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TAT expects Jan 14-18 tourism event to generate 250 million baht


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TAT expects Jan 14-18 tourism event to generate 250 million baht

BANGKOK, 8 January 2014 (NNT) -- The Tourism Authority of Thailand expects that 250 million baht will be spent during a five-day Bangkok event held to spur Thailand's tourism in 2015.

The Minister of Tourism and Sport Ms Kobkarn Wattanavara said the event, dubbed "the Opening of the Year of Cultural Tourism", will be held between 14th to 18th of January. The event will be launched in extravaganza style with a 3.5 kilometer long colorful parade moving through prime areas of Bangkok.

Meanwhile, TAT deputy governor Anuparb Theerarat said the authority has invested more than 40 million baht in the event and expects more than 500,000 spectators to participate in the show and generate over 250 million baht from purchasing the local products that are to be displayed and sold during the event.

The Thai government has been struggling to boost the local economy that was affected by the long political stand-off. Tourism is one of the country's main hopes to bring back strong economic growth from tourist's spending. Ms Kobkarn said the ministry believes the theme of cultural tourism will encourage more than 13 million foreign tourists to visit Thailand this year.

-- NNT 2015-01-08 footer_n.gif

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"The event will be launched in extravaganza style with a 3.5 kilometer long colorful parade moving through prime areas of Bangkok."

That will have some consequences for the traffic situation. Are authorities anticipating on that, or is it again a TAT only initiative?

Perhaps the extravaganza style means that the minister will bring in heaps of colorful freaks from Pataya, thus making more room there for sporting tourists and families?

Perhaps I missed more news about that cunning plan involving the five tourist areas that will be remodelled?

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Wait a minute?

Did the TAT, just yesterday say that this was "The Discover Thainess" event,

and that they were to show the tourust's "the distinct thai people and unique culture"?

Now it's "The opening of the The Year of Cultural Tourism"?

WOW...they just cant make up their mind which event it is!


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If by "Thainess" and "parade" she means pick-up trucks filled with liquored up yahoos dancing to oversized speakers blaring Thai tinky-tinky music, then I wholly support the endeavor...

...by making sure I am nowhere near the route on that particular day.

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I am confused.

Are they suggesting farang are going to buy a ticket for over $1000 to come and look at a 3.5 km parade. OR are they suggesting that Thais that have seem parades (Red Shirts) walking around for over a year are interested in another parade.

Are they thinking that everybody is going to rush during their lunch break to see fellow Thais walking in the street and then buy expensive crap that is available every single day to them at lower prices.

Or are they suggesting that thousands of people are going to be coming from other Thai cities to watch these world class unbelievable exciting parades and spend money.

Not sure what the logic is here. Opps ... sorry forgot where I was!


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How are are these festivity days where foreign tourist are present going to generate 250 minus 40 million baht.

It will mean that all these tourists, family and friends have to be convinced of a return to Thailand in 2015.

I sincerely doubt that. You may find an increase in Thai tourists, of which I was witness in Chiang Khan recently.

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Having lived in Thailand for 17 out of the last 20 years, mainly in Bangkok, why would they expect such large crowds for a parade which is given sporadically in the city, albeit using different names? With an expected 500,000 spectators, presumably not all on one day at one location,where are they intending to sell the "local" products? As well, how many tourists from overseas will there in Bangkok who do not already have plans for more interesting activities? Parades around the world are two a penny and generally follow the same format, most of which are not very unusual. Maybe, the tourist authorities are relying on the local population to down tools at work and rush out for a few seconds to glimpse the parade. I for one, will be nowhere near the charade.

Just a few thoughts on the subject.

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