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Yingluck skips NLA grilling


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The cheek of it, an elected Prime Minister refusing to present herself before those tasked with impeaching her by the Junta who deposed her in a military coup!

Over to the Junta cheerleaders...

An elected Prime Minister removed from office for an illegal act refusing to come and answer questions just like she refused, and still refuses to answer the Ombudsman too,

Lies and refusals to comment have always been her MO - why change the game plan now. She thinks she's above the law.

Disgraceful that she is allowed to flaunt anything she likes.

what "illegal act"? FACTS please anything 'illegal' should be tried in a court

i ADMIRE her for not turning up to an unelected Military Junta kangaroo court as should you - how can you support such a witch-hunt by unelected people? pitiful you do not support freedom, democracy and liberty

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'The former businesswoman...' cut it there, stop reading, all the rest can only be BS, how is it possible for AFP to fall so low, Robert Amsterdam?

See, there you go too, basing all things Thai, from your own experiences, I know plenty of CEO's who were kin of the company founder, who had about as much business accumen as I have in quantum physics, doesn't change the facts they're still seen as business "people" to the General Public, and board members alike.

Again, you may not like it, but that's just the way the media works, if it galls you so much, why not go and ask to be the Editor in Chief of the AFP, and run the stories you see fit!! wink.png

Geeze man, there's some highly strung farang here who seem to think their opinions have any clout within Thai society, just roll with what the media say, and maintain your own opinions, isn't it great you can actually go against the grain, and not be told what to think, and it doesn't stress you out, or wind you up when articles like this and many others goes against your own personal opinions. wink.png

Nope, just that I met 'some people' working for a Shins' company she had been 'bombarded' GM of, and what they told me, 'in temporare non suspecto', was a carbon copy of what she has proven later as a (pseudo-)PM and head of the rice committee: NOTHING! An empty head, gentle smile, a few rehearsed kind words, a tear here and there, for the rest NOTHING, nearly never present, not involved, avoiding, BUT, outside of the, few, PR shows, a huge 'elitarian' attitude, being above the flock, nose up, looking down on people, bitchy, busy only with vanity stuff, make-up, hair, clothing, shoes, ...and jewels and handbags! A nasty swampgas bubble convinced of being a siamese princess...

As for AFP, a private company part of a press group, as you know(?), they were quite big at a time, with a good reputation, generally unbiased (except subjects of French national interest), and what has become of them, with the changes in financial control/management, and the loss of many well informed sources of high integrity (and credibility)? A provincial self-serving, ...self-surviving, micro 'news' agency, open to manipulation and sponsoring, that while in French speaking countries it was as esteemed as the BBC in the English spoken ones, long before the chewinggum ABC- NBC, CNN and other Fox and Bloomberg were born, in times 'the press agencies' were, still, very honourable institutions, focussed on informing the public, and wary to avoid biases and manipulation. I speak about the golden fifties and sixties, not these times where 'the truth' has become more questionable than an opinion!

Says rather more about you than it does about Yingluck or AFP.

That's just your opinion - and doesn't detract from the picture painted of the rich daughter of a rich Chinese clan which so wants to see all its members elevated to some kind of untouchable hiso elite status.

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To be fair, if I was in Yingluck’s Guccis I wouldn’t attend the impeachment hearing either, because let’s face it, I don’t know any more about the Rice Pledging Scheme than she does.

However, in reference to her own Government's flagship policy, we did attend a similar number of meetings.

Edited by Bocking
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That's just your opinion - and doesn't detract from the picture painted of the rich daughter of a rich Chinese clan which so wants to see all its members elevated to some kind of untouchable hiso elite status.

unlike the unelected military junta which is full of happiness, kindness and goodness

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To be fair, if I was in Yingluck’s Guccis I wouldn’t attend the impeachment hearing either, because let’s face it, I don’t know any more about the Rice Pledging Scheme than she does.

However, in reference to the her Government's flagship policy, we did attend a similar number of meetings.

it may well be a 'failed policy' but you know of any other governments that have not had a 'failed policy'? Iraq? Afghanistan? EU CAP? UK poll tax?

were any of those leaders dragged before an unelected Military court? humiliated? victimized? bullied?

Nixon? impeached? was he treated this disgracefully? treating Yingluck like a piece of s**t will come back to bite them one day

this is NOT reconciliation it is victimization

all decent people should be against it (and that does not mean they are 'red' OR support Yingluck)

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The cheek of it, an elected Prime Minister refusing to present herself before those tasked with impeaching her by the Junta who deposed her in a military coup!

