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2014 tourist arrivals to Thailand drop by 6.6 percent


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2014 Tourist Arrivals to Thailand Drop By 6.6 Percent
By Khaosod English

New Year's Eve in Pattaya, a popular destination for Russian tourists that had a week turnout this year due to the fall of the ruble.

BANGKOK — The number of foreign tourists who visited Thailand in 2014 is down 6.6 percent from the previous year, a Thai government official confirmed.

"24.7 million tourists visited Thailand in the year 2014, which is a 6.6 percent decrease compared with 2013," said Kobkarn Wattanavarangkul, Minister of Tourism and Sports. "They generated 1.13 trillion baht in revenue, 5.8 percent less than [the previous year]."

Kobkarn attributed the decline in tourist arrivals and revenues to the political crisis in Thailand during "the first half of 2014," in which parts of Bangkok were paralyzed by street protests that aimed to topple the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

The protests, which occasionally turned violent, came to an end when the military staged a coup and declared nationwide martial law in May 2014. The military junta also imposed a 10 pm - 6 am curfew in Thailand for several weeks.

Tourism experts and economists also say that martial law, which remains in place today, has dissuaded many potential foreign tourists from visiting Thailand. More recently, the dramatic fall of the Russian ruble has further damaged tourism in popular destinations for Russian tourists such as Pattaya and Phuket.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1420619645&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2015-01-07

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So, what the picture depicts is Jomption beach is not crowded enough from Russians ? If more crowded than this, do you think you can find some sand to sit there ?

Please give us a brake, all you see in Pattaya is not beach, speed boats, and heads in water. Russians should build the "Winter Capital" in Cambodia or in Myanmar rather than Pattaya to have better holidays.......

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"Kobkarn attributed the decline in tourist arrivals and revenues to the political crisis in Thailand during "the first half of 2014," in which parts of Bangkok were paralyzed by street protests that aimed to topple the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra." Quote

Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that delivering a third class product and charging for first class??

Tourists are not stupid, and have finally started to vote with their feet!!

Must be hard for the Thais to realize, that there are better and cheaper options to LOS!!

Such as?

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"Kobkarn attributed the decline in tourist arrivals and revenues to the political crisis in Thailand during "the first half of 2014," in which parts of Bangkok were paralyzed by street protests that aimed to topple the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra." Quote

Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that delivering a third class product and charging for first class??

Tourists are not stupid, and have finally started to vote with their feet!!

Must be hard for the Thais to realize, that there are better and cheaper options to LOS!!

Such as?

Well, Vietnam certainly is cheaper...not quite sure about "better". Many North Americans are now going to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Honduras.

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the arrival numbers to Thailand are like my home countries' stock market - extremely volatile, like a roller-coster-ride.

sometimes the reasons for this are home-made (and this will continue, no doubt), sometimes there are just unfortunate events (Tsunami, SARS....) . but no matter how, in the end the tourists will come back....... it has always been like that and I am sure the Thai tourism industry is already used to it.....

it's a perfect example for "mai bpen rai".....

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The only downside I see is that this eternal low season has brought back the empty shelves of products other than that which are readily available in any talad sod/nat year round. Depressing sad.png Missing the diversity already.

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the arrival numbers to Thailand are like my home countries' stock market - extremely volatile, like a roller-coster-ride.

sometimes the reasons for this are home-made (and this will continue, no doubt), sometimes there are just unfortunate events (Tsunami, SARS....) . but no matter how, in the end the tourists will come back....... it has always been like that and I am sure the Thai tourism industry is already used to it.....

it's a perfect example for "mai bpen rai".....

Not this time.

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That will be a wonderful news for the junta they will need 6.6% less police now for shaking down the tourists so a nice healthy saving for junta and a saving for the would be robbed tourists, Cambodia lovely at this time of the year, and some lovely old temples to visit.

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Right, I've noticed that nobody has said something like "they are living in their own dream world, only a 6.6 per cent drop, more like a 26.6 per cent drop, and that drop is mainly due to less Europeans and Americans turning up". Good.

Looking at some of the comments that have been put up by people during the last few months, you'd have thought they're talking about a place that has suffered a massive drop in visitors, not a small drop of 6 or 7 per cent.

