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Somboon Posting's


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I don't know about you, but I just loaded Mr Somboons posts and was shocked by the replies he was posting. Some of the threads he was replying to related to trivial matters associated with daily life and problems. Yet, he always included racist/ethnic or sarcastic remarks upon some particular person or an entire continent.

If you read this somboon, can I advise you to get some help with your hate problem. maybe see a specialist on mind problems or someone to assist your transition back into the human race...

Anyone read his posts with thoughts after ?

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I didnt read them and am disappointed - always makes me laugh to see the 'Alf Garnetts' of the world rant on and makes me feel good that I am so 'enlightened'. Can you give us a snippet with the subject of the hate deleted?

I have had occasion to be critical of Somboon and his uncalled for postings. I agree that he has lots of racist opinions. We will keep a watch on Mr Somboon and his contributions here.

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How does one find Mr. Somboon's postings? I just did a search on his name, and came up with zip


I hope I can do this :o

just being helpful.

Thank you tukyleith. I wonder what I was doing wrong.

As to Mr. Somboon. He's just a regular Joe, who is not pretending to be otherwise for the "cameras". I bet 95% of the population think like he does, but hide it. :D

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I would guess that 95% of the population of Europe would be quite pleased to repeat most of your anti-American comments out loud - possibly including the one about being "glad" that America was attacked on 9/11 - however, I am referring to Somboon's racist comments. Most people think that he is right - when not referring to their ethnic group - but would never say so in public.

Sometimes, Political Correctness is a good thing. :o

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I bet 95% of the population think like he does, but hide it. :o

I guess that the same could be said about some of my comments. :D

Adjan jb,

I don't think many folks think like you do especially w/regard to 9/11 :D

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I reckon the mouse is winning, see the turnkeys got ya, told you I heard the chains rattling.

I reckon another post of mine evaporated, either sir edit-a-lot or sir quote-a-lot doesnt matter bit of fun.

My mouse always ends up directing me where to go bronco, I just can't control the b@stard, but I do have to admiit that it has taken me to some pretty good places.

Why can't we produce sounds in these posts?

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I reckon the mouse is winning, see the turnkeys got ya, told you I heard the chains rattling.

I reckon another post of mine evaporated, either sir edit-a-lot or sir quote-a-lot doesnt matter bit of fun.

My mouse always ends up directing me where to go bronco, I just can't control the b@stard, but I do have to admiit that it has taken me to some pretty good places.

Why can't we produce sounds in these posts?

Sounds as well Tuky....give us a break :o

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I reckon the mouse is winning, see the turnkeys got ya, told you I heard the chains rattling.

I reckon another post of mine evaporated, either sir edit-a-lot or sir quote-a-lot doesnt matter bit of fun.

My mouse always ends up directing me where to go bronco, I just can't control the b@stard, but I do have to admiit that it has taken me to some pretty good places.

Why can't we produce sounds in these posts?

Sounds as well Tuky....give us a break :D

Good point Doc,

sometimes it is hard enough just reading them :o

atleast I have my mouse.

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