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bah.gif There is something seriously wrong with you khnomnutswhistling.gif

My deepest sympathies to the woman who invested her life and love and work in a clueless, heartless man.

If, as you are described here, you did want her out, you should have traveled with her to her mother's home, hired a translator there to tell Mom that she is to keep her daughter there for a while, hand Mom about 30,000THB and say you will send woman's belongings next week. Then, have Mom arrange women to stay there immediately while your cowardly behind runs for the hills right then.

Change door locks. If somehow Mom loses her and she returns to you, take her back yourself to Mom and give Mom another thirty.

Sorry for all your bad choices. To paraphrase a famous stage play, "When a marriage is on the rocks, the rocks are in HIS head." wai.gif

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I've been here for ~18 months and I have heard many crazy chick stories from my friends, but this is beyond everything. She is not into money at all.

I already offered her ticket back home, and enough money to stay there a few months, she agreed for like 3 hours, we actually sent out most of her stuff to her mom's house. But after that she went full retard again.

FYI she is 30 and was mature and mentally stable since I met her, she was working most of the time. I did not expect such a bad ending at all.

Now I am waiting for her to wake up, I hope to get her to the next flight ASAP, if she become reasonable again.

Mentally Stable...........No woman is 100% mentally stable, at least not what I have seen in almost 60 years.


Change locks immediately. Put signs on door (so all the neighbours can see) barring her. Move. Get away, she will do anything she can to try to keep you thru guilt. Once she knows you are gone she should smarten up.

If she doffs herself, that is her problem; you can't be held responsible.

I had one once - I found about 20 stab marks with carving knife in the bed - after we split she got into my apartment while I was away, stole all correspondence with a previous g/f - which had ended long before. She just became preoccupied with that g/f. Ended up having to pay to get rid of her.

Run, Forrest,

'If she doffs herself, that is her problem, you cant be held responsible'......is very true..in theory, wont stop him feeling guilty for the rest of his life though will it ? If you kept correspondence with a previous g/f in the house, I'd say it was you that was preoccupied with her tbh mate..........

No, it was just there, in the filing cabinet with all my other letters etc - never referred to - just no reason to throw it out.

She did well to find it - & I would have too.

lol, fair enough mate. If Ive learned anything since being here its that you if theres something you dont want her to see, she'll definitely see it !!


She usually goes to an hospital called Lersdin

Then again, she could simply be playing the game. Have her family come to get her. Then, leave and don't look back.


Lots of good advice here from old hands which I agree with entirely - she doesn't sound mentally ill, just demonstrating normal Thai girlfriend behavior after being spurned

I too would also have cleared everything out (likely into storage), changed my mobile phone SIM, blocked all social/web contact means, and moved a great distance away(at least 100's of km) - even overseas for a while, if things got really bad.

Time and distance will work wonders in this situation.

Referring to the OP's original question - I suggest your read the Thai Mental Health Act (2008) - Here's the link http://thailaws.com/law/t_laws/tlaw0457.pdf

Background - My first English wife contracted Schizophrenia and I eventually lost her to the illness when she was in her late twenties. It is actually very difficult to get someone detained under the mental health act in the United Kingdom; this is to ensure that powerful detention rights written into the act are not abused. More info on the UK's stance here https://mentalhealthcop.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/what-do-all-the-sections-mean/ - not that UK law in this area has any bearing over here in LOS at all.


My deepest sympathies to the woman who invested her life and love and work in a clueless, heartless man.

If, as you are described here, you did want her out, you should have traveled with her to her mother's home, hired a translator there to tell Mom that she is to keep her daughter there for a while, hand Mom about 30,000THB and say you will send woman's belongings next week. Then, have Mom arrange women to stay there immediately while your cowardly behind runs for the hills right then.

Change door locks. If somehow Mom loses her and she returns to you, take her back yourself to Mom and give Mom another thirty.

Sorry for all your bad choices. To paraphrase a famous stage play, "When a marriage is on the rocks, the rocks are in HIS head." wai.gif

Yes, take her back to her family and move. Why should he have to pay her money? That would be a guilt trip. A relationship is not a jail. Her actions are most likely just a game to try to reinstate her with her meal ticket. If I had a dollar for every story I've heard like this, I'd have a second lucrative retirement.


If you were married you could. The hospital here told me they would keep my wife if I got her into the hospital. They even gave me sleeping pills to drug her with. According to what they told me the only way she could get out is if i signed or someone in her immediate family got a court order.

I doubt if you could do the same with her only being a girlfriend.


