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Vigil for Charlie Hebdo massacre victims in Bangkok


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See that the apologists are out in force today!!

Time to call a spade a spade!!

Toronto, Sydney and now Paris are not just a few rotten apples, but a symptom of an imported illness, and unless the West wakes up it will continue and get even worse.

Of course the imams in the west is doing the PC thing and condemning the attacks, all the same time they are laughing behind our backs!

This is not a question about freedom of religion, but a question about defending our own values in our own countries. Time to close the borders for new arrivals,and for those already in our countries: Integrate or leave!!

Time to put the foot down: No more killings in the name of Allah (or any other fictitious figure)

Not racist, but realist!!

Normally I disagree with everything you say.

Today is no exception.

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Sorry, but I cannot help but disagree with you last line. That is exactly what they are trying to make themselves.

Having said that, the raving fanatical christian god-botherers only differ in that they speak the talk but do not usually walk the walk. I say "usually" because of (one example only) their propensity to occasionally abandon all reason as in bombing abortion clinics etc. Some of the southern Baptist Rednecks are not many steps behind these guys in their beliefs & actions.

All religions have their dangerous extremists. There are even nutter Buddhists, Sikhs & Hindus. The Muslim religion differs in that there is no actual hierarchical structure to try & control the firebrand mullahs. They are free to do their own thing without any pope or moderator to denounce or rule. Not that the (millions?) of children abused in various Christian institutions over the last few centuries would get much comfort from that.

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

They are representing Islam......Are you that dense..?

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

They are representing Islam......Are you that dense..?



Are you that consumed by hate you can't see they don't?

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A picture of the average moderate Muslims, that the apologist are defending in their eager to become the most PC-poster of the day!!


Oh dear but the bigotry is flowing today.

So sad.

And ignorance will get you Dead.

No but the blind hatred and ignorance you espouse will result in nothing good.

There is no difference in the hate you hold and that of those bigots who kill in the name of god.

Of all faiths.

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I guess the irony of the BKK vigil is that if thai newspapers published certain mocking cartoons they would be prosecuted.

Sadly so. In France, the government has come out with absolute and unshakable support of the right of Charlie Hebdo to do what it does. In Thailand, if such a publication even tried to exist, it would immediately be shut down and its staff arrested.

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A picture of the average moderate Muslims, that the apologist are defending in their eager to become the most PC-poster of the day!!


Search for #notinmyname.

Your black & white helps as little as the 100%- pc- brigade!

Of course I am aware of that, but IMO it is time we all wake up and dare to call a spade for just that.

Immigrants/refugees are welcome in my country, but just as well as they want their share of the pie, when it comes dole, healthcare and education, they have to adjust to the concept of freedom of speech. Even when it comes to making fun of their fictitious prophet. Don't tell the women in their host-countries to cover up to honor Allah.

In other words integrate or leave. A win/win situation.

Time to stop bending over and stand by our own core values!!

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Of course they will!! They will ask "como se va" as more arrive and take advantage of political correctness gone mad! w00t.gif

"Comment ca va" maybe... not sure why they would speak in Spanish. They are French, after all. [Though perhaps people in the UK have a hard time telling the difference].

And before you go off the classic PC rant, don't forget that Charlie Hebdo was about as un-PC as you get (and was considered an national institution for this). Moreover, France banned the wearing of hijab in schools and the wearing of burqas in public. Not very PC, eh?

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Qui bono ?

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Sure they will.

Depending on the domestic political climate France should do a proper investigation. Note that these highly trained professional assassins dropped ID cards at the scene.

One has turned himself into police WITH 18 witnesses who say he was attending classes at the time.

What's going on here ?

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Of course they will!! They will ask "como se va" as more arrive and take advantage of political correctness gone mad! w00t.gif

"Comment ca va" maybe... not sure why they would speak in Spanish. They are French, after all. [Though perhaps people in the UK have a hard time telling the difference].

And before you go off the classic PC rant, don't forget that Charlie Hebdo was about as un-PC as you get (and was considered an national institution for this). Moreover, France banned the wearing of hijab in schools and the wearing of burqas in public. Not very PC, eh?

Might France's GEneral Assembly TWO to ONE vote in SUPPORT of Palestinian statehood not have something to do with this ?????

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Sure they will.

Depending on the domestic political climate France should do a proper investigation. Note that these highly trained professional assassins dropped ID cards at the scene.

One has turned himself into police WITH 18 witnesses who say he was attending classes at the time.

What's going on here ?

One has turned himself into police WITH 18 witnesses who say he was attending classes at the time.

Have clearly studied the Koh Tao case, Lex Nomsod........................coffee1.gif

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Sure they will.

