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What does it means when a Thai girl tells she dreamt about snakes?


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OK thanks alot guys for the very much helpfull expertise in Thai snake dreams superstitions. Also many thanks to guys with the funny comments, cracked me up :)

So I guess she wanna tell me that she thinks or want me to believe that we are soulmates and we should marry asap or something like that. Great...

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Googling for 'thailand dream snakes' gives me this which answers your question :


"If a Thai woman dreams and sees a snake during a dream, she will find the man of her life in the next coming days."

We have had the internet for about 25 years and there are still non-Googlers. Never ceases to amaze...

I get the feeling the OP might be cutting the bottom of his toothpaste tube off with scissors to access the toothpaste not realizing there is a screw cap at the other end. Gee whiz when are these guys gonna step into this century??!

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Several crass / gutter talk posts removed. Moved to PUB.

27) Additional forum rule for the "General forum": It is a forum for general interest & discussion topics related to Thailand only and not covered by other sub forums. The General Forum is not a place for chit chat, banter and daily life observations. Those sort of topics should be placed in the Farang Pub sub forum.

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1. You have serious attitude adjustments in your future. When I hear a Westerner speak of "silly superstitions" I know he is in the wrong nation with the wrong people and should leave Thailand at first opportunity. With that attitude, you will never come near understanding the whole scene here and will be a drag and disappointment to any relationship you have with a Thai, personal or business.

2. Freud, of course, has NO PLACE in Thailand...... he is for silly Westerners.

3. Snakes have complex meanings in Asia, including Naga, and are a subject in itself that deserves research greater than this forum usually provides.

You are way too clueless to get near an answer to your question. Byewai.gif

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Dear OP, such a good question and thanks for asking.

I consulted with "She who must be obeyed".

To dream of snakes means your lady will be lucky in love.

Since you are her boyfriend at the time of the dream, you will be lucky in love together.

Your girlfriend may see this as a sign that things will go well for her with you and may even lead to marriage.

I think that post 73 is a bit brutal but there is merit in what he says.

Thai culture is very much based on superstition.

My wife wanted to build a block of rooms to rent.

The first item on the agenda was not can we have planning permission or

how much will it cost or

how long will it take to complete or

is it a cost effective plan.

No, the first thing was to go and see the Monk and fortune teller to see when is the "Lucky" time to start the project.

Almost everything is based on Luck and you have to make merit to become lucky.

You don't make merit to help others but to help yourself.

We have an outside light on all night - so Buddha can look down and see us and keep us lucky.

In her thirties,after a divorce, the fortune teller told her not to worry, she could go overseas and earn Big Money to take care of her children and parents.

That she would be 50 and the man of her dreams would appear and take care of her. - Guess what!

She worked overseas and bought a small house for her folks, had her grand mother take care of the two boys and successfully put them through Uni for one and Polytechnic for the other.

Met me at a mutual friends wedding in Thailand and the rest is history as they say.

I urge you to read the book: Thailand Fever, it has a website.

This book is written in both English and Thai so you can use the book to increase the understanding of each other's culture.

It is not a translation. The English is written so that an English speaker will understand the meaning of the page.

The Thai is also written so a Thai speaker will understand.

Translations do not work very well. See the film Lost in Translation - Bill Murry, very funny but so true.

I was loaned a copy of Thailand Fever when I first arrived in Thailand, I read it three times before I met my now wife.

It helped me understand both Thai and Western culture so I was better prepared to settle in to this massive change in my life.

In order for you to understand the Bar Girl Syndrome better, download a free eBook by Stephen Leather - Private Dancer.

In the East it's all about money and right up front.

In the west it's all about physical attraction. The money aspect comes up at the divorce.

Same same, just at different times.

Remember to enjoy every day as if it were to be your last, but think with your high head, not the small one lower down......

Some people live their lives as if they have another in the bank!

Good Luck young man and have a great life.

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To Laislica: Thank you very much for your highly insightful post, I understand more now. Really appreciated.

To KhnomKhnom: I just wanna say, bye, adios, auf wiedersehen, toodeloo.

Thank you for your kind words to me.

But hey, don't be too hard on KhnomKhnom

He has probably been there and done it loads of times before and knows that folk often don't listen to any advice given

Could well explain his brusqueness?

I read his post and I was prompted to go the extra mile for you, so - Thank you KhnomKhnom!

Just so you know, I am 27 now but later this month I have a birthday and will be 37 LOL

Though, strangely, my wife is always 20 years younger than me.....

Time flies when you're having fun x


And they I looked at your profile YOUNG LADY!

So please disregard the point about thinking heads LOL

Edited by laislica
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