Change the locks, ASAP. and even though you shouldn't have to ....go away for a couple of weeks and don't tell her where, use a temporary mobile phone for emergencies only, let the people you want to know the number, eg family etc. and swear them to secrecy for a couple of weeks. You sound like a kind man, but going through a tough time, we all get our heart's broken at some stage in life, time heals and will heal your ex girlfriend too.


You Bad Man You,

she's not crazy, this is very typical because after one year living together she basically has the status of a common law wife. You have broken her poor little Thai heart and given her a massive loss of face. In the UK/US you would be liable to give her all your money for the rest of your natural life.

Fortunately Thai broken hearts can be usually be cured by a simple transplantation of solid gold. No hospitals needed. An elegant necklace/bracelet about 2 B weight would make a nice parting gift when you take her back to the family.

But as with any medical procedure, mishaps can sometimes happen, so also change the locks, stock-up on hollow points, try to borrow a rotty for a month or so and invest in a rear-view mirror.

Alternatively take her out driving in a national park and start hooting at elephants when they are on her side of the car. The insurance will see you ok for car damage.

Alternatively again, tell her you still love her, but want to start shagging her brother because you have had a revelation and now see you should be "caring for all the family".

  • Like 2

Lots of good advice here from old hands which I agree with entirely - she doesn't sound mentally ill, just demonstrating normal Thai girlfriend behavior after being spurned

I too would also have cleared everything out (likely into storage), changed my mobile phone SIM, blocked all social/web contact means, and moved a great distance away(at least 100's of km) - even overseas for a while, if things got really bad.

Time and distance will work wonders in this situation.

Referring to the OP's original question - I suggest your read the Thai Mental Health Act (2008) - Here's the link http://thailaws.com/law/t_laws/tlaw0457.pdf

Background - My first English wife contracted Schizophrenia and I eventually lost her to the illness when she was in her late twenties. It is actually very difficult to get someone detained under the mental health act in the United Kingdom; this is to ensure that powerful detention rights written into the act are not abused. More info on the UK's stance here https://mentalhealthcop.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/what-do-all-the-sections-mean/ - not that UK law in this area has any bearing over here in LOS at all.

Gotta love these sorts of posts - change everything and run hundreds of kilometres away.

References to UK law are no help whatsoever.

Why not post the relevant legislation from The Congo - about as much relevance to the OP.

All good if you are the millionaire playboy type. But then it wouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

What do you do if you actually work in Thailand?

Get your company to change their phone number and email address?

Convince the Board of Directors to move the business to another province under a different name?

Or simply quit your job?

For most working people none of the above are a realistic (or indeed a fantasy) option.


As others have said, it is a bad situation. But given the frequency of this behaviour by Thai women I don't know if it qualities as crazy. Typical might be a better word.

Best advice has been given already. Remove your valuables. Change the locks. Notify landlord and building that she is persona non grata.

Be reasonable to her situation and give her some money to get through the short term.

And if at all possible move, or at least stay somewhere else for a few weeks till she stops coming around. And expect that it will take weeks possibly months.

Oh. And change your phone number.


OP welcome to Thailand.

Get used to it. comon ploy for insecure women here.

Especially when some farang promises her the moon and then grows tired of his plaything.

Domestic violence is hardly unique to Thailand. Usually it's directed at women and children in Farang Land, but there's a reason why severed penis re-attachment is not that rare a medical procedure in the "advanced" countries.


I was wondering how the woman in question can behave like this or be shipped back to her village, I assume she has a job. At 30 you would hope so, if she is dependent on you, well kinda weak and irresponsible that you would want to support a grown woman especially with this outcome a possibility.

If she was unemployed did you push her into the work force when you started having doubts as to the relationships sustainability or just played it out till you had the courage to drop it on her.

I have heard of this situation many many many times and a common thread being the womans lack of independence, either brought about by the relationship, as in the guy wanted her to stop work. Or she was a dependent parasite from day one, in which case, you know better next time not to date people who don't work.

I'm just playing situations here, but I'm curious, so putting it out there.

Feel free to set the record straight or insult me, both is ok, its the internet after all.


Thank you all for your help, she is now on her way back home, she said she will stay for a month or two.

Last night I was upset that the doctor refused to admit her, it was clear that it was not safe to let her go with me. I showed them the scratches she made to me, they saw she was not cooperating, I insisted that she must stay at least one night but they did not care. I also told them that I can afford to pay for the room and treatments. They didn't speak English that much so I am not sure I have made my point.