Depending on the domestic political climate France should do a proper investigation. Note that these highly trained professional assassins dropped ID cards at the scene.

One has turned himself into police WITH 18 witnesses who say he was attending classes at the time.

What's going on here ?

One has turned himself into police WITH 18 witnesses who say he was attending classes at the time.

Have clearly studied the Koh Tao case, Lex Nomsod........................coffee1.gif

A typical Thai Visa blurt.

Stop it.

You'd obviously prefer otherwise


There needs to be a proper investigation.

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Of course they will!! They will ask "como se va" as more arrive and take advantage of political correctness gone mad! w00t.gif

"Comment ca va" maybe... not sure why they would speak in Spanish. They are French, after all. [Though perhaps people in the UK have a hard time telling the difference].

And before you go off the classic PC rant, don't forget that Charlie Hebdo was about as un-PC as you get (and was considered an national institution for this). Moreover, France banned the wearing of hijab in schools and the wearing of burqas in public. Not very PC, eh?

Might France's GEneral Assembly TWO to ONE vote in SUPPORT of Palestinian statehood not have something to do with this ?????

Sorry - missing your point. Surely you're not suggesting that a nation's position on the Palestinian statehood issue has anything to do with political correctness?

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Here is my 2 Satang:

I find it very difficult to only call it an act of terror, done by some misguided lunatics and find no "connection" to the religious aspect.

The did it as Muslims, in the name of Islam and in the name of the Prophet Mohammed and in the name of their imaginary friend in the sky!

No one can discuss this fact away!

Did they do it in the name of all Muslims?


As Christopher Hitchens once said: Religion poisons everything!

And the ones who are now ranting on about how bad Islam as a total is and how all Muslims er potential killers...I can make a safe bet, that right now, as I am writing this, somewhere a fanatic Christian is planing to kill a gay- person or an abortion- doctor in the name of Jesus!

In Myanmar a Buddhist monk is beating up a Rohinga!

Someone, with a very religious backrgound, is planing an "ethnic- cleansing"!

In Germany, extreme right-wingers and Neo- Nazis have their head exploding, because they don't know, if they should celebrate 4 dead members of the "left wing lying press" or have a field day, because Muslim- terror acts are water on their mills.

Extremism - religious, political...- is always bad!

Bill Maher added: "We have to stop saying when something like this that happened in Paris today, we have to stop saying, well, we should not insult a great religion. First of all, there are no great religions. They're all stupid and dangerous. And we should insult them, and we should be able to insult whatever we want. That is what free speech is like."

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Of course they will!! They will ask "como se va" as more arrive and take advantage of political correctness gone mad! w00t.gif

"They will ask "como se va" "

Only if they're inebriated Spaniards.

"Comment ça va"

Edited by Suradit69
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Extremists should never be appeased. Every paper should publish cartoons of Mohammed.....and God. Their assertion that I can't laugh at their religion or even question it is disgusting. The Salafists only understand one thing, and that is not reason...!

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Of course they will!! They will ask "como se va" as more arrive and take advantage of political correctness gone mad! w00t.gif

"Comment ca va" maybe... not sure why they would speak in Spanish. They are French, after all. [Though perhaps people in the UK have a hard time telling the difference].

And before you go off the classic PC rant, don't forget that Charlie Hebdo was about as un-PC as you get (and was considered an national institution for this). Moreover, France banned the wearing of hijab in schools and the wearing of burqas in public. Not very PC, eh?

Might France's GEneral Assembly TWO to ONE vote in SUPPORT of Palestinian statehood not have something to do with this ?????

Sorry - missing your point. Surely you're not suggesting that a nation's position on the Palestinian statehood issue has anything to do with political correctness?


I am not suggesting that.

I am suggesting that it had EVERYTHING to do with this impolitically correct attack.

IDs "dropped" at the scene.

Friends and fellow students offering eyewitness testimony that the 18-year-old had been with them.

And whoever brain-forked that Ko Tao remark needs to understand the difference between eye-witnesses and doctored CCTV footage.

But of course that was not the purpose of his lazy comment.

Well - I'm still left to guess at your meaning. You seem to be saying that the attack itself is 'politically incorrect' (well, I'm not sure what 'impolitically correct' is - sorry). Not sure how violence can ever be politically correct or incorrect... different domains.

That aside, you also seem to be saying that a majority support for Palestinian statehood precipitated the attack and that this is somehow proven by the fact that one of the attackers left behind ID. Sorry, I don't get the logic... maybe I need to have another cup of coffee.

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Empty words. They made similar statements when Lee Rigby was slaughtered in Woolwich. Because they speak these words we're supposed to believe them? How about these words then? He spoke them so they must be true, right? He speaks for ALL Muslims, he says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe9suuordxY

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