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99% of Thai Women Aren't Gold Diggers - They're Good Hearted


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While it's patently true that in Thai culture (as opposed to Western Culture), money and love are inseparable items, only a tiny, tiny minority of Thai women are gold diggers.

Because about 99% of Thai women are brought up to be naturally Jai Dee - Good Hearted people..and they stay that way..

I feel bad for the guys that get burned by the other 1%, but for the Grace of God go I..and many of you farang too I would guess..

Some of those 1% could fool the smartest of farang, never mind me, stuck at the back of the class again..

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And this study is based on your two week holiday? How about some backup on these numbers. I would probably put it 70 percent gold diggers if given the shovel and 30 percent potentially not but that is just my opinion.

l think too many farang go for the 1%? By osmosis perhaps?

I've spent 2.5 years in the Kingdom, had some Thai Gf's before I met my wife in 2007..so perhaps my sample slice is too small, but I stick to the program, your bias may say otherwise, that's cool

I hang around with Thai people a lot, hence a few generalizations can be made

I never said I hit the bulls-eye, never have, never will

Maybe the figure is 97%, but it's high

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It costs a lot of money to keep us happy and pretty.

And if men are stupid enough to submit to that then they are dumb. Blinkered etc.

It can go the other way though, when a woman has the money and the man spends it on silly things. Like sex toys for his new girlfriend with my bank card sort of silly things. And thinks i wouldn't notice.

I could have hit him and her round the head with a dildo.... 100 pounds worth of sex toys and lingerie. We laugh about it now.... she actually asked me back then if i had any spare AA batteries.

I am so gullible and seem to see the good all around me - i thought she wanted the batteries for a torch that she kept in her car if she ever broke down!!

Edited by Patsycat
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It costs a lot of money to keep us happy and pretty.

And if men are stupid enough to submit to that then they are dumb. Blinkered etc.

It can go the other way though, when a woman has the money and the man spends it on silly things. Like sex toys for his new girlfriend with my bank card sort of silly things. And thinks i wouldn't notice.

I could have hit him and her round the head with a dildo.... 100 pounds worth of sex toys and lingerie. We laugh about it now.... she actually asked me back then if i had any spare AA batteries.

I am so gullible and seem to see the good all around me - i thought she wanted the batteries for a torch that she kept in her car if she ever broke down!!


Edited by krisb
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OP, No money, No honey.................

If I try to stop giving money to my wife.....can't see me living with her for much longer.

I will be kicked out of her house that was build with my money.

But she love me..........wub.png

You can always stay at my joint mate.

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The op sounds like another satisfied customer.

I have no idea of the percentage of gold diggers, as there is a whole world out there that i have not been exposed to, those that i have had personal experience (who were/are gold diggers) with may have slipped past, without my notice nor care.

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I have no idea of the percentages, but I do know from personal experience that a LOT of Thai woman are good, sincere and honest. I have seen them do incredibly kind things repeatedly, over many years.

And what are those incredibly kind things done repeatedly??

Although I have seen a few nice people in here, I am shocked how cruel they can be.

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And this study is based on your two week holiday? How about some backup on these numbers. I would probably put it 70 percent gold diggers if given the shovel and 30 percent potentially not but that is just my opinion.

When I first came to Thailand, I dated about six Thai girls before I met Mrs Possum, I did not meet any of them in a bar, I got short of five of them because they were not shy to expect me to pay for everything, and the other one because I did not see her as wife material.

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It costs a lot of money to keep us happy and pretty.

And if men are stupid enough to submit to that then they are dumb. Blinkered etc.

It can go the other way though, when a woman has the money and the man spends it on silly things. Like sex toys for his new girlfriend with my bank card sort of silly things. And thinks i wouldn't notice.

I could have hit him and her round the head with a dildo.... 100 pounds worth of sex toys and lingerie. We laugh about it now.... she actually asked me back then if i had any spare AA batteries.

I am so gullible and seem to see the good all around me - i thought she wanted the batteries for a torch that she kept in her car if she ever broke down!!

A weenie.......now if she'd had asked for a D w00t.gif

Don't stop seeing the good all around you, there's lots of it.

