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House votes to undo Obama immigration actions


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This is a colossal waste of time and money. The president won this round and the GOP can do nothing practical about it. Yes they can hem and haw and pass pointless bills out of the House but they'll never get 60 votes in the Senate and if by some chance they did, the president would veto it immediately. Only the courts will be able to turn this back. Leadership knows this, but can't just shut it down because then they would have open mutiny from the hyper-partisans. Therefore, the charade plays out on cable news and the internet as if there might be an outcome that is different from what is inevitable. Again, this is a colossal waste of time and money.

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This is a colossal waste of time and money. The president won this round and the GOP can do nothing practical about it. Yes they can hem and haw and pass pointless bills out of the House but they'll never get 60 votes in the Senate and if by some chance they did, the president would veto it immediately. Only the courts will be able to turn this back. Leadership knows this, but can't just shut it down because then they would have open mutiny from the hyper-partisans. Therefore, the charade plays out on cable news and the internet as if there might be an outcome that is different from what is inevitable. Again, this is a colossal waste of time and money.

I see it as a statement even if it doesn't pass. It's in line with what the people want.

"Voters Strongly Oppose Obama's Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants."

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters oppose the president granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without the approval of Congress. Just 26% are in favor of Obama's plan, while 12% are undecided." LINK

While the left wingnut Democrats wail and gnash their teeth, the Republicans may be in tune with the voters.

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Ah so this thread is about Congressional job approval then? Good switch. Cause you never will win with your line of reasoning above.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

The polls show a decent approval rating for Obama and a rubbish one for Congress. Do I need to spell it out that this piece of spiteful and unpopular legislation might have something to do with it?


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This is a colossal waste of time and money. The president won this round and the GOP can do nothing practical about it. Yes they can hem and haw and pass pointless bills out of the House but they'll never get 60 votes in the Senate and if by some chance they did, the president would veto it immediately. Only the courts will be able to turn this back. Leadership knows this, but can't just shut it down because then they would have open mutiny from the hyper-partisans. Therefore, the charade plays out on cable news and the internet as if there might be an outcome that is different from what is inevitable. Again, this is a colossal waste of time and money.

I see it as a statement even if it doesn't pass. It's in line with what the people want.

"Voters Strongly Oppose Obama's Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants."

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters oppose the president granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without the approval of Congress. Just 26% are in favor of Obama's plan, while 12% are undecided." LINK

While the left wingnut Democrats wail and gnash their teeth, the Republicans may be in tune with the voters.

I see your Rasmussen and I raise you CBS:

A majority of Americans say President Obama’s executive actions on immigration should be allowed to stand, according to a new poll released a day after House Republicans voted to choke off funding for the administration’s deferred action program.

Some 55 percent of those surveyed in a recent [/size]CBS News poll say Congress should allow the president’s executive actions, which allow certain illegal immigrants to apply to avoid deportation and secure work permits, should stand. Four in 10 say lawmakers should move to overturn the actions.[/size]

That’s despite only 48 percent of Americans believing Obama acted within his authority as president — only slightly above the 46 percent who think he did not. But 62 percent of Americans think illegal immigrants who pass a background check and pay their taxes should be allowed to stay given certain requirements, providing the president political cover on his executive actions.

Note the subtle difference in the wording:

"granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants"

"allow certain illegal immigrants to apply to avoid deportation and secure work permits"

All in the question really, isn't it?

And there's more:

Sixty-nine percent of Americans support legal status for illegal immigrants currently in the U.S., including over half who favor a path to citizenship. Twenty-seven percent think illegal immigrants should be required to leave the U.S.
Edited by Chicog
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This is a colossal waste of time and money. The president won this round and the GOP can do nothing practical about it. Yes they can hem and haw and pass pointless bills out of the House but they'll never get 60 votes in the Senate and if by some chance they did, the president would veto it immediately. Only the courts will be able to turn this back. Leadership knows this, but can't just shut it down because then they would have open mutiny from the hyper-partisans. Therefore, the charade plays out on cable news and the internet as if there might be an outcome that is different from what is inevitable. Again, this is a colossal waste of time and money.

I see it as a statement even if it doesn't pass. It's in line with what the people want.

You seem to be confusing hyper-partisans with "the people". I'd guess that happens to you quite often.

What "the people" want is for congress to pass laws that improve their lives. All congress is doing now is grandstanding before they kick off fundraising later this year. As it is written, this bill will never become a law. If "the people" knew that, they'd be upset that congress was wasting their tax dollars.

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This is a colossal waste of time and money. The president won this round and the GOP can do nothing practical about it. Yes they can hem and haw and pass pointless bills out of the House but they'll never get 60 votes in the Senate and if by some chance they did, the president would veto it immediately. Only the courts will be able to turn this back. Leadership knows this, but can't just shut it down because then they would have open mutiny from the hyper-partisans. Therefore, the charade plays out on cable news and the internet as if there might be an outcome that is different from what is inevitable. Again, this is a colossal waste of time and money.

I see it as a statement even if it doesn't pass. It's in line with what the people want.

"Voters Strongly Oppose Obama's Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants."

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters oppose the president granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without the approval of Congress. Just 26% are in favor of Obama's plan, while 12% are undecided." LINK

While the left wingnut Democrats wail and gnash their teeth, the Republicans may be in tune with the voters.

Someone presented this cockeyed Rasmussen polling firm at another immigration thread and I responded with the following which reports the fact the Rasmussen organization fired Scott Rasmussen for profoundly flawed polling over an extended period of time.

Rasmussen is a completely biased Republican party pollster. The Rasmussen survey cited in the post is skewed and warped by a partisan and discredited pollster.

Here's Why Rasmussen Was One Of The Worst Pollsters Of The Last Election, And Why It Might Be Doomed

Prominent pollster Scott Rasmussen has left the company that bears his last name, Rasmussen Reports, in what the company said was over business strategy "disagreements."

In 2010, Nate Silver provided a lengthy takedown of how Rasmussen's misjudgment of the electorate caused its results to be firmly skewed (skewed!) toward Republican candidates. In 105 polls of Senate and gubernatorial races released over the last three weeks of the 2010 election, Rasmussen's results came out to overestimate the Republican candidate's standing by 4 points.

In 2012, the results were just as bad — Rasmussen's polls overestimated Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's standing by about 4 points, again.

The poor results went back to Rasmussen's methodology. It used an online panel and automated robo-calling, and it weighted its results according to a badly misjudged electorate. They don't call people who use cell phones.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/scott-rasmussen-leaves-methodology-romney-republicans-skewed-2013-8#ixzz3P4N0bMYC

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