Over to the Junta cheerleaders...

An elected Prime Minister removed from office for an illegal act refusing to come and answer questions just like she refused, and still refuses to answer the Ombudsman too,

Lies and refusals to comment have always been her MO - why change the game plan now. She thinks she's above the law.

Disgraceful that she is allowed to flaunt anything she likes.

what "illegal act"? FACTS please anything 'illegal' should be tried in a court

i ADMIRE her for not turning up to an unelected Military Junta kangaroo court as should you - how can you support such a witch-hunt by unelected people? pitiful you do not support freedom, democracy and liberty

Come on - you know very well why she was removed from office. The illegal issuing of the passport was, somehow, brushed aside.

I do support freedom, democracy and liberty - unlike the Shin clan who support a totalitarian dictatorship headed by a convicted criminal fraudster that enriches themselves and puts them in a position of privilege above anyone.

How anyone can believe the Shins are remotely interested in democracy, the rule of law, justice, accountability or transparency is truly pitiful.

She is guilty of negligence in the extreme, of ignoring all the oaths she swore when taking offices, and simply doing as her brother instructed. Previous holders were puppets too. But we are talking about Yingluck. Allowing her to escape unpunished will simply send the message that corruption pays and reinforce the idea that the Shins are once again totally above the law.

You are right for once, all the illegal actions she and her ministers and MPs were involved in should be tried in a court. But they won't, and neither will the actions of any other politician or senior civil servant. And while that's the case Thailand won't progress and will remain a cake to be fought over by clans like the Shins, who don't care about anyone but themselves.

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To be fair, if I was in Yingluck’s Guccis I wouldn’t attend the impeachment hearing either, because let’s face it, I don’t know any more about the Rice Pledging Scheme than she does.

However, in reference to the her Government's flagship policy, we did attend a similar number of meetings.

it may well be a 'failed policy' but you know of any other governments that have not had a 'failed policy'? Iraq? Afghanistan? EU CAP? UK poll tax?

were any of those leaders dragged before an unelected Military court? humiliated? victimized? bullied?

Nixon? impeached? was he treated this disgracefully? treating Yingluck like a piece of s**t will come back to bite them one day

this is NOT reconciliation it is victimization

all decent people should be against it (and that does not mean they are 'red' OR support Yingluck)

Failed policies in other governments usually cause the resignation of the leader, the government or severe censorship at least.

Here, little miss goody two shoes never ever admits it's a failed policy. In fact she still asserts there are no quality or operational problems and that as a social policy it can't be costed on a profit and loss basis, even though she maintains it is a self financing non loss making scheme.

Lies, lies and more lies. All decent people should support the impeachment and possible criminal charges against this sham of a former PM. (And that doesn't make them a Yellow, Dem or Junta supporter).

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That's just your opinion - and doesn't detract from the picture painted of the rich daughter of a rich Chinese clan which so wants to see all its members elevated to some kind of untouchable hiso elite status.

unlike the unelected military junta which is full of happiness, kindness and goodness

at least they've stopped the murders, attacks and intimidation of citizens who dares speak out against the lying and cheating of the criminal one and his gang.

We shall see the resolve and bottle of the Junta by how they deal with the slippery sneaking Shin attempts to avoid any accountability. And the way they tackle the real issues of corruption.

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That's just your opinion - and doesn't detract from the picture painted of the rich daughter of a rich Chinese clan which so wants to see all its members elevated to some kind of untouchable hiso elite status.

unlike the unelected military junta which is full of happiness, kindness and goodness

at least they've stopped the murders, attacks and intimidation of citizens who dares speak out against the lying and cheating of the criminal one and his gang.

We shall see the resolve and bottle of the Junta by how they deal with the slippery sneaking Shin attempts to avoid any accountability. And the way they tackle the real issues of corruption.

oh yea? just don't ask him about the 600 million of land his dad sold? or about his brother on the council? or his wife as 'President of Army wives'? BTW what 'murders'? 'attacks'? for speaking out? FACTS please

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The current government is illegal. It has no standing to prosecute anyone.

The only power it has is forced by the might of the military.

No one, no matter how criminal should be forced to answer to an illegal entity.

The corruption of the army is legendary. The government only changed shirt colors.

There are no black hats and white hats here; there are only black hats on both sides.

