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France is wise in seeking an end to sanctions against Russia


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France is wise in seeking an end to sanctions against Russia

Thanong Khanthong

France is a voice of reason amid deteriorating relations between the European Union and Russia.

BANGKOK: -- On January 6 its president, Francoise Hollande, called for the EU to end sanctions against Russia because they serve no one's interests. Once a timetable to end the Ukraine crisis is settled with Russia, the sanctions should be lifted. Yet most of France's European partners maintain a hard-line position against Russia.

Hollande had been in telephone contact with Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader, to find a way out for the Ukraine crisis. Putin would like Ukraine to remain at least as a buffer state between Europe and Russia, rather than going all the way to become a member of Nato.

Hollande did not point out a growing risk of a war with Russia, but it was clear he had just that risk in mind when he advocated an immediate removal of the sanctions. Bilateral trade between the EU and Russia exceeds US$400 billion.

The sanctions equally hurt both economies at a time when Europe is still stuck in a recession and Russia has gone from a relatively healthy economy into a full-blown crisis, aggravated by the plummeting rouble due to the currency attack.

The following day, January 7, France suffered a national tragedy when two gunmen stormed the office of Charlie Hebdo, a media company, killing 12 people, of whom eight were journalists and two others policemen, and injuring many more.

It is the worst terror Paris has suffered in recent memory.

Is France paying the price for its middle-path policy in trying to resolve the crisis between the US and Europe on the one side and Russia on the other?

It is too early to speculate. At this point Islamic militants linked to ISIS have been blamed for the daring act of terrorism. So far France has experienced a difficult relationship with its major partners in the Group of 7.

France has been pressured to put on hold its delivery of two Mistral helicopter carriers to the Russian navy to comply with the West's sanctions. It insisted on meeting its commercial and military obligations to Russia.

It followed that the US handed down a devastating verdict against BNP Paribas over allegations that the French bank did financial transactions with countries on the US blacklist, such as Sudan, Iran and Cuba. BNP Paribas agreed to a settlement of more than $9 billion.

In November Christophe de Margerie, the CEO of Total, France's largest oil company, died when his plane crashed while taking off from Vnukovo Airport in Moscow. De Margerie had met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev outside Moscow to discuss oil joint venture projects.

Total was working on the Yamal project, a $27-billion joint venture to extract natural gas in northwest Siberia. Already Total was one of the largest foreign investors in the Russian energy market, and de Margerie had insisted on maintaining the ties with Russia in spite of the West's sanctions.

Wednesday's act of terror in Paris represents a seemingly unconnected chain of events that has hurt France badly at a time when it seeks to become a voice of reason in Europe.

So far Germany still holds a staunchly anti-Russian stance in the Ukraine crisis. So do the UK and the US.

The sanctions if continued will further isolate Russia and push it on the brink of economic disaster. An injured white bear can fight back fiercely. If that is the case, it will not bode well for global security.

Nations should follow the lead of France in trying to defuse the tensions between the West and Russia to avert disastrous consequences.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/France-is-wise-in-seeking-an-end-to-sanctions-agai-30251496.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-09

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Those French people lost all back bones they ever use to have, they do about face on many

of the policies they held secret and firm to the French ideology, but the current adulterer president,

who no body really care for, is trying to change the rules of the game, I don't envy him at,

what with the surge of radical Islam on his hands, he's got his work cut out for him for

generations to come...

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Nut job. Stop sanctions because they are doing what supposed to do? The whole point is to make it hurt more than withdrawing. Incentive to follow international law. Resolve the Ukraine crisis? Yeah, Ivan.. go home. Very clear example of just plain old territory grabbing. Get out. End of discussion. Same for Crimea... Russia signed treaty guaranteeing border integrity when Ukraine unilaterally disarmed nukes.

