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Prayuth Lectures Thai Children on "Knowledge and Morality"

Lite Beer

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Talk about the blind leading the blind. Jeeze.

Sorry general, but Thailand's ship sailed quite some time ago. Now the country is spiraling the drain with no rescue in sight. You are NOT the white knight you think you are.

"Reading books, learning from experience, learning from facts, all these are knowledge."

Every single economic indicator on Thailand shows Thailand "spiraling the drain" up to the coup and when the coup happened every single economic indicator shows the country recovering. Every single one. There is not one single indicator that reflects what you say. Not one. Not a single one.

I always read these doom and gloom comments, but it is never backed up with facts. It is a belief.

This is what the Prayut is teaching the children. To listen to facts. To learn from facts.

Facts are the country is recovering from 7 months of street violence. That is a fact and if people have not learnt that the terrorist attacks were wrong and crippling the country then it will happen again and again and again.

Seems that there is lessons in Prayuts teachings for you too.

Happy children's day my friend.

Economic indicators may be up along with brainwashing of young children.

On a side note; A student was kicked out of TV Ch5 program after asking NRC head if seizing power by coup is a corruption (of power)

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Talk about the blind leading the blind. Jeeze.

Sorry general, but Thailand's ship sailed quite some time ago. Now the country is spiraling the drain with no rescue in sight. You are NOT the white knight you think you are.

Every single economic indicator on Thailand shows Thailand "spiraling the drain" up to the coup and when the coup happened every single economic indicator shows the country recovering. Every single one. There is not one single indicator that reflects what you say. Not one. Not a single one.

I always read these doom and gloom comments, but it is never backed up with facts. It is a belief.

This is what the Prayut is teaching the children. To listen to facts. To learn from facts.

Facts are the country is recovering from 7 months of street violence. That is a fact and if people have not learnt that the terrorist attacks where wrong and crippling the country then it will happen again and again and again.

Seems that there is lessons in Prayuts teachings for you too.

Happy children's day my friend.

The Economist does not seem to agree with your "facts":


At home, however, there is little reason for cheer. The military government has been struggling to revive the economy. This year it is likely to grow by only about 1%, far less than in 2013 (see chart). Consumer spending has recovered somewhat since the coup. But investment, tourism, exports and industrial output are all down.

They also don't agree that Prayuth and company are helping the country to recover:

The generals, many now sporting ministerial titles, have not been helping. They have delegated economic policy to bureaucrats without giving them any clear sense of direction. The result is policy confusion.

But like you said, to listen to facts, to learn from facts...

And this little gem from that same article:

"The junta has appointed establishment figures to write a new constitution by September."

"The main author, worryingly, says the alignment of the planet Jupiter will ensure that the draft they produce will have “fairness and wisdom”. blink.png


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I think Prayuth is a good well meaning man and I like a lot of what he says but I dont see much evidence of the locals have been listening, lif seems to go on much as before. I have yet to see any changes in the way society behaves towards each other, perhaps I am expecting too much too soon.

Things take longer in politics than they do in the military as I am sure he is finding out.

More facts and knowledge means less censorship for a start and then a really big job, educating the young so they are fit for the future of Thailand, at the present I get the impression that they being taught what has been taught for years and is now out of date. Prayuth in ensuring that Thai ways and cultures are learnt and remembered must also look outside the country and take note of other cultures and ways, their relationship with Thailand, how the world is changing and Thailand needs to change as well or be left behind, all the learning of Buddhism and chanting mantras will not help one jot in the world of today.

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I think Prayuth is a good well meaning man and I like a lot of what he says but I dont see much evidence of the locals have been listening, lif seems to go on much as before. I have yet to see any changes in the way society behaves towards each other, perhaps I am expecting too much too soon.

Things take longer in politics than they do in the military as I am sure he is finding out.

More facts and knowledge means less censorship for a start and then a really big job, educating the young so they are fit for the future of Thailand, at the present I get the impression that they being taught what has been taught for years and is now out of date. Prayuth in ensuring that Thai ways and cultures are learnt and remembered must also look outside the country and take note of other cultures and ways, their relationship with Thailand, how the world is changing and Thailand needs to change as well or be left behind, all the learning of Buddhism and chanting mantras will not help one jot in the world of today.


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Talk about the blind leading the blind. Jeeze.

Sorry general, but Thailand's ship sailed quite some time ago. Now the country is spiraling the drain with no rescue in sight. You are NOT the white knight you think you are.

"Reading books, learning from experience, learning from facts, all these are knowledge."

