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White House says it will veto bill to approve Keystone XL oil pipeline

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He'll veto it.

He's in the pocket of Buffett, Steyer, and George Soros, among many others

That's where his loyalty lies.

Schumer is already claiming he has enough votes to guarantee the veto will not be overruled by the Senate.

The Republicans will simply wait until there is some Democratic "must have" legislation before them and add it in to the "must have" legislation to pass on to Obama. He will then have to pass it or veto his very own "must have" legislation.

Line item veto does not exist for this president.

The crazy thing is the only reason this is before the federal government at all is because the pipeline crosses the international border with Canada. I recall reading some time ago, the distance is something like 200 yards that must be covered.

The rest of the pipeline is within state or Canadian boundaries and the federal government has no control over that land, as long as they don't approach land that the government is calling their very own.

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The crazy thing is the only reason this is before the federal government at all is because the pipeline crosses the international border with Canada.

Yeah, it sure is crazy. Why is the federal govt.sticking it's nose in something like this? It only allows for the transport of a hazardous material across the border. rolleyes.gif

By the way, it might come as a shock to some, but the US is actually exporting oil these days.

Of course the president is going to veto this bill. He's personally opposed to it, his political base is vehemently opposed to it and with unemployment dropping almost as quickly as the price of oil, it's not a national priority.

The GOP needs to focus on infrastructure projects that would benefit all Americans, not just oil barons.


The crazy thing is the only reason this is before the federal government at all is because the pipeline crosses the international border with Canada.

Yeah, it sure is crazy. Why is the federal govt.sticking it's nose in something like this? It only allows for the transport of a hazardous material across the border. rolleyes.gif

By the way, it might come as a shock to some, but the US is actually exporting oil these days.

Of course the president is going to veto this bill. He's personally opposed to it, his political base is vehemently opposed to it and with unemployment dropping almost as quickly as the price of oil, it's not a national priority.

The GOP needs to focus on infrastructure projects that would benefit all Americans, not just oil barons.

What do you think is fueling the economic recovery (now in its sixth year) other than the increased oil production?

Transporting oil in a pipeline has been done for years with very few incidents. What is your claim going to be when one of Buffett's trains has a derailment in a town between Canada and the refineries, spilling its contents and causing a disaster?

Which one of the 21,000 regulations consisting of 468,500 Federal Register pages have spurred the economy into overdrive?

How about all those job bills passed by both Houses of Congress and signed by the President? The count is zero.

Unemployment is dropping because people are so discouraged they no longer look for work and drop out of the labor force, which has the lowest participation in the last 40 years.

Of course the US is exporting oil but where do you think this oil is being drilled? Who owns the land and mineral rights to all this oil? The federal government doesn't permit drilling on government owned property or off shore since the BP spill of 2010. The federal government (Obama) has effectively shut down the oil industry until fracking was developed to be more efficient. Privately owned land is the source of the oil and the economy is experiencing an uplift as a result. Obama had nothing to do with it.

The best thing Obama can do is get out of the way and quit trying to paint the entire world green.


You want hazardous materials to be transported safely? How about this one in Quebec in 2013?

Lac-Mégantic rail disaster
Date July 6, 2013
The Lac-Mégantic rail disaster occurred in the town of Lac-Mégantic, located in the Eastern Townships of the Canadian province of Quebec, at approximately 01:15 EDT,[1][2] on July 6, 2013, when an unattended 74-car[3][4][5][6][7] freight train carrying Bakken formation crude oil ran away and derailed, resulting in the fire and explosion of multiple tank cars. Forty-two people were confirmed dead, with five more missing and presumed dead.[8] More than 30 buildings in the town's centre, roughly half of the downtown area, were destroyed[2] and all but three of the thirty-nine remaining downtown buildings are to be demolished due to petroleum contamination of the townsite.[9] Initial newspaper reports described a 1-kilometre (0.62 mi) blast radius.[10]

Talking about railroad transportation problems...

This from the Huffington Post:

All articles can be found here for those that think a pipeline is unsafe. Consider the alternative.


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He'll veto it.

He's in the pocket of Buffett, Steyer, and George Soros, among many others

That's where his loyalty lies.

Schumer is already claiming he has enough votes to guarantee the veto will not be overruled by the Senate.

The Republicans will simply wait until there is some Democratic "must have" legislation before them and add it in to the "must have" legislation to pass on to Obama. He will then have to pass it or veto his very own "must have" legislation.

Line item veto does not exist for this president.

The crazy thing is the only reason this is before the federal government at all is because the pipeline crosses the international border with Canada. I recall reading some time ago, the distance is something like 200 yards that must be covered.

