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US teenager pleads guilty in beating death of WW2 veteran


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wwii vetran, hardly relavent, the kid beat up a senior citizen.

talk about playing the story up.

being a vetran doesn't make the crime any better or worse

I for one am glad I was told about the decease-d's history ........Makes ME sit back and think about stuff.

You wanna question me on my comment...?.......Go ahead......


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surprise surprise - he is a darkie, whats going on in the US with all these darkies getting in trouble?

I guess black slavery in history didn't give them a very good start...

Give me a break. Are you really blaming what happened to someone's great, great grandfather for the way they behave today?

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But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

Do you have some information none of the rest of us has? Or are you just trolling? AK47? Yeah, your trolling.

Edited by Shot
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wwii vetran, hardly relavent, the kid beat up a senior citizen.

talk about playing the story up.

being a vetran doesn't make the crime any better or worse

I for one am glad I was told about the decease-d's history ........Makes ME sit back and think about stuff.

You wanna question me on my comment...?.......Go ahead......


no, i couldn't care less.

i spoke my piece, you just sit back and think about stuff.

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surprise surprise - he is a darkie, whats going on in the US with all these darkies getting in trouble?

I guess black slavery in history didn't give them a very good start...

Give me a break. Are you really blaming what happened to someone's great, great grandfather for the way they behave today?

I don't condone violence and I believe everybody is accountable for there actions, but I do believe there are generational follow on effects thru the dna..

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But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

Fighting somewhere like Afghanistan or Iraq has more than it's share of danger and risk, after all the enemy shoots back. tell me what risk the WW2 vet posed for the 17 year old? He's a low-life coward who preyed on the elderly, so don't try and compare him to a combat soldier, of any nationality.

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surprise surprise - he is a darkie, whats going on in the US with all these darkies getting in trouble?

I guess black slavery in history didn't give them a very good start...

Give me a break. Are you really blaming what happened to someone's great, great grandfather for the way they behave today?

I don't condone violence and I believe everybody is accountable for there actions, but I do believe there are generational follow on effects thru the dna..

Oh, so all the descendants of prisoners that were sent out to Australia on convict ships are still sufferering the effects of their distant relatives harsh treatment? What a crock!

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Please stay on topic. Continued off-topic or troll posts will be removed.

It is common for an news report to give information about a person who is deceased; things like whether they were married, had children or served in the military.

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wwii vetran, hardly relavent, the kid beat up a senior citizen.

talk about playing the story up.

being a vetran doesn't make the crime any better or worse

I for one am glad I was told about the decease-d's history ........Makes ME sit back and think about stuff.

You wanna question me on my comment...?.......Go ahead......


no, i couldn't care less.

i spoke my piece, you just sit back and think about stuff.

Weeeell, it seems folk like yourself are the "I have the latest iPhone" brigade and don't understand shit. Thankfully I can dismiss folk like yourself in an instant...smile.png ........Thankfully I cannot forget the ol' fella who had to do stuff..........thumbsup.gif

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Spokane is 98% non black. Hard to imagine any racial tension there.

And it doesn't seem the murder was racially motivated, so why should the race of the guilty person motivate all the "hang 'em high" discussion? If the kid had been white would it be less of a vicious, senseless act?

In the cases of white police shooting black teenagers it does seem there is a case to be made for the idea that the eagerness to shoot or bash black kids is more common than if the kids were from the white middle or upper classes. It may not apply in every case, but no one can deny that there is a history of police in the US treating blacks differently than whites and no reason to believe that that difference in treatment has suddenly disappeared.

What this kid did was a despicable act, not just because the victim was white or a veteran, but certainly the fact that he was an old defenseless man makes it seem an especially callous act. What he did deserves the maximum penalty possible, but would the conversation be the same if the victim and perpetrator were the same race? The crime he committed was outrageous and understandably caused a highly emotional response in Spokane without looking for more reasons to make it seem even worse.

There seems to be plenty about which to be angry and appalled surrounding this cowardly choice of victims without the usual collective indictment of everyone with the same complexion. Whether or not Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson had anything to say about the incident is equally irrelevant. Like most people with a political agenda, they say whatever serves their own purposes ... not a characteristic only of Blacks or the Left.

Edited by Suradit69
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But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

Sure, if he is in the military following orders and killing people who are shooting back at him. Beating up old man for the fun of it is not remotely the same thing.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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wwii vetran, hardly relavent, the kid beat up a senior citizen.

talk about playing the story up.

being a vetran doesn't make the crime any better or worse

"Hardly relevant"?? Really?? Did you ever read about the battle for Okinawa? It makes this an even sadder story knowing the victim was a WWII veteran who had fought in the battle for Okinawa. I hope this little piece of s#@t enjoys his time in prison.

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wwii vetran, hardly relavent, the kid beat up a senior citizen.

talk about playing the story up.

being a vetran doesn't make the crime any better or worse

I for one am glad I was told about the decease-d's history ........Makes ME sit back and think about stuff.

You wanna question me on my comment...?.......Go ahead......


no, i couldn't care less.

i spoke my piece, you just sit back and think about stuff.

Weeeell, it seems folk like yourself are the "I have the latest iPhone" brigade and don't understand shit. Thankfully I can dismiss folk like yourself in an instant...smile.png ........Thankfully I cannot forget the ol' fella who had to do stuff..........thumbsup.gif

now you are just being silly.

it is a nexus four. you know nothing about me.

you are thinking about the wrong stuff it would seem.

more thinking less posting is the way forward.