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And this study is based on your two week holiday? How about some backup on these numbers. I would probably put it 70 percent gold diggers if given the shovel and 30 percent potentially not but that is just my opinion.

Perhaps 70% of the Thai females who are interested in farangs are gold-diggers. But then only about 10% of the Thai female population are in this category. So 70% of this 10% is not a huge number. Unfortunately, these types of females are what farangs are exposed to, by and large. Hence the constant negativity.

Anyone that believes that 70% of Thai women are gold diggers is spending too much time in a bar populated by poor Issan princess'...

I had this convo with a Thai lady not 2 days ago... She asked me why so many farang wind up with the bottom end of ladies in Thai society... My only reply was that they are desparate for affection and seek solace with the first bar girl that speaks Angrit and shows them any attention... Motives are never addressed...

Easy to tell those farang that have gone down this route as they post the usual drivel about being wronged by a Thai lady and losing everything... You make your own bed, so sleep in it...

First off I only date non bargirls generally professional and educated women not that there is anything wrong with anyone outside this sphere. Remember a gold digger is someone who will chase the money first and I believe this is true with the vast majority of women if given the opportunity. Now remember I am saying a woman coming in contact with someone with money like never before say for instance a farang or rich Thai. Just because they may be with someone who does not have money does not mean they would not chase the money if given the chance. I will stick with my numbers no offense intended.:)

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I have no idea of the percentages, but I do know from personal experience that a LOT of Thai woman are good, sincere and honest. I have seen them do incredibly kind things repeatedly, over many years.

Agreed but unfortunately this is becoming an increasingly materialistic society. Generally I think Thai people are very good on average but they are succeptible to money like their Western counterparts. And why do all the Western men run around like two week millionaires if they don't want to attact gold diggers?

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I agree with this mostly. I disagree that Western women are any different. It's just a difference of degree and opportunity. I've met plenty of gold diggers in the US and not too many US girls grow up wanting to marry a poor guy even if they have their own money. As money is also cited as the biggest reason for our high divorce rate it could be argued money is even a bigger factor in the long run for western women who feel so entitled these days. I do think most Thai women have cause to worry more about security than western women because of lack of resources and cultural obligations imposed on them not imposed on western women. I do agree though that most have good hearts as does mine. But in my view women are all wired the same everywhere.

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Jai Dee = hooker talk.

Are you claiming 99% of Thai women are brought up to talk like hookers?

Cos those are the only people that talk about 'good hearts' (and their customers who don't know any better).

2.5 years in Thailand and you only know 'farang' and 'jai dee', guess we know where you hang out.

Can I add 'kee neow' and 'sa-lop sa-lie' to your hooker vocab list.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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and many of you farang too I would guess..

Pray tell, what are you?

I'm sure the female population of Thailand are grateful to you for posting your research findings on their behalf. Must have taken quite some time to speak to them all.....

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In 24 years I have had two long term relationships and both were lovely and wanted nothing,one is still a good friend I have been with my wife for 22 years,she is wonderful,and treats me like an old king,she works and puts money into the home ,so as far as I personally have encountered Thai women they have not been gold diggers.

But then I am a very handsome man 555

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  • 3 years later...

The OP - and comments agreeing with it - is hilarious. Just ask yourself, OP, if you were a poor farmer, peasant East European or Russian, you think you'd get any Thai girl? Or, if you're married to a Thai girl now, if you lost all of your income, you think she'd stick around? Lol


There is more evidence that money is the primary reason for Thai-Western “love” relationships more than anything else. There are tons upon tons of stories, articles, and links talking about the many Thai gold diggers that are only seeking marriage with a foreigner for a passport or money. In fact, there was a story a few months ago about a western guy who lost all of his money - immediately, his Thai wife divorced him. He panicked and stole a lot of money, and ended up in a Thai jail cell. But it's not just Thai, it's many Asian women that aren't well-off (Hong Kong gals, Chinese, and even Asian-Americans are notorious for practically hunting such Western men for a passport or for money since 40% are living in poverty, or they simply want more money), who are interested in Western guys mainly for money and status (money = status/prestige in Asia), and nothing else.