Every single economic indicator on Thailand shows Thailand "spiraling the drain" up to the coup and when the coup happened every single economic indicator shows the country recovering. Every single one. There is not one single indicator that reflects what you say. Not one. Not a single one.

I always read these doom and gloom comments, but it is never backed up with facts. It is a belief.

This is what the Prayut is teaching the children. To listen to facts. To learn from facts.

Facts are the country is recovering from 7 months of street violence. That is a fact and if people have not learnt that the terrorist attacks were wrong and crippling the country then it will happen again and again and again.

Seems that there is lessons in Prayuts teachings for you too.

Happy children's day my friend.

The GDP of Thailand is much lower than the neighbors and dropped since Prayut took over.

What are the indicators you're talking about?


(ignore period of political violence)

"Slow economy has forced the Planning agency NESDB to cut growth forecasts for the fourth time this year. It expects the GDP to expand by 1 percent, as compared to 1.5-2 percent target in the previous forecast. Private consumption is expected to grow 0.7 percent and investment to contract 1.9 percent. The headline inflation is likely to remain subdue at 2.1 percent while the current account tends to record a surplus of 2.9 percent of GDP. "

Edited by kriswillems
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Slowly (?) but surely moving Thailand backwards!!

While the feudal masters and their mighty sponsors are applauding with their fat greasy palms!!

What is wrong with: "Knowledge and Morality"?

Nothing, but you need to have it yourself first before lecturing to others !

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Talk about the blind leading the blind. Jeeze.

Sorry general, but Thailand's ship sailed quite some time ago. Now the country is spiraling the drain with no rescue in sight. You are NOT the white knight you think you are.

Every single economic indicator on Thailand shows Thailand "spiraling the drain" up to the coup and when the coup happened every single economic indicator shows the country recovering. Every single one. There is not one single indicator that reflects what you say. Not one. Not a single one.

I always read these doom and gloom comments, but it is never backed up with facts. It is a belief.

This is what the Prayut is teaching the children. To listen to facts. To learn from facts.

Facts are the country is recovering from 7 months of street violence. That is a fact and if people have not learnt that the terrorist attacks where wrong and crippling the country then it will happen again and again and again.

Seems that there is lessons in Prayuts teachings for you too.

Happy children's day my friend.

The Economist does not seem to agree with your "facts":


At home, however, there is little reason for cheer. The military government has been struggling to revive the economy. This year it is likely to grow by only about 1%, far less than in 2013 (see chart). Consumer spending has recovered somewhat since the coup. But investment, tourism, exports and industrial output are all down.

They also don't agree that Prayuth and company are helping the country to recover:

The generals, many now sporting ministerial titles, have not been helping. They have delegated economic policy to bureaucrats without giving them any clear sense of direction. The result is policy confusion.

But like you said, to listen to facts, to learn from facts...

I agree with everything you say. Wonderful, but unfortunately it does not rebut what I say.

The economy is recovering. It is struggling, but look at what the general had to work with after 7 months of violence denting the economy. It the economy was a hospital patient Prayut would be performing CPR on it.

I am also not saying the government are the most competent people to bring the economy back from the dead, but the indicators are showing it is recovering.

Show me a single economic indicator that shows the economy was improving up to the coup and then going down the drain after it. Show me one graph to that effect? Just one. A single graph.

To think that terrorism does not negatively affect the economy and that peace and stability do then lessons on morality is the least of ones worries. Lessons on economics might be more appropriate.

At least you put some substance into your comments. Old mate "Thailand" could learn some lessons off you!

Please note that the actual coup started when Suthep came on the streets, and with that the economy went fast down, and no, no, no, no, did not recover anything yet !

I think you don't understand anything about economy, and your jobs had sure nothing to do with economics or budgets and numbers, if yes, you would understand the situation better.

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Talk about the blind leading the blind. Jeeze.

Sorry general, but Thailand's ship sailed quite some time ago. Now the country is spiraling the drain with no rescue in sight. You are NOT the white knight you think you are.

"Reading books, learning from experience, learning from facts, all these are knowledge."

Every single economic indicator on Thailand shows Thailand "spiraling the drain" up to the coup and when the coup happened every single economic indicator shows the country recovering. Every single one. There is not one single indicator that reflects what you say. Not one. Not a single one.

I always read these doom and gloom comments, but it is never backed up with facts. It is a belief.

This is what the Prayut is teaching the children. To listen to facts. To learn from facts.