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Nut job. Stop sanctions because they are doing what supposed to do? The whole point is to make it hurt more than withdrawing. Incentive to follow international law. Resolve the Ukraine crisis? Yeah, Ivan.. go home. Very clear example of just plain old territory grabbing. Get out. End of discussion. Same for Crimea... Russia signed treaty guaranteeing border integrity when Ukraine unilaterally disarmed nukes.

no way is Putin backing down because of pressure from the west, and trying to bankrupt them Regan style is bad for the world economically and world peace. best to give Putin a way out, kiss and make up

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Nut job. Stop sanctions because they are doing what supposed to do? The whole point is to make it hurt more than withdrawing. Incentive to follow international law. Resolve the Ukraine crisis? Yeah, Ivan.. go home. Very clear example of just plain old territory grabbing. Get out. End of discussion. Same for Crimea... Russia signed treaty guaranteeing border integrity when Ukraine unilaterally disarmed nukes.

no way is Putin backing down because of pressure from the west, and trying to bankrupt them Regan style is bad for the world economically and world peace. best to give Putin a way out, kiss and make up

Very true, Russia does not want to lose face with threats. Help them with a respectful way out.

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Nothing to do with selling ships I suppose?

Selling ships that are completed, or nearly so. An oil JV. France's economy is in a very sick shape. Hollande is driven by the interests of France, which is his job, not by morals, justice or what's right for Ukraine.

Pure and simple - France needs Russian money.

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Good for the French. Self and independent thought, good. They don't have to act like the Euro drones and follow the Americans, yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir. That is a very bad idea, the Americans have no idea where they are going.

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Nothing to do with selling ships I suppose?

Selling ships that are completed, or nearly so. An oil JV. France's economy is in a very sick shape. Hollande is driven by the interests of France, which is his job, not by morals, justice or what's right for Ukraine.

Pure and simple - France needs Russian money.

What Russian money....?

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One thing has to be reminded all the time : NATO is a defensive pact ...
No NATO activity is possible without approval of every of its member states...even the smallest ones.
If Russia feels it is strangled by NATO ...it should be reminded that European countries - which were once USSR dominated nations - asked and got NATO membership because they were scared of a return of Russian aggression.
Of course Putin must invent an external enemy as every fascist leader did in the past.
Nevertheless I am in favour of lifting all sanctions against Russia to remove the idea that Russia's economic problems are caused by NATO or EU : sanctions never worked on totalitarian regimes because the people in the street have no voice except repeating the officially dictated stories.
Ukraine has missed its opportunity with mafia style governments during 20 years after the end of communism : they can no longer join EU or NATO without insulting Russia.

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"Smart" Obama have no clues and EU kissing Putin's a.s. This is a short history in the making. Russia Soviets, and now Russia again have one agenda in their policy throughout its history. Never withdraw form land ones occupied by its army. The rest is clear. When they moved capital from Kiev to Moscow killing owners of the land, they usurp all rights to themselves. This continues with new Russia's KGB government and its governing Putin. Sober truth. This is a criminal organization. Or you do what they want, or you will be eliminated. Free societies do not get that. This is not what they do and think. Russian power was never compromising anything. Tsar did it. Trotsky and Stalin did it. Putin got Russia by the throat and is planning nuclear war and nuclear attack, just to make sure EU will be reactant to oppose him in his moves. Baltic republics, Ukraine, and all other Eastern Europe he wants back under his two eagle head imperialistic Russia.

Maybe new US president will be more up to the job as Pres. Ronald Reagan and Mrs. Margaret Thatcher were.

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France is the back stabber to every country, if it does not suit them that's it. UK went to France's aid in WW11 and gave that bent nose DeGaul every thing but when UK first applied to enter the EU he blocked the entry.

A pity De Gaulle wasn't immortal.

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Turns out the chess master got rooked and Prez Obama with Chancellor Merkel are the ones making all the moves.

The US and Nato are playing chess while Putin and Russia continue to play checkers....Putin never played chess against anyone he couldn't put in jail and it has become patently obvious.

