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Ms Yingluck says she feels relieved after having clarified the NACC’s charges

Lite Beer

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Once again she shown dignity and grace and she has really rattled you yellow junta dem supporters and mainly because not only because she a Shinawatra but a woman.

Really have a look at jamie he claimed she is a convicted criminal I have asked him time after time to list her convictions past and present yet he can't and yet now seeks the attention of the mods to try and get posts removed that he doesn't agree with.

Well the underlying truth is that the people elected the PTP and Yingluck and her party and no matter which way you slice they are the government elected by the people and people supporting this sham should be ashamed.

Really have a look at jamie he claimed she is a convicted criminal I have asked him time after time to list her convictions past and present yet he can't

I am still waiting for you to show me where I said this?

Your silence is deafening…yet I am still waiting?

Lets just say I didn't say what you stated I said shall we?

I know you will never admit you were wrong. Just like the PTP never admit they are wrong. They just blame someone for their own faults?

Haver a good day my friend and take care.

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