Facts are the country is recovering from 7 months of street violence. That is a fact and if people have not learnt that the terrorist attacks were wrong and crippling the country then it will happen again and again and again.

Seems that there is lessons in Prayuts teachings for you too.

Happy children's day my friend.

The GDP of Thailand is much lower than the neighbors and dropped since Prayut took over.

What are the indicators you're talking about?


(ignore period of political violence)

"Slow economy has forced the Planning agency NESDB to cut growth forecasts for the fourth time this year. It expects the GDP to expand by 1 percent, as compared to 1.5-2 percent target in the previous forecast. Private consumption is expected to grow 0.7 percent and investment to contract 1.9 percent. The headline inflation is likely to remain subdue at 2.1 percent while the current account tends to record a surplus of 2.9 percent of GDP. "

Strange you want to ignore the period of political violence ??? why, because it is used also in your growth forecast, as that forecast is also on the full period.

Second for most understanding people, the political unrest (Suthep & Co) where part of the coup !

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Anyone that can stop the daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok in an instant without firing a single bullet and can greatly curb the unrest in the deep South of which has never been done under any previous government has certainly earned the respect and the right to speak on knowledge and morality.

He is certainly not the best PM Thailand has ever had, but he has admirable intentions and shows a wealth of humanity.

Imagine where Thailand would be now if Prayut did not not step in and show these human qualities. Going by all economic indicators it would be a failed state now.

dj - I know you like to say 'daily terrorist attacks'.

I remember periodic violence. I remember it coming from both sides.

I used to walk right through the PDRC protest area. And yeah, the Big C attack was a shocker - and horrible. But I was there many times before and many times after and don't recall 'daily' attacks at all. Just saying.

As for the south, I would point out that it has been the military which has been responsible for the operations in the south for the last decade. That's also been a long-running tragedy, but I don't perceive it getting better just because we had an 'intervention'.

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Talk about the blind leading the blind. Jeeze.

Sorry general, but Thailand's ship sailed quite some time ago. Now the country is spiraling the drain with no rescue in sight. You are NOT the white knight you think you are.

"Reading books, learning from experience, learning from facts, all these are knowledge."

Every single economic indicator on Thailand shows Thailand "spiraling the drain" up to the coup and when the coup happened every single economic indicator shows the country recovering. Every single one. There is not one single indicator that reflects what you say. Not one. Not a single one.

I always read these doom and gloom comments, but it is never backed up with facts. It is a belief.

This is what the Prayut is teaching the children. To listen to facts. To learn from facts.

Facts are the country is recovering from 7 months of street violence. That is a fact and if people have not learnt that the terrorist attacks were wrong and crippling the country then it will happen again and again and again.

Seems that there is lessons in Prayuts teachings for you too.

Happy children's day my friend.

This is just a lull in the 10 years of battles between the amart and the shinwatras and their supporters.

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"If we only learn about freedom and democracy, without learning about duty, or if we only focus on materials and technology”


Don’t communicate by using technology to find out what is really going on.

Freedom and Democracy are not as important as your blind devotion to the Regime.

"Reading books, learning from experience, learning from facts, all these are knowledge."


Just the books we write and allow you to read. (And certainly not the books we BAN.) And what we present to you as facts.

"Knowledge and morality will lead us to the future." wai2.gifwai.gif

The hypocrisy is stunning.

I like it though.

This megalomaniac keeps exposing himself as a desperate shell of a man.

Keep it up non-elected PM and Junta Leader. clap2.gif

Believe it or not, there are plenty of moral Thai out there with a lot more knowledge than you could ever conceive.

BTW, how did you become so enormously wealthy as a career Military man and servant of the state?

And, could you please ask the same of your hand-picked choice for Chief of Police? biggrin.png


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Anyone that can stop the daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok in an instant without firing a single bullet and can greatly curb the unrest in the deep South of which has never been done under any previous government has certainly earned the respect and the right to speak on knowledge and morality.

He is certainly not the best PM Thailand has ever had, but he has admirable intentions and shows a wealth of humanity.

Imagine where Thailand would be now if Prayut did not not step in and show these human qualities. Going by all economic indicators it would be a failed state now.

Jamie, the sort of selective truth and gratuitous misreading of the facts you daily employ in these forums to suit your agenda would no doubt make the general a very happy totalitarian. However, if the events of the last week have shown the world anything, it's that the freedom to speak, express and the need to tell the truth are more precious than any attempt to cower these values, regardless of your championing of such.