Warren Olson, a private investigator researching love scams in Thailand, even admitted that Thai women date westerners to make money for their families, and often seek Western men (of any race) to get money and/or a passport:


Americans, Brits, Canadians, Europeans, etc. are VIP mainly because of money, status, and the "green card" phenomenon. Which is why, in my experience, it's so easy to get a girl in Asia if you'e American.


Simply Google "Thai gold digger" or "Hong Kong/Asian gold digger" and you'll come up with dozens of stories and failed marriages (and duped expats) who reveal the true nature of such gold diggers, but one forum in particular for now:


<<<<Link to another forum removed:  13) You will not post links to other Thailand forums, or forums which could reasonably be construed as competition to Thaivisa.com or its sponsors.>>>>


As has been noted on the forum above by expats who know better - 
"Try Japan is you're looking for an Asain that isn't just interested in your wallet..any 3rd world Asain country and they're going to be all about your money and what you can buy them."
"Dey want duhhh american money and den dey wruv u wrong time. That's how it works brah, especially in Thailand where it's relatively poor and the working conditions aren't particularly pleasing."
"this, i see LOADS of old white guys dressed in rags following these fobbed out Asian women dressed in versace/ and Louis Vutton"
"No, not all Asian women, just Thais. If I learned one thing from living over there is to never date a Thai woman."
"Most of the 3rd world asian girls are VERY family orientated, they will do whatever it takes to support their family (parents and brothers and sisters and possibly children). Its not like they want to get the money to buy fancy stuff for themselves or whatever, its family first and youre just a tool to them."
"in most Asian countries it's a cultural standard to teach your daughters to marry money. sentiments of love and romanticism are not as highly valued as money and status in the east. it's up to the individual to choose which is more important and valued to her though."


^ I can go on and on - *however* I'm in no way indicating that all Thai/Asian women are gold diggers, only a good amount - but a good amount are not either (which is why there are so many Thai-Indians, Blasians, and other non-white and non-Western Interracial Asian couples) - though it's silly for some to ignore the reality of materialism in Asia and indicate that most of the old, fat, balding, clearly unattractive white men with young Thai women are due to actual love or romance. People need to get real.


Many Hong Kong and Chinese - and even Thai - will even admit in their dating app profiles that they want a guy from a particular country (for a passport/citizenship) or making a certain amount of money.


As a non-white Westerner/American, I almost got the princely treatment there. And I never hung out around bars, so I wasn't seeking gold diggers. And guess what? Almost all of the Asian girls I had, in one way or another, asked for - or *expected* - money from me a few months into the relationship. Western guys are a "chick-magnet" in Asia - regardless of whether they are black, white, green, purple or blue with polka dots - because we are regarded as having money. Again, such women would rarely consider relationships with a poor East European or Russian (all of whom are discriminated against in Asia, by the way).



And that's the point - gold diggers aren't interested in the person - they're in love with the money/status/citizenship that the person has, and what it can do for them.



This doesn't mean all Asian girls are gold-diggers - I do not know the percentage - but alot will *greatly* consider your nationality - and thus how much money you have - before they consider anything else. Which is why the first thing they will ask is "where you come from?" Materialism is rampant in Asia. Western men of all races should be extremely careful and make sure that they aren't being used by a women who cares nothing for them, and only regards them as a walking ATM machine - a term that a western guy in Asia used to describe how we are often thought of by Asian women/Asian families, especially in Thailand.


P.S. Read:



It is titled: “After dating 5,000 guys, Thai woman creates course on catching rich white men”

It notes: “In one of her live videos, Praiya added that she does not just accept anyone in her course, she only wants to work with women who are really serious about becoming a gold digger.”

^ There you go, more evidence – Western money is what a lot (thought not all) of them like, not Western men.


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8 minutes ago, ThomasAnon said:

T Western men of all races should be extremely careful and make sure that they aren't being used by a women who cares nothing for them, and only regards them as a walking ATM machine - a term that a western guy in Asia used to describe how we are often thought of by Asian women/Asian families, especially in Thailand.




From the attitudes of a large percentage of Western men I have met here, they don't care that the women does not love them... they think they are powerful and control the Thai women using their Western money and status. The Thai woman is a pet or possession.  


They often have such ugly personalities (as well and bodies) that they could not expect any women to fall in love with them back home... and so they pay for 'love' here.

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