. Reason? most people want to have someone they have an emotional attachment to. If no emotional attachment needed why even bother with a hooker just put on some porn and take care of yourself or get a blowup doll.

Except for physcopaths most persons want an emotional relationship with someone who they care for and cares for them.

The Dr BJ human dolls on Soi 7 are great. 20 minutes and no talk needed.

I'm liking my coin operated girlfriend more and more by the minute....no money ball needed!?


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She's not looking for an old dude per se. She said between 40 and 55, maybe up to 60. That pretty much excludes most pensioners so she is focusing her attention on people who already have a lot of cash, are not too old and who will spend it gladly on her.

Does that increase or decrease her chances, I wonder?

I wonder how many hundreds of men have been through her? lets face it he would have to be mental to take up with a greedy whore like this, er did she have nice tits, that's always worth a bit!

Full Medical check for sure

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Magnum Force wrote:

I was chatting with a lady in Hua Hin yesterday. She's originally from the back end of Udon. She wasn't a stunner by any means but she was attractive and she was about 34. She was very pleasant and easy to chat with and we got on very well. She was brutally honest with what she expects from her work. She told me her "Angel" (some sort of shamen or local witch doctor) told her that this year she would be very lucky and meet a rich man to "take care" of her (and her family).

I asked what she meant by "take care". I nearly fell off my chair with her answers.

She wants a salary to live with somebody as their girlfriend of 30,000ThB per month. She wants the lucky guy to fork out 3-4 million baht for a house for her. She also wants a dowry payable to the mother of 1 million in the event that the guy wishes to marry her. She might even want a house built for mom and dad. After that, comes the car etc.

I was very surprised as didn't appear to be your usual hard case bar girl. She came across as the girl next door type.

How realistic are these expectations? Is there actually somebody who would willingly pay these amounts for a girlfriend/wife?

Up in Udon, those "expectations", can, and are fulfilled all the time. Yes, MF, there are some guys who have done exactly what you've described up in Isaan.

Have a look here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/783029-35-million-thb-home-burglarly-in-nakha-udon-thani/ Especially the video on page two.

True story: A 65 year old guy meets a girl via the internet, comes to Thailand, meets her, thinks he's in heaven because this decent looking 33 year old girl wants to have have unprotected sex three times a day. Never thinking she's trying to get pregnant.

Long story short: within three months she is pregnant. A few years down the road she has a 5 million baht house, the obligatory Toyota pick-up, and a bouncing half-farang baby boy.

To add insult to injury, this guys house budget was 3 million baht, but she wanted a 5 million baht house, so this guy ends up borrowing the balance, to build her dream house.

This guy also didn't want a kid, but he thought at 65, he "didn't have any sperm left." So he didn't bother with birth control.

im not a bar girl so Iwouldnt know but wouldnt the easy part getting a 65 yr old guillable geezer to have unprotected sex three times a day,

and the hard part would be to getting him to pay/maintain the upbrining of the child?!?!?!

if he just takes off then, she has a baby that now she has to take care of, which makes her list of demands even less likely!

or do they not think that far ahead like car loans?

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im not a bar girl so Iwouldnt know but wouldnt the easy part getting a 65 yr old guillable geezer to have unprotected sex three times a day,

and the hard part would be to getting him to pay/maintain the upbrining of the child?!?!?!

if he just takes off then, she has a baby that now she has to take care of, which makes her list of demands even less likely!

or do they not think that far ahead like car loans?

You forget half white baby has added value.

Half white girl will have even more value to mom when teenage+.

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im not a bar girl so Iwouldnt know but wouldnt the easy part getting a 65 yr old guillable geezer to have unprotected sex three times a day,

and the hard part would be to getting him to pay/maintain the upbrining of the child?!?!?!

if he just takes off then, she has a baby that now she has to take care of, which makes her list of demands even less likely!

or do they not think that far ahead like car loans?

You forget half white baby has added value.

Half white girl will have even more value to mom when teenage+.

I think the majority of farangs will not "just take off", the girls all know this. Whether the girl is a B.G., nurse, teacher...whatever.

They know if they can get their farang to impregnate them, they've got him for life. Unlike the many Thai guys, who simply disappear after finding out their g.f. is pregnant by them.

Back in the day, most of the B.G.'s I talked with, had a baby by a Thai man, who had long since left. At least that is what they would tell me...perhaps they were trying to get my sympathy?

Yes, AnotherOneAmerican is also correct. IMO

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im not a bar girl so Iwouldnt know but wouldnt the easy part getting a 65 yr old guillable geezer to have unprotected sex three times a day,

and the hard part would be to getting him to pay/maintain the upbrining of the child?!?!?!

if he just takes off then, she has a baby that now she has to take care of, which makes her list of demands even less likely!

or do they not think that far ahead like car loans?

You forget half white baby has added value.

Half white girl will have even more value to mom when teenage+.

Let alone 2....

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