The rest of the pipeline is within state or Canadian boundaries and the federal government has no control over that land, as long as they don't approach land that the government is calling their very own.

The crazy thing is the only reason this is before the federal government at all is because the pipeline crosses the international border with Canada. I recall reading some time ago, the distance is something like 200 yards that must be covered.

The crazy thing is the USGovernment is involved because this pipeline affects the jurisdiction of eight federal departments that are responsible to enforce laws the pipeline would affect, directly and indirectly.

The proposed pipeline's impact falls under the jurisdiction of the Departments of Energy, Defense, Transportation, Homeland Security, Justice, the Interior; Department of Commerce, and the Environmental Protection Agency. By the time the public comment period concerning the pipeline had concluded in March last year, 2.5 million comments had been submitted to these agencies.

The departments must forwarded the comments with remarks to the Department of State because it is the lead department in these such matters of export, import and the national interest and security.

The crazy thing is that a Presidential Permit is necessary for the pipeline to proceed because TPOTUS must necessarily consider the national interest and the national security of the United States, as indicated by the the Congressional Research Service Report, Presidential Permits for Border Crossing Energy Facilities, as requested by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which also has jurisdiction.

From the Report......

“Determination of national interest involves consideration of many factors, including: energy security; environmental, cultural, and economic impacts; foreign policy; and compliance with relevant federal regulations.
These include increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil
producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.


The question is not whether the US should import the energy resources and supplies at hand. The question is whether the Keystone XL pipeline proposal is, on balance, in the national interest and the national security of the United States to receive the requisite Presidential Permit.

President Johnson established the Presidential Permit requirement based on commerce and trade. Pres G.W. Bush introduced the factor of the national interest and security and he designated the Department of State as the lead federal agency to make the determination. DepState completed its final Environmental Impact Statement in January last year and threw the EIS open to the public comment which, as presented in the post, has been enormous.

Congress can sign off on all the new legislation it likes about this but they'll still need one more signature to make it in to an actual law.


The question is not whether the US should import the energy resources and supplies at hand. The question is whether the Keystone XL pipeline proposal is, on balance, in the national interest and the national security of the United States to receive the requisite Presidential Permit.

President Johnson established the Presidential Permit requirement based on commerce and trade. Pres G.W. Bush introduced the factor of the national interest and security and he designated the Department of State as the lead federal agency to make the determination. DepState completed its final Environmental Impact Statement in January last year and threw the EIS open to the public comment which, as presented in the post, has been enormous.

Congress can sign off on all the new legislation it likes about this but they'll still need one more signature to make it in to an actual law.

" DepState completed its final Environmental Impact Statement in January last year and threw the EIS open to the public comment which, as presented in the post, has been enormous."

Cutting through all the bells and whistles you have presented, you're telling us the State Department can't make a decision on how many 2.5 million public comments are "for" the pipeline and how many are "against" the pipeline despite having over one year to analyze the data?

According to Wiki, the State Department has 11,000 civil service employees and a budget of $57.5 Billion in 2012. They can't manage to pull maybe 100 people out of that to compile the statistics on public opinion together in a period of one year? I can tell you the public opinion comments are going to be 99% against the pipeline. The radical greenies are the only ones that will comment. The pipeline doesn't fit their agenda of stopping the use of fossil fuels.

They would rather use trains that trundle through population centers, risking derailment and potential catastrophic deaths, than a pipeline meandering through the countryside possibly endangering a click beetle.

The Democratic Congress passed Obamacare in 24 hours and none of them read it. Obama had no trouble signing that.

This President doesn't intend to approve it because he owes the warmists and their money men his allegiance. Pure and simple.

  • Like 1

The question is not whether the US should import the energy resources and supplies at hand. The question is whether the Keystone XL pipeline proposal is, on balance, in the national interest and the national security of the United States to receive the requisite Presidential Permit.

President Johnson established the Presidential Permit requirement based on commerce and trade. Pres G.W. Bush introduced the factor of the national interest and security and he designated the Department of State as the lead federal agency to make the determination. DepState completed its final Environmental Impact Statement in January last year and threw the EIS open to the public comment which, as presented in the post, has been enormous.

Congress can sign off on all the new legislation it likes about this but they'll still need one more signature to make it in to an actual law.

" DepState completed its final Environmental Impact Statement in January last year and threw the EIS open to the public comment which, as presented in the post, has been enormous."

Cutting through all the bells and whistles you have presented, you're telling us the State Department can't make a decision on how many 2.5 million public comments are "for" the pipeline and how many are "against" the pipeline despite having over one year to analyze the data?