I am from France, when I was 18 I had the same case with a suicidal family member, he was brought to hospital with police and paramedics. He refused to be admitted, so the doctor offered me to sign a paper, that would force him to stay and get treatment. In France anyone could do it to anyone (not only family, can be neighbor, friend), you need to be 18 and to have serious reason to think the person is dangerous for himself or others.


...how long will it take you to leave her....

...why are you lingering...

...you said she was admitted to hospital....and often goes there.....

...otherwise file a police report.....

She has no history of mental troubles, I was mentioning the hospital she goes when she is physically sick (flu etc).


First of all ask yourself what reaction you expected from her when you delivered this matter of fact piece of news and how you might have reacted if you were in the same position as she is.

Next, consider that this would be a good time to protect your own assets. Better start by sleeping in kevlar underpants to avoid waking up to a sense of loss and the noise of the ducks fighting over your prized possessions in the yard.

I'd respect the person decision, try to understand the reason, learn from my mistakes and move on. My assets are in place and fully functional (I think). Thanks for the laugh tho, I need it today.


nico - I'm sorry to hear of your present situation - while I wouldn't say it's common, this behaviour is something which many of us foreign males have encountered when breaking up with a TGF. Understand then that it is not personal - it may be more to do with loss of a stable and comfortable situation on her part than love for you. Therefore you should not feel guilty, which is what she is trying to make you feel. Couples break up every day the world over, with a greater or lesser degree of disruption to their lives. But you clearly have a challenge on your hands in the immediate future.

Look at the question you yourself asked - is it possible to have someone committed to hospital? To me that says that you want, probably very much need, to get away from your TGF, and as quickly as possible. You cannot be responsible for what she may threaten to do or actually do if you leave her, but she will consciously or unconsciously try to make you feel responsible. I say again, do not indulge yourself in feeling guilty - she, not you, must take responsibility for her life.

You must look out for yourself: in this situation you need rest, to eat and sleep as well as possible, not drink too much, otherwise you will rapidly be worn down and your judgement impaired. If you cannot get this with your TGF tormenting you, then it may be necessary to arrange somewhere where you can. If you do this, under NO circumstances tell your TGF where you are or how to contact you - or you will be no better off.

Time will cool her distress, whether real or pretended.

Thank you for your kind words. I do feel guilty and responsable... Did not eat and sleep for 3 days. I'm going for a 24 hours nap now, and get a huge beef steak when I wake up.


Nice to see the caring sharing members out in force again this morning......

Nico, my advice would be to contact her parents, and perhaps fly her mum down. Break ups arent easy, but nice to see you are a caring guy and only wanting her to be safe during the break up. Im guessing this is your apartment ? Hope you get this situation resolved soon. Its very difficult and Im not offering much but i wish you both all the best.

I can't contact her parents and I doubt they could find their way to the capital anyway, they are old and they have never been to Bangkok. Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.


She's just trying to guilt trip you into staying with her. One of my mates had the same, she sent him a pic of a positive pregnancy test (which was from Google images), had him threatened, barred from his favourite local Thai bar etc. If there's no reasoning with her and you fear for your safety I'd rent somewhere else and change your number. If threatening suicide and acting unreasonably got everyone what they wanted I'd be downing JD with a razor in my hand asking my boss for a pay rise...... and it didn't work last time I tried.

I do have security guards, closed fences, locks with only one set of keys and most of my neighbours are my friends, so I feel safe staying there.


Thank you all for your help, she is now on her way back home, she said she will stay for a month or two.

Last night I was upset that the doctor refused to admit her, it was clear that it was not safe to let her go with me. I showed them the scratches she made to me, they saw she was not cooperating, I insisted that she must stay at least one night but they did not care. I also told them that I can afford to pay for the room and treatments. They didn't speak English that much so I am not sure I have made my point.

I am from France, when I was 18 I had the same case with a suicidal family member, he was brought to hospital with police and paramedics. He refused to be admitted, so the doctor offered me to sign a paper, that would force him to stay and get treatment. In France anyone could do it to anyone (not only family, can be neighbor, friend), you need to be 18 and to have serious reason to think the person is dangerous for himself or others.

Yeah, you need a serious reason. Not "we're having a domestic argument and she's mad at me". And clearly it was safe to let her go with you because nothing bad happened. Obviously I wasn't there, but I'm going to take a wild guess that trying to force her into a mental hospital didn't do anything to calm the situation or her reaction.

Ah well, at least the storm has passed now and everyone survived :)


While out of the house or apartment pay off the landlord close the lease. Set up home some other place. She will latch on to another Farrang in hours and forget your name or you ever existed. Don't feel so special her mind will change like the wind. She is a parasite. Think of how you met her. She is a semi professional my friend and you are the mark. Accept it. Get on with your life and drop the Drama.

