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Why Is Uk Passport So Important For Thai Wife


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I am in a happy marriage with my thai wife for more than 2yrs now and all is very good.

There seems to be so much importance attached to her obtaining a UK passport before we move to Thailand completely.

She tells me " its so we can travel/visit other countries" but I am not so sure we will be visiting other countries.

Why do you think so much importance is attached to obtaining a Uk Passport for my Thai wife?


ps. we currently reside in the UK

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Why do you think so much importance is attached to obtaining a Uk Passport for my Thai wife?

Could it perhaps be Welfare / NHS related etc. Should heaven forbid something happen to your goodself or indeed the marriage goes sour (I am sure it wont).

It would be a good security blanket for her. Although the travelling thing is a fair point.

Edited by dekka007
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If your wife is in the UK for the required period, then get her the passport. It removes any need for her to have a visa to enter the UK – something that is constantly costing more. Also the British Passport is accepted without visa in far more countries.

The issue is flexibility of options for the future, and the future might not be what you think it is now.

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She tells me " its so we can travel/visit other countries" but I am not so sure we will be visiting other countries.

Why do you think so much importance is attached to obtaining a Uk Passport for my Thai wife?


ps. we currently reside in the UK

...obviously travel is a very good reason but on a second point (some might not agree) it will never be so EASY.. again. :o

In saying that I do not of course mean that its easy to get per say but if you consider the amount of

buro-c.and red tape especially with the future UK /EU legislation regarding and incorporating I.D cards,Individual Interviews,selective Security Clearances etc.for registration...it is bound to become a LOT LOT more difficult.....and expensive..... :D

I have met quite a number of mostly Thai/Phillippino women who have spent up to and over 20 plus years here and have been quite happy with their National PPs with ILR etc but they are now finding (Phillis) that their respective Government is asking why since they have been abroad for so long they have not taking out local citizenship (ie UK)...yeaa...answer.... NONE of you B*ood* business...however they then got to prove it .......all in the £££££££....collection ......tax etcs etc...

Most have now got the book....

I made a comment quite some time ago that in order to get the aforementioned hallowed UK PP it might be neccessary one day for the TCN candidate to have a degree in a respective subject (suggested English)to prove that they are "acceptable"for citizenship and although mabe a bit over the top at the time,it is now manditory to provide evidence that they have achieved a level of comprehension and understanding of in this case ...the language.....wot Next.....?...sorry try again in 5 years time.....10 years ...15 years ......

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My wife, who has been in the UK for just over 3 years, has just applied for British citizenship - which will enable her to get a British passport. The only reason why she has done this is to make travelling so much easier - no summer holiday for us this year as we never applied for a Schengen visa intime - and the back log was too long! To get citizenship now you have to take a citizenship test which is not as easy as it sounds -

questions which she faced in the actual test were -

what proportion of the Uk population are under 18?

How many members of parliament are there?

What does the acronym QUANGO stand for?

Obviously the majority were more straightforward, but nonetheless im sure most UK citizens would have struggled with some of them! Although its quite easy to revise as you can buy a study guide with all the possible questions in (about 300). Passing this test also proves English proficiency.

I dont see any reason not to get British citizenship as it doesn't effect Thai citizenship. Use the Thai passport for entry in and out of Thailand and the British passport everywhere else. It is quite expensive procedure though - £268, and then the passport fee ontop once citizenship has been granted.

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So..... what does QUANGO stand for?

Quasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisation.................... apparantly!

yeah, thats the one. Its like an NGO but with close links to governments, can be funded by them and does Government functions but is not part of the Government.

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Thankyou for you views on this matter.

I guess having a UK passport, I don't attach that much importance to it.

But I agree that I would never part with it especially having visited and seen some other countries.

I will continue to support my wife as best I can in this or any other matter.

I guess what threw me a little was I previously had a thai girlfriend for 3yrs here in UK and she attached so much importance to her Thai Passport and Nationality. But then again circumstances were different as she was still legally married but separated and had a child from within the marriage

Genuine Thanks


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I think that a lot of people with Western and USA passports forget what a luxury it is to have it.

Knowing a few people form the old Eastern block and the trouble they say they have entering any country I can understand.Visa, cost, counsulate applications ect.

I am also sure that the ability to get one of the established countries passports will in the future become more and more difficult.

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I think that a lot of people with Western and USA passports forget what a luxury it is to have it.

Knowing a few people form the old Eastern block and the trouble they say they have entering any country I can understand.Visa, cost, counsulate applications ect.

I am also sure that the ability to get one of the established countries passports will in the future become more and more difficult.

Security in case the marriage doesn't work :o:D:D

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