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I Did'nt Send That Email


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So you get to know a great Thai woman on holiday and have lots of fun. You know how things tend to work here, but keep it at the back of your mind, afterall your here to relax and have fun.

The email trading starts, back and forth and then one day you receive an email asking for money because she wants to start a business but won't tell any more you because it's a surprise.

You get angry, send a reply back telling her how annoyed you are, and that your not a bank and that you thought she was special, different.

She sends another reply, and denies that she ever sent the email asking for money and that someone must of used her email account. Asking for money deceitfully is bad enough, but lying is the last straw.

Typical scenario, be aware of it, it can happen to anyone !! Just let go.

It's Thailand afterall, lol.

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The email trading starts, back and forth and then one day you receive an email asking for money because she wants to start a business but won't tell any more you because it's a surprise.

There is a very, very easy solution to that problem. Do not give your email address,...

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what's worse is some don't send any of the emails, even from the start. it could be a friend that juggles 10 to 20 farangs a day for her.

From my experiences I would say that less than 0.001% write the emails. Even if they speak English in a remotely acceptable way you can still be pretty sure that they can not read or write it.

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but what about communications that happen otherwise (telephones?) that don't work out? I know of a beautiful dark skinned lady that wanted to discuss a business arrangement with her beau overseas only to get the brush off as he decided that she was a digger...I offered her my warmth and support...but my wife found out and I never did get laid...

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what's worse is some don't send any of the emails, even from the start. it could be a friend that juggles 10 to 20 farangs a day for her.

When I was last over my G/F took me to the internet cafe and proptly replied to e-mails from three different accounts on behalf of three different girls. All the mails were the same just sent to different guys eg. how are you? :D missing you? :D when you come back? you let me know when I meet you? Needless to say I now have the e-mail account details including passwords and often while away the dull winter nights reading the mails.... Yes I know thats bad, but is it any worse than these girls conning the falangs? :o

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So you get to know a great Thai woman on holiday and have lots of fun. You know how things tend to work here, but keep it at the back of your mind, afterall your here to relax and have fun.

The email trading starts, back and forth and then one day you receive an email asking for money .....

You get angry, send a reply back telling her how annoyed you are, and that your not a bank and that you thought she was special, different.


Typical scenario, be aware of it, it can happen to anyone !! Just let go.

It's Thailand afterall, lol.

You know how things work... :D you mean there is a good choice of cheap and eager prostitutes to have fun with during your stay, it is sweet how they get attached to you and make you feel like they care for you, even though you feel no obligation on either side... :D Some even continue to make you feel good about yourself after the rental period, through e-mail and occasional phonecalls (if they can afford it).

But beware my friends, :D let it be said in this forum that many, if not all of them have selfish motives and don't care whether they damage the image of the exotic, accomodating beauty who lost her heart since she met us... Easily we can detect the lies and schemes they dream up, not to entice our hearts, but to rid us of and grab our money :o

-Finally we come to see the truth: these double-faced clever sweetmouthed Thai girls are not spending the best years of their lives in smelly, noisy bars in Pattaya and Patong just because they are hospitable daughters of the land of smiles and like to spend their time falling in love with and servicing visiting sex-tourists, no, they want something in return, and greedy as they are these days, replying to the e-mails and assuring them we might want to ###### them again on our next holiday isn't enough!?

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Chonabot- not as bad as I thought mind you mix up names is classic and damage enough! :D

I think I did once step over the mark , the text read " How are you My Darling , what are you doing right now?"

I replied , " She's just cooking my breakfast after a marathon shag "

That went down well..... :o

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natee1, Just have to say that there are a few honest girls out there sure and no, they don't want to be in the situation they are in but DAM-n, there are way too many that play the game too far. Too many bars and all kinds of other biz lost by trusting souls to these "Loving, kind women". There are way too many beauty parlors here (a lot of which Falangs have paid for the school) and a meriad of other bull these girls pull. "Send me money, I won't work bar". "Could you send money, my water buffalo is sick"! Some guy writes that he'll be in next week and she writes, "oh I can't meet you untill--- because she has another sucker she's with. Seen it a lot and it will never end, just part of the game. How many BG are out there pulling in money from six or seven or more guys every month?! For me this is just another GET A GRIP CALL :o

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When I was last over my G/F took me to the internet cafe and proptly replied to e-mails from three different accounts on behalf of three different girls.

Did she tell you that they weren't hers? Well, you may be right.

Lately I came onto a computer in Khao Sarn Road where before me a BarGirl had used her email account. Typically she didn't log off, and so I read through her account. She had only 5 (yes, five only!) boyfriends mailing to her at the time, and one of them was a married farang who was about to leave his wife and children to come to her...

I was so rude to retrieve the password from Yahoo and mail it to him...

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It just takes a bit of common sense.

But to be fair, there are some who arent just after a lot of farang's money. There are honest, nice girls out there, and some do work in bars because they know its better pay than other jobs.

My gf i know is honest and loves me. She has never asked me for money, infact offering to send me money. Were in love, and i know it, so does she.

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Ihave never been involved with a BG but have seen and heard stories about those that do. The only advice I can give here is, if you feel the need to "socialize" with them, do your businness and then clear out. No names, no e-mail addresses exchanged. If you want to meet a quality Thai girl and fall in love go upcountry.

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Lately I came onto a computer in Khao Sarn Road where before me a BarGirl had used her email account. Typically she didn't log off, and so I read through her account. She had only 5 (yes, five only!) boyfriends mailing to her at the time, and one of them was a married farang who was about to leave his wife and children to come to her...

I was so rude to retrieve the password from Yahoo and mail it to him...

Can't say I approve of your method but better he found out before he broke up his family. Though I think he would've got what he deserved for doing that to his children.

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