Even if she is a professional, I respect women and can't let one die down my street.


Clearly you show her you still look after her. She's testing you and your falling. Just dissappear and everything will be fine


I was wondering how the woman in question can behave like this or be shipped back to her village, I assume she has a job. At 30 you would hope so, if she is dependent on you, well kinda weak and irresponsible that you would want to support a grown woman especially with this outcome a possibility.

If she was unemployed did you push her into the work force when you started having doubts as to the relationships sustainability or just played it out till you had the courage to drop it on her.

I have heard of this situation many many many times and a common thread being the womans lack of independence, either brought about by the relationship, as in the guy wanted her to stop work. Or she was a dependent parasite from day one, in which case, you know better next time not to date people who don't work.

I'm just playing situations here, but I'm curious, so putting it out there.

Feel free to set the record straight or insult me, both is ok, its the internet after all.

She was working most of the time, but definitely not independent. Most of her low salary was sent to her family, also to temples and charities. In her world the man has to support the woman, especially if he is richer. She never felt like paying a part of the rent or the weekly groceries.

I was not 100% ok with that, but it was not such a big deal either.

But if I ever date a Thai woman again, I would choose an educated, independent one with a good job.

  • Like 1

I've been here for ~18 months and I have heard many crazy chick stories from my friends, but this is beyond everything. She is not into money at all.

I already offered her ticket back home, and enough money to stay there a few months, she agreed for like 3 hours, we actually sent out most of her stuff to her mom's house. But after that she went full retard again.

FYI she is 30 and was mature and mentally stable since I met her, she was working most of the time. I did not expect such a bad ending at all.

Now I am waiting for her to wake up, I hope to get her to the next flight ASAP, if she become reasonable again.

Get out while you can!!

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time to pick up a copy of Private Dancer at Asia Books.

you can read it while she is sleeping.

I think the book should be required reading for any single male thinking of moving / working / going on holiday in Thailand.

Glad I had my experience similar to this 20 years ago, so I matured pretty quick regarding Thai women. Since then have had several relationships and even marriage which were based on mutual respect, intimacy and trust, and love. It is possible here, contrary to what many say.


I was wondering how the woman in question can behave like this or be shipped back to her village, I assume she has a job. At 30 you would hope so, if she is dependent on you, well kinda weak and irresponsible that you would want to support a grown woman especially with this outcome a possibility.

If she was unemployed did you push her into the work force when you started having doubts as to the relationships sustainability or just played it out till you had the courage to drop it on her.

I have heard of this situation many many many times and a common thread being the womans lack of independence, either brought about by the relationship, as in the guy wanted her to stop work. Or she was a dependent parasite from day one, in which case, you know better next time not to date people who don't work.

I'm just playing situations here, but I'm curious, so putting it out there.

Feel free to set the record straight or insult me, both is ok, its the internet after all.

She was working most of the time, but definitely not independent. Most of her low salary was sent to her family, also to temples and charities. In her world the man has to support the woman, especially if he is richer. She never felt like paying a part of the rent or the weekly groceries.

I was not 100% ok with that, but it was not such a big deal either.

But if I ever date a Thai woman again, I would choose an educated, independent one with a good job.

Thanks for the personal replies to mine and all the other posts, that was a very nice thing to do....

PS Educated, Independant with good job simply means you'll still pay all the bills and groceries, except they will be a little more expensive lol ;-)

Take care , be safe and be happy :D

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pack your shit and move out while she is on a bender.

As has been pointed out by this and other posters,

The problem is your inability to make a clean break, and her irrational behaviour will continue and increase until one of you is dead (not necessarily her) or you learn to disappear.

You need to move now, while she is away, and leave no forwarding address.

In the words of the immortal Arnie, "She'll be back".

I once asked a Thai policemen how he dealt with the crazy former girlfriend act.

"We usually move to another town", was his answer.

  • Like 2

I've been here for ~18 months and I have heard many crazy chick stories from my friends, but this is beyond everything. She is not into money at all.

I already offered her ticket back home, and enough money to stay there a few months, she agreed for like 3 hours, we actually sent out most of her stuff to her mom's house. But after that she went full retard again.

FYI she is 30 and was mature and mentally stable since I met her, she was working most of the time. I did not expect such a bad ending at all.

Now I am waiting for her to wake up, I hope to get her to the next flight ASAP, if she become reasonable again.

Mentally Stable...........No woman is 100% mentally stable, at least not what I have seen in almost 60 years.
Nothing to do with you?

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