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Whingeing post about restaurant service standards in general , ignore if you wish


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Should put this in the Chiang Mai section but I am sure it would be deleted. One of the characteristics in my opinion of life in this country is of inconsistency and what I would call "inefficiency". On Friday I went to a place that has great food, great service, been there many times, and is right on my cycling route so perfect for breakfast. I like the Phad Thai Ho Kai they have there (Pad Thai in Omelet). I was told that they were too busy and thus would not make it (Yes, it is on the menu.) They were busy, but really?? I could have Phad Thai instead. Well in my mind I would have had the opportunity to order more than one thing and that would take time also. Anyway, I took the Phad Thai even though I never order it, because I like Phat Thai in Omelet, and probably would have ordered Khao Tom or Pad Khapow instead or whatever. What arrived was so oily and salty that I thought it was almost inedible. It was totally inconsistent with the standards of excellence this place had established im my mind from many years. I ate little of it, slurped my coffee, and picked up a croissant from their bakery on my way out.

Saturday I go to another place again by myself early for dinner. I go there all the time, usually for lunch. Everything is excellent, a Thai place that is not cheap, but is always busy and has a great local following. So I go in, get seated and handed a menu. Usually they standby to take your order of course. Well this time it took twenty minutes to get an order in, despite me repeatedly trying to flag somebody down.The place was almost empty. I felt like walking out. My Green curry chicken arrives without my tea, and with no cutlery. I sat there staring at my food like a convict with staff walking by. 5 minutes later in starvation I dared to ask again for a spoon. Finally cutlery arrives. I start eating. No Tea. I had to ask again. Rice never came. When time came to pay the bill I told the manager that the rice never arrived. Now he is apologetic and says I don't have to pay for it (5 bhat). I told him don't worry about it. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say, loss of face or whatever but he seemed hostile

I felt like never going back again but I did so today for lunch. The place is full, everthing perfect, same me, all the same staff. What is up with that?

Also on Friday night my friends (Thai and Japanese) showed up to drink beer. We go to this place that serves Belgian ale and other imported stuff, staring from 280 Baht per pint. It is empty because of heavy rain. I counted 14 staff and 14 customers. Ordering a round took 15 minutes. The last time I was there was on Dec 30 when it was absolutely packed to the rafters. It took about the same time to get orders. I noticed they had one guy actually bringing out the orders, the rest were standing around chatting when not actually taking orders. If I was a manager in food service here I would be a little more proactive about staffing flexibility. When I was a kid working in a restaurant (back of the house) if I stood around the Chef would have stabbed me in the ass with a butter knife (literally).

Moaning session off...

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How could I ever ignore this?

OP, I sympathize with you, I've been a victim in the Thai restaurants for many times.

I have been ignored, served the wrong food, brought me the chips after I finished my dinner and many other wrong doings can't remember now.

And on top of that they hand the change to the wrong person although I've paid in the first time.

I'm so happy to see that there is also somebody else suffering out there and it's not only me.

I opened a thread some while back about a similar subject and the answers I got.....if you don't like it here go back to your own country.

What can I say....these people don't know what proper service is.

At least now I've got somebody to share my grief with.

Thank you OP.......you are in my favorite books from now on.

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well OP , I know farang always expect everything to be perfect .... but things are cheaper in Thailand such as thai food and service ......

but , just for the sake of a bad day I don't think I will move ...... that can happen in your country too believe it or not.

..... if at first you don't succeed, try try again ... coffee1.gif

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