Economic indicators? Perhaps you missed the much repeated news about how much your hero has cost the people of Thailand in the last six months? Or did you block that as you seem to block anything that conflicts with your pre-determined worldview?

Wonderful and I appreciate your input.

I hear a lot of talking, but I do not see one graph that proves me wrong.

Show me a graph that proves you right and me wrong..

One. Just one.

Edited by djjamie
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The Economist does not seem to agree with your "facts":


At home, however, there is little reason for cheer. The military government has been struggling to revive the economy. This year it is likely to grow by only about 1%, far less than in 2013 (see chart). Consumer spending has recovered somewhat since the coup. But investment, tourism, exports and industrial output are all down.

They also don't agree that Prayuth and company are helping the country to recover:

The generals, many now sporting ministerial titles, have not been helping. They have delegated economic policy to bureaucrats without giving them any clear sense of direction. The result is policy confusion.

But like you said, to listen to facts, to learn from facts...

I agree with everything you say. Wonderful, but unfortunately it does not rebut what I say.

The economy is recovering. It is struggling, but look at what the general had to work with after 7 months of violence denting the economy. It the economy was a hospital patient Prayut would be performing CPR on it.

I am also not saying the government are the most competent people to bring the economy back from the dead, but the indicators are showing it is recovering.

Show me a single economic indicator that shows the economy was improving up to the coup and then going down the drain after it. Show me one graph to that effect? Just one. A single graph.

To think that terrorism does not negatively affect the economy and that peace and stability do then lessons on morality is the least of ones worries. Lessons on economics might be more appropriate.

At least you put some substance into your comments. Old mate "Thailand" could learn some lessons off you!

Blinkers still very tight I see - there are absolutely no indicators that the economy is improving. It's a basket case at the moment and worse than it was. All we have as your "indicators" are vastly over optimistic government predictions.

As to whether it's worsened since the coup - these have been linked to over and over in these forums. That you only see what you wish to see is fairly well established in these pages.

But try this - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/webmobile/business/BOT-cuts-growth-forecasts-for-2014-and-2015-30250767.html The Bank Of Thailand's figures in Sept were heavily revised downwards in December - after the coup. Ignore the predictions, look at the actual.

How about (12 days ago): http://www.cnbc.com/id/102297056#. "Thailand's export woes have been a big factor in economic recovery not getting on track after the army seized power in May."

Companies are moving away, the EU is at arm's length and banks don't want to know about Thailand. There is a ton of this stuff out there if you want to pay attention. But, of course, you do not - in the same surreal way you blame the "reds" for all the violence last year.

One hopes it does improve for everyone's sake, not least the Thai people, but it's not healthy.

Wonderful..Show me a graph then that highlights that under the PTP the economy improved in 2013 and a graph that showed the economy worsened under the Junta in 2014..

Just one graph..

I bet you can't because when your at rock bottom the only way is up.

And as inept that the Junta may be at running a country they can only go up and this is what all economic indicators show.

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today, the son of my Girlfriend opened the door to the house. His left hand on the door handle, his right hand flat dab on the glass of the door. One move that wasn't really needed to open the door. The fat of the fingerprints are still on the glass.

This has happened 100 of times since I came to know the son 6 years ago. Upon then, I asked him why he needs to leave the imprints of his right hand on the glass, when it only takes ONE hand to open the door.

I tried to teach him, please kepp the glass clean, You do not have to touch it.


Dear Genral Prayut, Thailands children should be taught something useful in school and something even more useful at home.

How you want to achieve this, remains a mystery. But I guess Thailand's ELITE wants it to be this way.

If you aim to raise children into stupidity, just keep the current system. It will bring Thailand forward for sure.

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The Economist does not seem to agree with your "facts":


At home, however, there is little reason for cheer. The military government has been struggling to revive the economy. This year it is likely to grow by only about 1%, far less than in 2013 (see chart). Consumer spending has recovered somewhat since the coup. But investment, tourism, exports and industrial output are all down.

They also don't agree that Prayuth and company are helping the country to recover:

The generals, many now sporting ministerial titles, have not been helping. They have delegated economic policy to bureaucrats without giving them any clear sense of direction. The result is policy confusion.

But like you said, to listen to facts, to learn from facts...

I agree with everything you say. Wonderful, but unfortunately it does not rebut what I say.

The economy is recovering. It is struggling, but look at what the general had to work with after 7 months of violence denting the economy. It the economy was a hospital patient Prayut would be performing CPR on it.

I am also not saying the government are the most competent people to bring the economy back from the dead, but the indicators are showing it is recovering.