So, is the 6.6 per cent drop believable ? Is it true ? Bearing in mind the coup, martial law, supposed clamping down on permanent tourists from Europe and America, and all the other negative news, I'd say a 6.6 per cent drop is okay, it could have been a lot worse. I'd prefer it if people would stop turning up here on Thai Visa, and trying to make it look like that Thailand is a crap place for a holiday. Thank you !!

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Not a bad drop in numbers when you consider the coup, tourist murders, the bombings down south, and Bangkok's growing search & shakedown reputation.

That's Jomtien in pic? Haven't been there in years, looks like the beach is getting real narrow. One planeload of fat tourists all go in the water at the same time and the sea will reach the sidewalk laugh.png

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This is much less than I suspected the drop to be.

This could almost be covered by a reduction in visa runners.

I thought that too at first, but then I don't think the number of expats comes close to the number of tourists. Would that be right?

I agree the number sounds too low. I have friends with businesses and they are really slow.

TiT = This is Tat today.

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This is much less than I suspected the drop to be.

This could almost be covered by a reduction in visa runners.

I thought that too at first, but then I don't think the number of expats comes close to the number of tourists. Would that be right?

I agree the number sounds too low. I have friends with businesses and they are really slow.

TiT = This is Tat today.

Considering coups, financial messes and all of the rest 6% is nothing.

Shows that more than likely the numbers are utterly bogus on all levels.

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So, do you think this will be sufficient incentive to encourage Thailand to treat its tourists better in order to resuscitate the ailing tourism numbers? Will Thailand come to realize that tourists are the most valuable resource in its economy? Will Thailand finally begin to listen to the valid complaints of its visitors?

NAH, not a chance! Same-same in 2015.

I doubt if they will stop treating us like shit when I first arrived it was great but has gone down hill every year if it was not for my lovely partner I would never return

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"2014 Tourist Arrivals to Thailand Drop By 6.6 Percent"

"TAT: New Year tourist number jumps across country"

guess these guys are not on the same system.

You can jump up (usual assumption) or jump down (like off balcony of your condo). I for one do not believe the 6.6% number. Drop much larger than that.

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This is much less than I suspected the drop to be.

This could almost be covered by a reduction in visa runners.

I thought that too at first, but then I don't think the number of expats comes close to the number of tourists. Would that be right?

I agree the number sounds too low. I have friends with businesses and they are really slow.

TiT = This is Tat today.

I think the real percentage drop will be when they compare Nov 13 to April 14 against Nov 14 to April 15

Certainly from what I've seen, and people in the industry are saying is that the drop is far higher.

Interestingly, I did a 48 hour turnaround to Phuket in the last two days. The BKK Phuket BKK flights were full, which is to be expected but my return flight to Trat yesterday afternoon was half full, that was surprising to be honest.

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I imagine the drop in tourism can be attributed to other things such as scams, death islands, road death toll, no police force, no rule of law and the fact that thailand is no longer a value destination rather than political crisis or martial law,

Fact is the way thailand treats tourists i dont think they deserve any coming here.

All of the item you have listed have been identical thru the past 15 years that i know of.... and for the past 15 years tourism numbers have been going up and up.

I don't think people have just noticed them and stopped coming...

(and of course people that have never been her before still don't know these problems exist, until they arrive).

personally knowing my wife's business numbers, the coup and martial law has decrease the number of inquires, compared the past few years.

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This is much less than I suspected the drop to be.

This could almost be covered by a reduction in visa runners.

I thought that too at first, but then I don't think the number of expats comes close to the number of tourists. Would that be right?

I agree the number sounds too low. I have friends with businesses and they are really slow.

TiT = This is Tat today.

Considering coups, financial messes and all of the rest 6% is nothing.

Shows that more than likely the numbers are utterly bogus on all levels.


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To be honest the number of visitors is meaningless. What is required is the number of tourist DAYS.

I.E. 20 million people spend 10 days here vs. 30 million people spend 5 days here. TAT would have it that the second is better which is incorrect.

But really no matter how many tourists come or how many days they stay the most important figure is how much did they spend and last years figure says LESS.

Well done Thailand whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1YLr

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I imagine the drop in tourism can be attributed to other things such as scams, death islands, road death toll, no police force, no rule of law and the fact that thailand is no longer a value destination rather than political crisis or martial law,

Fact is the way thailand treats tourists i dont think they deserve any coming here.

Don't forget that the crack downs are also making hard for illegally working Russians to return. And Thailand will be the better without them, both illegal workers and arrogant tourists.

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