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Plans for LGBT specialist school criticised by Stonewall


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They will just have to learn to live their life as everyone else does. If they have a "Right" to be treated equally , then they can go to the same schools as everyone else. I find Gay people don't really want to integrate with straight people or go to "Straight" places. If they want to be treated equally stop telling people how different and special you are

Edited by ExPratt
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They will just have to learn to live their life as everyone else does. If they have a "Right" to be treated equally , then they can go to the same schools as everyone else. I find Gay people don't really want to integrate with straight people or go to "Straight" places. If they want to be treated equally stop telling people how different and special you are

Since the beginning of time we have been going to the same schools as everyone else. We have also gone to the same places, fought in the same wars and eat the same food.

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I certainly understand the general disagreement with segregating a group of people, but schools such as this can probably help people to come to terms with identity issues that they may have. Anything that helps young people learn that it is OK to be gay and to empower them is a good thing.

Adolescents need a lot of support and gay adolescents need a little bit more sometimes.

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They will just have to learn to live their life as everyone else does. If they have a "Right" to be treated equally , then they can go to the same schools as everyone else. I find Gay people don't really want to integrate with straight people or go to "Straight" places. If they want to be treated equally stop telling people how different and special you are

Sorry have to disagree with you, i am gay, and i am more than happy going to ''Straight Places'',

just because i am Gay, does not mean i have to Live and Breathe the whole Gay Thing..

Cannot remember the last time i was in a ''Gay Bar'', more than happy to sit anywhere with a drink in my hand...

This could just be me, but i have a few friends, who feel the same..

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Would there be a gay equivalent of the 'short bus' stereotype?

Reminds me of a lot of other arguments I sat though working as a Director for a school district. Special Needs Students, Gifted and Talented, Bilingual Education, Deaf, or the proposed Jewish Charter...

Some of the programs have their places, especially with some special need students. Other programs just foster segregation and isolation.

My favorite was when our district created a 'continuation High School' ... out in the middle of nowhere where all the misfits were sent.

I'm all for trying new approaches, but if it takes 20+ years to evaluate the full effects...

Seems odd to even imagine a proposal for a 'gay' or LGBTBBQWTF school. People would then argue for an all boys or all girls school, or the all white (which occurred in the more affluent neighborhoods within our sprawling district).

I've also worked with people in the deaf community who only attended deaf school ... they certainly are a culture all to themselves.

On the other hand, I certainly would have liked attending an all gay school. At least I might have learned something about being gay.

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The goal of a school is primarily to educate and the secondary goal is to pass on acceptable social skills. I would assume that the school were cater to the needs of students who are at risk in either of these areas.

An environment that is conducive to fostering personal growth and education is a good thing.

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