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Unnerved by waves of transfer, Thai police officers turn to horoscopes


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I assume this proves that Thai police are not only incompetent, they are also superstitious morons!

Btw., they do not need to travel across the country anymore. Anyone can inform them that their promotion is entirely depending on how much money they are willing to pay their superior officer.

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"All of them have confidence in this man's ability to see the future," one officer said.

Wonder why his skills are not used to solve or prevent crimes?

If this were the west would I expect to hear about a disciplinary hearing for using a Police Computer for private purposes? I guess that is not in the cards.

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At last Pol.Col. Samart is a cop with balls. Hope he will find out one day that it wasn't the glass ones required for his job as a police.

Who is running this amateurish club anyway? Voodoo priest? Magicians (now you see it- now you don't) or thimblerigger like the guys on the Koh Tao cases?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? alt=thumbsup.gif>

says it all fella,, the modern world has got beyond all that nonsense, we did it with "education". We know how to treat illnesses properly now based upon Science and an understanding of how the human body works, these practices should stay where they belong, in the past when humans knew no better. Most of the world has done this, so it's time Thailand did the same and stopped wasting peoples money on such bunkum.

Well the west is not totally clear of superstitions, many folks still say things like:

- Don't put shoes on the table it will bring bad luck.

- Quickly say 'touch wood' thinking it will ward off something.

and more

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? alt=thumbsup.gif>

says it all fella,, the modern world has got beyond all that nonsense, we did it with "education". We know how to treat illnesses properly now based upon Science and an understanding of how the human body works, these practices should stay where they belong, in the past when humans knew no better. Most of the world has done this, so it's time Thailand did the same and stopped wasting peoples money on such bunkum.

Well the west is not totally clear of superstitions, many folks still say things like:

- Don't put shoes on the table it will bring bad luck.

- Quickly say 'touch wood' thinking it will ward off something.

and more

And they are equally stupid.

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"Pol.Col. Samart's colleagues at Mueang Pitsanulok Police Station confirmed to Khaosod that many police officers have been requesting readings from the soothsayer."

"All of them have confidence in this man's ability to see the future," one officer said." blink.png

We're doomed.


A fine example for any of the dreamers here who think this country is moving forward.

But hey, even a US President:


Didn't seem to help 'tho, his administration crumbled resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials.


Just finished reading Carl Sagan's "The demon haunted world." A great read. Covers everything from witches to astrology and Tarot; AND all the religions in between. Got it cheap on my Kindle. Well worth a read if you are a skeptic or Athiest. (or overly religious for that matter. If you finish the book you should be cured of virtually any of the "belief lunacies".) If you do not understand that last sentence, just read the book. take your time,. It is a long read but I guess you could cherry-pick chapters. I think most topics are explored in enough detail to be self supporting." Warning: The book contains no invisible means of support. i.e. does not rely on any faith, just cold hard analytic logic and most is very simply explained.

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Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? thumbsup.gif

True story. My wife was going to cut my hair today & we were already to get into it. Then Mother comes out and says "Wednesday is an unlucky day to cut hair."

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Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? thumbsup.gif

True story. My wife was going to cut my hair today & we were already to get into it. Then Mother comes out and says "Wednesday is an unlucky day to cut hair."


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? alt=thumbsup.gif>

says it all fella,, the modern world has got beyond all that nonsense, we did it with "education". We know how to treat illnesses properly now based upon Science and an understanding of how the human body works, these practices should stay where they belong, in the past when humans knew no better. Most of the world has done this, so it's time Thailand did the same and stopped wasting peoples money on such bunkum.

Well the west is not totally clear of superstitions, many folks still say things like:

- Don't put shoes on the table it will bring bad luck.

- Quickly say 'touch wood' thinking it will ward off something.

and more

yes but nobody takes it seriously, and if they do then they are just as stupid.

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Things are worse than I thought. A large somewhat out of control mafia that is

turning to horoscopes to figure out why they are being transferred after being

caught for corruption ? The mind boggles. Are these headlines real, or is TV just

making them up for click bait ??

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Things are worse than I thought. A large somewhat out of control mafia that is

turning to horoscopes to figure out why they are being transferred after being

caught for corruption ? The mind boggles. Are these headlines real, or is TV just

making them up for click bait ??

Real headlines, real Thainess.

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Belief in Superstitions is ingrained into the Thai culture. Nothing more and nothing less. People see ghosts or a ghost has infiltrated their body some how, leading to various illnesses in that individual. My Missus is on the laptop every night reading what tomorrow may bring for Her and me. She was born in the Year of the Rabbit under a Full Moon and I was born in the year of the Tiger. So each night she reads her and my predictions for the next day. Then it somehow involves the day of the week we each were born on. Mind you, She is educated and can speak 4 Languages. I've witnessed with my own eyes how deep this is for some Thai's including the Missus. Last Year, we visited her Parents in the Home Village. She began complaining about a stomach ache. First thing her parents insisted is that some spiritual guy come over to treat her. Yep, he took an egg and began rolling it around her stomach, all the while chanting and blowing smoke on her. He did that for an hour and that did not do anything. No surprise there! The following day, Her parents insisted we visit a Powerful Shaman two villages away who could take care of whatever it was that was ailing Her. They prepared a Palm Frond structure looking like a miniature Eiffel Tower. We packed up the back of the P/U with all sorts of offerings and we all were off to see the Shaman. We arrived at the Shaman's Home and began to unload the P/U. Out comes this 100+ year old Gentlemen who was going to take away the supposed evil spirits and the Missus would be alright. The ceremony was straight out of a National Geographic show. I couldn't believe what my eyes were witnessing. Incantations, fire, smoke, a sword held to the back of the Missus neck. I was not thrilled about that sword, but I was assured nothing was going to happen to her. Well, 3 hours later and 1 Thousand Baht lighter, His assurances were correct, nothing happened to her, as She still had Her stomach ache. The following day, I took charge of the situation and brought Her to a Private Hospital where she remained for 3 days being treated for a bacterial infection in Her stomach, possible caused by food and soon recovered. Superstitions only go so far with me. However, I cannot say, I am totally not superstitious, as I my self have taken Five trips to Wat Bang Phra in Nakhon Pathom to have sacred Sak Yankt Tattoos inked on my back by one of the master artist Monks there. So in reality, who knows? thumbsup.gif

True story. My wife was going to cut my hair today & we were already to get into it. Then Mother comes out and says "Wednesday is an unlucky day to cut hair."


I assume Gazzpa thinks that was just another of my shaggy dog stories. 555 (I's not. It is true.) Perhaps later today when I have finished painting. OOPS! Forgot to check with MUM of she-who-must-be-obeyed, if today was a lucky day for painting or not. I might roll an egg around on my stomach or consult my lucky tattoos.?????????????????

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