Show me a single economic indicator that shows the economy was improving up to the coup and then going down the drain after it. Show me one graph to that effect? Just one. A single graph.

To think that terrorism does not negatively affect the economy and that peace and stability do then lessons on morality is the least of ones worries. Lessons on economics might be more appropriate.

At least you put some substance into your comments. Old mate "Thailand" could learn some lessons off you!

Blinkers still very tight I see - there are absolutely no indicators that the economy is improving. It's a basket case at the moment and worse than it was. All we have as your "indicators" are vastly over optimistic government predictions.

As to whether it's worsened since the coup - these have been linked to over and over in these forums. That you only see what you wish to see is fairly well established in these pages.

But try this - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/webmobile/business/BOT-cuts-growth-forecasts-for-2014-and-2015-30250767.html The Bank Of Thailand's figures in Sept were heavily revised downwards in December - after the coup. Ignore the predictions, look at the actual.

How about (12 days ago): http://www.cnbc.com/id/102297056#. "Thailand's export woes have been a big factor in economic recovery not getting on track after the army seized power in May."

Companies are moving away, the EU is at arm's length and banks don't want to know about Thailand. There is a ton of this stuff out there if you want to pay attention. But, of course, you do not - in the same surreal way you blame the "reds" for all the violence last year.

One hopes it does improve for everyone's sake, not least the Thai people, but it's not healthy.

Wonderful..Show me a graph then that highlights that under the PTP the economy improved in 2013 and a graph that showed the economy worsened under the Junta in 2014..

Just one graph..

I bet you can't because when your at rock bottom the only way is up.

And as inept that the Junta may be at running a country they can only go up and this is what all economic indicators show.

Kind of off topic aren't you?


Way off topic.

But, since you insist, are you claiming the short timer, un-elected PM is resposible for the already rising growth and forecasts? blink.png

Replete with your beloved graphs:


Not to mention, your assuming stats of the current, non-elected junta which are simply not available.

Nice try.

Disingenuous at best.

Edited by iReason
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What is it with military " leaders" trying to instill values ? Shouldn't they simply lead by example ?

If Thailand at some point ever wants to move on from being a feudal society, the focus should

be on real education, rather than parroting these type of sound bites.....

Here is the original list of values from Phibun in 1955.

“One, hold a religion

Two, preserve Thai traditions

Three, listen to parents, guardians, and teachers

Four, speak politely in a soft tone

Five, show gratitude

Six, know your duty

Seven, seek for knowledge, do not be lazy

Eight, be frugal, learn to save money

Nine, always be honest, understand sportsmanship

Ten, be useful, know the law of karma and preserve national properties

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just found this pic on csi la

what the...morality is high


I'll give the kids a pass.

They only know what those dimwits in the back have taught them. wai2.gifwai.gif

The mind simply boggles. Is that real photo or some kind of joke setup ?

I admire the kid who prefers an ice cream to a gun.....

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Blinkers still very tight I see - there are absolutely no indicators that the economy is improving. It's a basket case at the moment and worse than it was. All we have as your "indicators" are vastly over optimistic government predictions.

As to whether it's worsened since the coup - these have been linked to over and over in these forums. That you only see what you wish to see is fairly well established in these pages.

But try this - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/webmobile/business/BOT-cuts-growth-forecasts-for-2014-and-2015-30250767.html The Bank Of Thailand's figures in Sept were heavily revised downwards in December - after the coup. Ignore the predictions, look at the actual.

How about (12 days ago): http://www.cnbc.com/id/102297056#. "Thailand's export woes have been a big factor in economic recovery not getting on track after the army seized power in May."

Companies are moving away, the EU is at arm's length and banks don't want to know about Thailand. There is a ton of this stuff out there if you want to pay attention. But, of course, you do not - in the same surreal way you blame the "reds" for all the violence last year.

One hopes it does improve for everyone's sake, not least the Thai people, but it's not healthy.

Wonderful..Show me a graph then that highlights that under the PTP the economy improved in 2013 and a graph that showed the economy worsened under the Junta in 2014..

Just one graph..

I bet you can't because when your at rock bottom the only way is up.

And as inept that the Junta may be at running a country they can only go up and this is what all economic indicators show.

Kind of off topic aren't you?


Way off topic.

But, since you insist, are you claiming the short timer, un-elected PM is resposible for the already rising growth and forecasts? blink.png

Replete with your beloved graphs:


Not to mention, your assuming stats of the current, non-elected junta which are simply not available.

Nice try.

