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passport photos for a non ( 0) thai visa...need advice please guys

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i am due to go to consulate in dublin in 2 days time, i have appointment allready, i need to bring passport, marriage cert , 2 photos , and cash to pay .

question is...do i need to get my 2 passport pics signed by my doctor or someone in a position ? im on a race against time here, my doctor cannot sign them.

i think maybe you only need signed photos from a doctor etc if you are applying for a new passport ? is that correct ? im applying for visa only , i have a 15 year valid irish passport allready.

can anyone offer me any advice on this please


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You need to be more clear about what exactly you are applying for. Writing in plain English with at least an attempt at using proper capitalizing and punctuation will make it much easier on the people you are asking for advice.

It's a forum, not a text message.

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I am applying for a non o visa. From consulate in dublin. Do i need passport photos to be signed ? I am not applying for a new passport. I am applying for a visa . I thought someone would understand that .

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You don't usually need photos for visas signed (unless your consulate has indicated such).

The consulate's website should have a list of the documents you require for the specific visa you are applying for.

Oh, and moving this to the Thai visas forum.

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