Why is that so hard to see?

Edited by NeverSure
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That's just your opinion - and doesn't detract from the picture painted of the rich daughter of a rich Chinese clan which so wants to see all its members elevated to some kind of untouchable hiso elite status.

unlike the unelected military junta which is full of happiness, kindness and goodness

at least they've stopped the murders, attacks and intimidation of citizens who dares speak out against the lying and cheating of the criminal one and his gang.

We shall see the resolve and bottle of the Junta by how they deal with the slippery sneaking Shin attempts to avoid any accountability. And the way they tackle the real issues of corruption.

oh yea? just don't ask him about the 600 million of land his dad sold? or about his brother on the council? or his wife as 'President of Army wives'? BTW what 'murders'? 'attacks'? for speaking out? FACTS please

Because this topic is about Yingluck and her complete failure to act responsible while she pretended to be PM and self appointed DM. Her complete disregard for the consequences of her actions in allowing her non elected convicted criminal fraudster fugitive brother to actually run the government, make all policy decisions and dictate actions.

But,but but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, others this and others that. Stop the pitiful deviating attempts - we all know that's all her supporters can do to try and detract from her blindingly obvious guilt.

Stop being silly - you know very well how many people, including women and children were murdered in the daily attacks carried out against her opponents whilst her CAPO did nothing. Or are you reading a PTP re-write of reality already?

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No one, no matter how criminal should be forced to answer to an illegal entity.

More like, 'no one, no matter how criminal should be forced to answer to an entity that they can't bribe, coerce or force into a favorable verdict, as they were once able to'.

That's just not fair.

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The current government is illegal. It has no standing to prosecute anyone.

The only power it has is forced by the might of the military.

No one, no matter how criminal should be forced to answer to an illegal entity.

The corruption of the army is legendary. The government only changed shirt colors.

There are no black hats and white hats here; there are only black hats on both sides.

Why is that so hard to see?

Best turn the US back over to the Native Americans then.

Of course the revolution against the British legal (however immoral) rulers who'd kicked the French and lots of Natives out when illegally seizing it in the first place, followed by the building of the country through the use of mass slavery, followed by more stealing (often by murder and extermination) of Native American land, all somehow means the American government is legal. Let's invade a nice country, kick out or murder the inhabitants and then have a vote and hey presto, we're a legal government.

And of course, during it's relative short life, there has been no corruption, racist or sexist issues, in Federal, State, or Local government, the military (including procurement) or any branch of the civil service or NGO's.

Criminals, like Nixon, get dealt with. I doubt very much if those who dealt with him were all whiter than white.

The military stepped into what was fast become anarchy which was heading towards disaster. That's what happens when you have a corrupt government, police and judicial system.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That's just your opinion - and doesn't detract from the picture painted of the rich daughter of a rich Chinese clan which so wants to see all its members elevated to some kind of untouchable hiso elite status.

unlike the unelected military junta which is full of happiness, kindness and goodness

at least they've stopped the murders, attacks and intimidation of citizens who dares speak out against the lying and cheating of the criminal one and his gang.

We shall see the resolve and bottle of the Junta by how they deal with the slippery sneaking Shin attempts to avoid any accountability. And the way they tackle the real issues of corruption.

oh yea? just don't ask him about the 600 million of land his dad sold? or about his brother on the council? or his wife as 'President of Army wives'? BTW what 'murders'? 'attacks'? for speaking out? FACTS please

So what's corrupt about his wife being the president of the Army wives?

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"However after a tense meeting with her lawyers last night, she was advised not to come as she might be cornered with numerous questions that she might not have knowledge in details as she was a policy holder and not a practitioner."...........................????????

No wonder the Shinawatras are the laughing stock of Asia, the politicians in neighboring countries must be grinning from ear to ear when they read stories like this.

This whole affair is just making Yingluck look even worse than she really is, and I believe she is actually hoping to receive at least a five year ban from politics.

She is probably regretting being pushed into the position she was put in by her evil and conniving criminal brother and would gladly go back to being a mother and a full-time shopper.

I am sure she would have "gathered" plenty of money to keep her going without having to run entire countries.

I bet Mt T is grooming another one of his crooked family to replace little sister, even as we speak. He could not care less about the damage he does to people and proved it by the way he used and abused the people of Thailand.

The Shins have finally done something good for the country, by the time this is all cut and dried the entire family will be banned from ever holding a position in government.