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wwii vetran, hardly relavent, the kid beat up a senior citizen.

talk about playing the story up.

being a vetran doesn't make the crime any better or worse

"Hardly relevant"?? Really?? Did you ever read about the battle for Okinawa? It makes this an even sadder story knowing the victim was a WWII veteran who had fought in the battle for Okinawa. I hope this little piece of s#@t enjoys his time in prison.

oh, ok. what if he had served in vietnam or the falklands? would that have been more or less of a travesty?

Edited by HooHaa
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But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

Gee fluffy, I think you should have given a little thought before writing something so senseless and callous. Didn't you ever have a grandfather? Wow, talk about a hater.

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wwii vetran, hardly relavent, the kid beat up a senior citizen.

talk about playing the story up.

being a vetran doesn't make the crime any better or worse

"Hardly relevant"?? Really?? Did you ever read about the battle for Okinawa? It makes this an even sadder story knowing the victim was a WWII veteran who had fought in the battle for Okinawa. I hope this little piece of s#@t enjoys his time in prison.

oh, ok. what if he had served in vietnam or the falklands? would that have been more or less of a travesty?

Well HooHaa, if the veteran had fought in Vietnam, that would have made the victim much younger, and the kid probably would have suffered a good beating for his stupidly.

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surprise surprise - he is a darkie, whats going on in the US with all these darkies getting in trouble?
I guess black slavery in history didn't give them a very good start...
Give me a break. Are you really blaming what happened to someone's great, great grandfather for the way they behave today?

I don't condone violence and I believe everybody is accountable for there actions, but I do believe there are generational follow on effects thru the dna..

Oh, so all the descendants of prisoners that were sent out to Australia on convict ships are still sufferering the effects of their distant relatives harsh treatment? What a crock!

Whether they are suffering or not is up to them. Haven't noticed that children take on emotional traits of their parents? Edited by Scott
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This was a crime of opportunity...these thugs would just as easily have bumped off a black vet with no thought to race...it was the thrill of youthful power over an elderly defenseless man...

Let them rot in jail being the bitch of some skin-head bruiser...

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But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

Gee fluffy, I think you should have given a little thought before writing something so senseless and callous. Didn't you ever have a grandfather? Wow, talk about a hater.

Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather than punishing people. Where's the hate in that? Edited by lil fluffy clouds
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wwii vetran, hardly relavent, the kid beat up a senior citizen.

talk about playing the story up.

being a vetran doesn't make the crime any better or worse

"Hardly relevant"?? Really?? Did you ever read about the battle for Okinawa? It makes this an even sadder story knowing the victim was a WWII veteran who had fought in the battle for Okinawa. I hope this little piece of s#@t enjoys his time in prison.

oh, ok. what if he had served in vietnam or the falklands? would that have been more or less of a travesty?

The odds of becoming a causality of war were much higher in Okinawa. Kind of like making it through the Charge of the Light Brigade and then being killed by a football hooligan.

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But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

Gee fluffy, I think you should have given a little thought before writing something so senseless and callous. Didn't you ever have a grandfather? Wow, talk about a hater.

Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

Backed into a corner. Screw that. US offers these guys money and opportunity to get free a education and better themselves, but too many rather be lazy thugs and are to busy getting high to waste time in an education.

People from all races and cultures have had their sufferings and gone through their struggles. Oy one seems to consistently use it as an excuse for their own failures.

Let's see, how well are African Americans doing back in the motherland? Their home countries are a bigger mess than anywhere.

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But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

Gee fluffy, I think you should have given a little thought before writing something so senseless and callous. Didn't you ever have a grandfather? Wow, talk about a hater.

Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

What?? Oh, you mean the police should have just told the kid, it really isn't appropriate to beat a person to death that is old enough to be your great grandfather. If you promise not to do it again we will let you go free?

Don't be so naive. Blacks have more opportunities today than anyone. In fact, I would go so far as to say, if a black person can't make it in America, he is either sick, lame, or lazy.

There is no justification for beating elderly people just because you think it is fun. It is nothing short of disgusting and despicable. It's too bad the victim wasn't armed.

A normal person would feel sorry for the pain and suffering the victim went through, not the jerk-off that took his life.

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But stick a helmet on him, give him an ak47, a few words from the top, and then he'll be a hero for taking out at least a hundred people in another country. Isn't that right all you hang em high posters?...

Gee fluffy, I think you should have given a little thought before writing something so senseless and callous. Didn't you ever have a grandfather? Wow, talk about a hater.

Just feeling for all the afro americans who have been backed into a corner for so long and lost their way. As I said I dont condone violence. The elderly gentleman is gone. Why not focus on repairing people rather punishing people. Where's the hate in that?

What?? Oh, you mean the police should have just told the kid, it really isn't appropriate to beat a person to death that is old enough to be your great grandfather. If you promise not to do it again we will let you go free?

Don't be so naive. Blacks have more opportunities today than anyone. In fact, I would go so far as to say, if a black person can't make it in America, he is either sick, lame, or lazy.

There is no justification for beating elderly people just because you think it is fun. It is nothing short of disgusting and despicable. It's too bad the victim wasn't armed.

A normal person would feel sorry for the pain and suffering the victim went through, not the jerk-off that took his life.

Who is justifying? Read my posts and respond accordingly. I dont recall saying the police should take that sort of light action. But there are places in the world where people are successfully rehabilitated without this ridiculus penal system which ends up turning out bigger monsters, what's the point in making it worse?

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