According to Wiki, the State Department has 11,000 civil service employees and a budget of $57.5 Billion in 2012. They can't manage to pull maybe 100 people out of that to compile the statistics on public opinion together in a period of one year? I can tell you the public opinion comments are going to be 99% against the pipeline. The radical greenies are the only ones that will comment. The pipeline doesn't fit their agenda of stopping the use of fossil fuels.

They would rather use trains that trundle through population centers, risking derailment and potential catastrophic deaths, than a pipeline meandering through the countryside possibly endangering a click beetle.

The Democratic Congress passed Obamacare in 24 hours and none of them read it. Obama had no trouble signing that.

This President doesn't intend to approve it because he owes the warmists and their money men his allegiance. Pure and simple.

Department of State making its "final" Environmental Impact Statement means it has completed its thorough assessments.

That means DepState has now put the report before the public for the public's input. Input means the Department must open itself to receive public comment concerning its proposed rule making and proposed writing of regulations.

DepState will publish in the Federal Register the public's comments, the Department's reaction to the public comments, the Department's adaptations to its proposed rules and proposed regs based on the public comments. DepState will then publish its applicable rules and regs in the Register for everyone to see and to know.

I know this sounds awfully democratic to some people who get upset about the fact, but that's the way the federal government works in the United States.

As to certain claims being thrown around, neither rail transport nor pipelines carrying oil or natural gas are safe. Both means suffer accidents, damage the land, the water, the air, and above all else each harms and damages people and their property.

Increased safety is the priority in using either means of transporting energy resources.

Which is more safe and less expensive? Neither.

Which is better, building a whole new pipeline infrastructure or improving and expanding the existing rail infrastructure?

These questions and issues go beyond politics, whereas some people just do not do that and cannot do that.


Ah, the long-anticipated veto pen. 'Guess we have a new "Party of No ".

We actually have the same president party of no, but Harry Reid can't block bills from the House from being voted on anymore.

Ah yes, ol' Harry doesn't have any power now. If I were a Republican Senator I'd be giving the raspberry to Harry every time I saw him.


Ah, the long-anticipated veto pen. 'Guess we have a new "Party of No ".

We actually have the same president party of no, but Harry Reid can't block bills from the House from being voted on anymore.

Ah yes, ol' Harry doesn't have any power now. If I were a Republican Senator I'd be giving the raspberry to Harry every time I saw him.

'Better hurry up. Prince Harry is retiring, isn't he? Can't say as I blame him; carrying the water for someone like Barack Obama the last six years can't have been much fun.

...Somebody should market a complete "set" of dartboards. One for the Wicked Witch of the West, one for Prince Harry, and one for the worst prez in U.S. history, yes Ladies and Gentlemen, our very own, your worst prez & mine, the man who brought you the Unaffordable Care Act (& other snake oil by the bucketful), and is now doing his level best to kill an oil pipeline project that would bring jobs to thousands of Americans who could surely use them, grand mufti of the new Party of NO, the one man behind more porkies than Hillshire Farms & Jimmy Dean put together, that great speechifyer himself, Barack H. Obama!

Someone should go into business making toilet paper with Harry's picture on every piece. I'd buy some.

I'm not American, but even I know the damage he's done. Because America affects every country in the world, someone like Harry affects every country in the world.


We actually have the same president party of no, but Harry Reid can't block bills from the House from being voted on anymore.

Ah yes, ol' Harry doesn't have any power now. If I were a Republican Senator I'd be giving the raspberry to Harry every time I saw him.

'Better hurry up. Prince Harry is retiring, isn't he? Can't say as I blame him; carrying the water for someone like Barack Obama the last six years can't have been much fun.

...Somebody should market a complete "set" of dartboards. One for the Wicked Witch of the West, one for Prince Harry, and one for the worst prez in U.S. history, yes Ladies and Gentlemen, our very own, your worst prez & mine, the man who brought you the Unaffordable Care Act (& other snake oil by the bucketful), and is now doing his level best to kill an oil pipeline project that would bring jobs to thousands of Americans who could surely use them, grand mufti of the new Party of NO, the one man behind more porkies than Hillshire Farms & Jimmy Dean put together, that great speechifyer himself, Barack H. Obama!

Someone should go into business making toilet paper with Harry's picture on every piece. I'd buy some.

I'm not American, but even I know the damage he's done. Because America affects every country in the world, someone like Harry affects every country in the world.

Well, they haven't gotten around to Harry yet it seems... But in the meantime....


And apparently someone has picked up on the basic dartboard idea...


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