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Another justification for the coup from yingluck herself. As if they needed another one. RIP to the 24 (out of 28 dead) victims of the UDD terrorists by the way.

And to think she promised to attend to defend herself as well. Well she also made a promise in Septmeber, 2013 as well.

September 25, 2013 Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra promised the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme." No one said that on her behalf. She said that.

I remember some had stated so proudly that she did not run overseas to join her brother in exile because she would proudly and resiliently defend herself against these charges with her head held high. Yet when she does not defend herself after promising too she is proud, resilient and has her head held high!

Maybe with this disjointed logic protruding one can be forgiven if the red apologists have others comment on their behalf in case they incriminate themselves as supporters of a woman that has spent 980 billion baht on a scheme that has not helped the farmers or has made them more sustainable. Of course she knows nothing about that. She was only the chairman after all.

Thank God for accountability.

And if anyone thinks yingluck is innocent please, I beg you, let me CEO of your company.

I don't recall anyone saying Yingluck is innocent or that she shouldn't be punished. This is a battle of wits between an illegal junta and someone who has been popular with the people, even if she's a criminal.

The junta is playing its cards and Yingluck is playing hers. Yingluck, by not testifying against herself is following the law. It would be hard to say that it's the junta which is legal and should be the one to prosecute. The junta gets its "rights" by the power of a military coup.

It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

This is a classic battle of wits and so far I think Yingluck is winning. Even if convicted and punished, the general loses because it won't set well with many Thais.

I'm just watching the show.

'I don't recall anyone saying Yingluck is innocent or that she shouldn't be punished'

Several posters - her usual fan club and regular Shin clan apologists have regularly posted that she is innocent of all charges; and usually add their confidence that she would attend and robustly defend herself with dignity. Such comments are easily found on many connected posts if you can't recall them.

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Another justification for the coup from yingluck herself. As if they needed another one. RIP to the 24 (out of 28 dead) victims of the UDD terrorists by the way.

And to think she promised to attend to defend herself as well. Well she also made a promise in Septmeber, 2013 as well.

September 25, 2013 Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra promised the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme." No one said that on her behalf. She said that.

I remember some had stated so proudly that she did not run overseas to join her brother in exile because she would proudly and resiliently defend herself against these charges with her head held high. Yet when she does not defend herself after promising too she is proud, resilient and has her head held high!

Maybe with this disjointed logic protruding one can be forgiven if the red apologists have others comment on their behalf in case they incriminate themselves as supporters of a woman that has spent 980 billion baht on a scheme that has not helped the farmers or has made them more sustainable. Of course she knows nothing about that. She was only the chairman after all.

Thank God for accountability.

And if anyone thinks yingluck is innocent please, I beg you, let me CEO of your company.

I don't recall anyone saying Yingluck is innocent or that she shouldn't be punished. This is a battle of wits between an illegal junta and someone who has been popular with the people, even if she's a criminal.

The junta is playing its cards and Yingluck is playing hers. Yingluck, by not testifying against herself is following the law. It would be hard to say that it's the junta which is legal and should be the one to prosecute. The junta gets its "rights" by the power of a military coup.

It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

This is a classic battle of wits and so far I think Yingluck is winning. Even if convicted and punished, the general loses because it won't set well with many Thais.

I'm just watching the show.

'I don't recall anyone saying Yingluck is innocent or that she shouldn't be punished'

Several posters - her usual fan club and regular Shin clan apologists have regularly posted that she is innocent of all charges; and usually add their confidence that she would attend and robustly defend herself with dignity. Such comments are easily found on many connected posts if you can't recall them.

never seen one... FACTS? LINKS? I, personally, think the scheme was ill-thought out and, indeed, a 'failed policy' but that does NOT warrant a witch-hunt by a military junta

anyone with any knowledge knows this is ALL about 'things we cannot discuss' but you continue to argue about the red herring

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More like another confirmation that Thais create their own problems by having loop holes in their system that smart, and the not so smart exploit.

Why not exploit it ?, I'm pretty sure almost 99.9999% of the posters here, given the opportunity would use such loopholes to get them out of appearing in court too, nothing gutless, or spineless about it, when it clearly states that you don't have to appear in person!!

She didn't write the rules, just like most other things in Thailand, she, and her legal team took advantage of the loophole.. lots of posters getting their knickers in a twist because YL's lawyers were smarter than the NLA it seems.

If you can get away with it do it.....