Note that Hollande said the sanctions will continue if Russia does not begin to cooperate to create a peaceful resolution.

The talks begin Jan 15 among Putin, Ukraine Pres Poroshenko, Merkel, Hollande and someone from the US,, perhaps SecState John Kerry. Putin and Obama who love each other so much each agreed that Prez Obama will not attend.....Putin after all thinks it will be unseemly for him to be seen down on this knees in the same room where Obama is standing.

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Turns out the chess master got rooked and Prez Obama with Chancellor Merkel are the ones making all the moves.

The US and Nato are playing chess while Putin and Russia continue to play checkers....Putin never played chess against anyone he couldn't put in jail and it has become patently obvious.

Note that Hollande said the sanctions will continue if Russia does not begin to cooperate to create a peaceful resolution.

The talks begin Jan 15 among Putin, Ukraine Pres Poroshenko, Merkel, Hollande and someone from the US,, perhaps SecState John Kerry. Putin and Obama who love each other so much each agreed that Prez Obama will not attend.....Putin after all thinks it will be unseemly for him to be seen down on this knees in the same room where Obama is standing.

Ridiculous post. What are you smoking lol.

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France is the back stabber to every country, if it does not suit them that's it. UK went to France's aid in WW11 and gave that bent nose DeGaul every thing but when UK first applied to enter the EU he blocked the entry.

De Gaulle had the right Idea! Should never have joined the EU. The commonwealth was a larger block of countries if we had developed that into a common market we would have been better off today.

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Turns out the chess master got rooked and Prez Obama with Chancellor Merkel are the ones making all the moves.

The US and Nato are playing chess while Putin and Russia continue to play checkers....Putin never played chess against anyone he couldn't put in jail and it has become patently obvious.

Note that Hollande said the sanctions will continue if Russia does not begin to cooperate to create a peaceful resolution.

The talks begin Jan 15 among Putin, Ukraine Pres Poroshenko, Merkel, Hollande and someone from the US,, perhaps SecState John Kerry. Putin and Obama who love each other so much each agreed that Prez Obama will not attend.....Putin after all thinks it will be unseemly for him to be seen down on this knees in the same room where Obama is standing.

Ridiculous post. What are you smoking lol.

Thx for giving my post the free publicity of an additional spot on the page.

That is after all the real and only value of your post and I am humbled any time I am quoted.

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Those French people lost all back bones they ever use to have, they do about face on many

of the policies they held secret and firm to the French ideology, but the current adulterer president,

who no body really care for, is trying to change the rules of the game, I don't envy him at,

what with the surge of radical Islam on his hands, he's got his work cut out for him for

generations to come...

My father, who was at D-Day and then went on through France (which had surrendered early to Hitler) to liberate it, would never call French "French" or France "France." He had other less complimentary words he used.

He said they had to worry for their safety as much against the French as the Germans. The Germans had moved in and many had married French women or were living with them. German military money was a large part of what France had.

It doesn't surprise me that France would be the one to first surrender to Russia.

Edited by NeverSure
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Those French people lost all back bones they ever use to have, they do about face on many

of the policies they held secret and firm to the French ideology, but the current adulterer president,

who no body really care for, is trying to change the rules of the game, I don't envy him at,

what with the surge of radical Islam on his hands, he's got his work cut out for him for

generations to come...

My father, who was at D-Day and then went on through France (which had surrendered early to Hitler) to liberate it, would never call French "French" or France "France." He had other less complimentary words he used.

He said they had to worry for their safety as much against the French as the Germans. The Germans had moved in and many had married French women or were living with them. German military money was a large part of what France had.

It doesn't surprise me that France would be the one to first surrender to Russia.

Well they haven't yet. They just said should Russia back down . . . Interestingly, that is the US policy also to end sanctions if Russia backs down. This writer is just a dumb arrrssseee.

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