Disingenuous at best.

WOW. Carbon dioxide has risen under the Junta!!!

Show me a graph that indicates the economy has suffered after daily terrorist attacks have stopped?

Do you honestly believe that instability will encourage economic growth? Do you?

Do you not understand that stability and peace fosters economic growth?

Why even argue with me.

I am right..

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Blinkers still very tight I see - there are absolutely no indicators that the economy is improving. It's a basket case at the moment and worse than it was. All we have as your "indicators" are vastly over optimistic government predictions.

As to whether it's worsened since the coup - these have been linked to over and over in these forums. That you only see what you wish to see is fairly well established in these pages.

But try this - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/webmobile/business/BOT-cuts-growth-forecasts-for-2014-and-2015-30250767.html The Bank Of Thailand's figures in Sept were heavily revised downwards in December - after the coup. Ignore the predictions, look at the actual.

How about (12 days ago): http://www.cnbc.com/id/102297056#. "Thailand's export woes have been a big factor in economic recovery not getting on track after the army seized power in May."

Companies are moving away, the EU is at arm's length and banks don't want to know about Thailand. There is a ton of this stuff out there if you want to pay attention. But, of course, you do not - in the same surreal way you blame the "reds" for all the violence last year.

One hopes it does improve for everyone's sake, not least the Thai people, but it's not healthy.

Wonderful..Show me a graph then that highlights that under the PTP the economy improved in 2013 and a graph that showed the economy worsened under the Junta in 2014..

Just one graph..

I bet you can't because when your at rock bottom the only way is up.

And as inept that the Junta may be at running a country they can only go up and this is what all economic indicators show.

Kind of off topic aren't you?


Way off topic.

But, since you insist, are you claiming the short timer, un-elected PM is resposible for the already rising growth and forecasts? blink.png

Replete with your beloved graphs:


Not to mention, your assuming stats of the current, non-elected junta which are simply not available.

Nice try.

Disingenuous at best.

WOW. Carbon dioxide has risen under the Junta!!!

Show me a graph that indicates the economy has suffered after daily terrorist attacks have stopped?

Do you honestly believe that instability will encourage economic growth? Do you?

Do you not understand that stability and peace fosters economic growth?

Why even argue with me.

I am right..

Nice try.

No, I was being generous.

Pathetic try.

Dispense with your rhetoric.

Stick to the graphs. laugh.png

"I am right.."?


Ellipsis ("omission" or "falling short") is a series of dots that usually indicates an intentional omission.

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif



Edited by iReason
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Wonderful..Show me a graph then that highlights that under the PTP the economy improved in 2013 and a graph that showed the economy worsened under the Junta in 2014..

Just one graph..

I bet you can't because when your at rock bottom the only way is up.

And as inept that the Junta may be at running a country they can only go up and this is what all economic indicators show.

Kind of off topic aren't you?


Way off topic.

But, since you insist, are you claiming the short timer, un-elected PM is resposible for the already rising growth and forecasts? blink.png

Replete with your beloved graphs:


Not to mention, your assuming stats of the current, non-elected junta which are simply not available.

Nice try.

Disingenuous at best.

WOW. Carbon dioxide has risen under the Junta!!!

Show me a graph that indicates the economy has suffered after daily terrorist attacks have stopped?

Do you honestly believe that instability will encourage economic growth? Do you?

Do you not understand that stability and peace fosters economic growth?

Why even argue with me.

I am right..

Nice try.

No, I was being generous.

Pathetic try.

Dispense with your rhetoric.

Stick to the graphs. laugh.png

"I am right.."?


Ellipsis ("omission" or "falling short") is a series of dots that usually indicates an intentional omission.

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Wonderful graphs, but can you show dates under them?

Let me see the exact dates the figures went up and down?

Do you honestly think that under an a terrorist driven society the economy would improve?

I have no doubt the Junta are not the best government to foster growth, but when you are at rock bottom the only way is up..

Do you not honestly see that?

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WOW. Carbon dioxide has risen under the Junta!!!

Show me a graph that indicates the economy has suffered after daily terrorist attacks have stopped?

Do you honestly believe that instability will encourage economic growth? Do you?

Do you not understand that stability and peace fosters economic growth?

Why even argue with me.

I am right..

Nice try.

No, I was being generous.

Pathetic try.

Dispense with your rhetoric.

Stick to the graphs. laugh.png

"I am right.."?


Ellipsis ("omission" or "falling short") is a series of dots that usually indicates an intentional omission.

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

To reiterate...

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