Right Haggis. People like you certainly don't make this world a better place.

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More like another confirmation that Thais create their own problems by having loop holes in their system that smart, and the not so smart exploit.

Why not exploit it ?, I'm pretty sure almost 99.9999% of the posters here, given the opportunity would use such loopholes to get them out of appearing in court too, nothing gutless, or spineless about it, when it clearly states that you don't have to appear in person!!

She didn't write the rules, just like most other things in Thailand, she, and her legal team took advantage of the loophole.. lots of posters getting their knickers in a twist because YL's lawyers were smarter than the NLA it seems.

The whole point of lawyers, surely, is to give you the best legal advice. And that would include exploiting any loopholes to your advantage.

Thai laws are full of loopholes or allow offices "discretion" etc.

I don't think Yingluck's lawyers are particularly smart or they would have stopped all the previous mistakes, falling foul of laws and general cock ups that were a hallmark of PTP's administration.

But in this case, if the rules provide she can send appointees, then that decision his hers not the committees.

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Another justification for the coup from yingluck herself. As if they needed another one. RIP to the 24 (out of 28 dead) victims of the UDD terrorists by the way.

And to think she promised to attend to defend herself as well. Well she also made a promise in Septmeber, 2013 as well.

September 25, 2013 Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra promised the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme." No one said that on her behalf. She said that.

I remember some had stated so proudly that she did not run overseas to join her brother in exile because she would proudly and resiliently defend herself against these charges with her head held high. Yet when she does not defend herself after promising too she is proud, resilient and has her head held high!

Maybe with this disjointed logic protruding one can be forgiven if the red apologists have others comment on their behalf in case they incriminate themselves as supporters of a woman that has spent 980 billion baht on a scheme that has not helped the farmers or has made them more sustainable. Of course she knows nothing about that. She was only the chairman after all.

Thank God for accountability.

And if anyone thinks yingluck is innocent please, I beg you, let me CEO of your company.

I don't recall anyone saying Yingluck is innocent or that she shouldn't be punished. This is a battle of wits between an illegal junta and someone who has been popular with the people, even if she's a criminal.

The junta is playing its cards and Yingluck is playing hers. Yingluck, by not testifying against herself is following the law. It would be hard to say that it's the junta which is legal and should be the one to prosecute. The junta gets its "rights" by the power of a military coup.

It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

This is a classic battle of wits and so far I think Yingluck is winning. Even if convicted and punished, the general loses because it won't set well with many Thais.

I'm just watching the show.

'I don't recall anyone saying Yingluck is innocent or that she shouldn't be punished'

Several posters - her usual fan club and regular Shin clan apologists have regularly posted that she is innocent of all charges; and usually add their confidence that she would attend and robustly defend herself with dignity. Such comments are easily found on many connected posts if you can't recall them.

never seen one... FACTS? LINKS? I, personally, think the scheme was ill-thought out and, indeed, a 'failed policy' but that does NOT warrant a witch-hunt by a military junta

anyone with any knowledge knows this is ALL about 'things we cannot discuss' but you continue to argue about the red herring

Rubbish - if you are too lazy to look up comments from a number of posters of several weeks on related threads then that's your choice. The usual Shin apologists ruse of demanding someone else run around for them, then refusing to comment again when they do, DIY mate.

Yes sure, the big picture. So often used to try and cloud or obscure, or almost justify things.

There are much bigger stakes here for sure, in which she is a mere pawn, and an expendable one at that.

However, let's stay focused on the matter at hand, no deviations or widening of the discussion. You admit this was a failed policy - why do you think it failed? And, do you think Yingluck did her best to try to ensure it didn't fail and limit the damages of the failure.

Two simple questions,

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More like another confirmation that Thais create their own problems by having loop holes in their system that smart, and the not so smart exploit.

Why not exploit it ?, I'm pretty sure almost 99.9999% of the posters here, given the opportunity would use such loopholes to get them out of appearing in court too, nothing gutless, or spineless about it, when it clearly states that you don't have to appear in person!!

She didn't write the rules, just like most other things in Thailand, she, and her legal team took advantage of the loophole.. lots of posters getting their knickers in a twist because YL's lawyers were smarter than the NLA it seems.

If you can get away with it do it.....

Right Haggis. People like you certainly don't make this world a better place.

Agreed - but sadly that is exactly what many politicians, businessmen, bankers and tax accountants do all over the world everyday.

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Rubbish - if you are too lazy to look up comments from a number of posters of several weeks on related threads then that's your choice. The usual Shin apologists ruse of demanding someone else run around for them, then refusing to comment again when they do, DIY mate.

Yes sure, the big picture. So often used to try and cloud or obscure, or almost justify things.

There are much bigger stakes here for sure, in which she is a mere pawn, and an expendable one at that.

However, let's stay focused on the matter at hand, no deviations or widening of the discussion. You admit this was a failed policy - why do you think it failed? And, do you think Yingluck did her best to try to ensure it didn't fail and limit the damages of the failure.

Two simple questions,

haha nice try... yea focused on the red herring... ignorance

Edited by binjalin
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"... she insisted strongly she would come ..."

Did anybody believe it?

I didn't!

She's nothing more than a criminal liar!

"... she was advised ... no knowledge ..."

Advised by the old T.?

Still no knowledge? How surprising. She never had! Probably she bought her degree.

You not gonna claim she didn't really graduate at an All Blacks university in the states, do you ?

Kentucky State University has a program of residential study for international students that focuses upon the development of English Language skills and exposure to American culture. KSU particularly seeks students from East Asia (China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan)

Their website used to say "an exposure to American curriculum",. Now it says "An exposure to American culture". Apparently just reading the course catalog was too trying for some.


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Another justification for the coup from yingluck herself. As if they needed another one. RIP to the 24 (out of 28 dead) victims of the UDD terrorists by the way.

And to think she promised to attend to defend herself as well. Well she also made a promise in Septmeber, 2013 as well.

September 25, 2013 Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra promised the government was not considering further loans because it would have enough money from selling rice from its stocks to fund the scheme." No one said that on her behalf. She said that.

I remember some had stated so proudly that she did not run overseas to join her brother in exile because she would proudly and resiliently defend herself against these charges with her head held high. Yet when she does not defend herself after promising too she is proud, resilient and has her head held high!

Maybe with this disjointed logic protruding one can be forgiven if the red apologists have others comment on their behalf in case they incriminate themselves as supporters of a woman that has spent 980 billion baht on a scheme that has not helped the farmers or has made them more sustainable. Of course she knows nothing about that. She was only the chairman after all.

Thank God for accountability.

And if anyone thinks yingluck is innocent please, I beg you, let me CEO of your company.

I don't recall anyone saying Yingluck is innocent or that she shouldn't be punished. This is a battle of wits between an illegal junta and someone who has been popular with the people, even if she's a criminal.

The junta is playing its cards and Yingluck is playing hers. Yingluck, by not testifying against herself is following the law. It would be hard to say that it's the junta which is legal and should be the one to prosecute. The junta gets its "rights" by the power of a military coup.

It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

This is a classic battle of wits and so far I think Yingluck is winning. Even if convicted and punished, the general loses because it won't set well with many Thais.

I'm just watching the show.

If Prayuth was in the same boat, do you think he would put up with being hauled over the coals by some mere committee. Never.

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"... she insisted strongly she would come ..."

Did anybody believe it?

I didn't!

She's nothing more than a criminal liar!

"... she was advised ... no knowledge ..."

Advised by the old T.?

Still no knowledge? How surprising. She never had! Probably she bought her degree.

You not gonna claim she didn't really graduate at an All Blacks university in the states, do you ?

Kentucky State University has a program of residential study for international students that focuses upon the development of English Language skills and exposure to American culture. KSU particularly seeks students from East Asia (China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan)

Their website used to say "an exposure to American curriculum",. Now it says "An exposure to American culture". Apparently just reading the course catalog was too trying for some.


Strange but this is what I found about the same university, and it can't be confusion as I came there clicking on the link in Yinglucks wikipedia profile.


Kentucky State University was chartered in May 1886 as the State Normal School for Colored Persons, only the second state-supported institution of higher learning in Kentucky.[1

In the early 1930s, the high school was discontinued, and in 1938 the school was named the Kentucky State College for Negroes.[1] The term "for Negroes" was dropped in 1952. Kentucky State College became a university in 1972, and in 1973 the first graduate students enrolled in its School of Public Affairs.


Kentucky State University is host to 2,370 undergraduate students and 163 graduate students. African Americans comprise 49% of the undergraduate and 44% of the graduate student body.

Notable alumni Yingluck Shinawatra 1991 The 28th and first female Prime Minister of Thailand Edited by Anthony5
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