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Moral and ethics watchdog to be set up under new Thai charter


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Ethics watchdog to be set up under new charter

Wiraj Sripong
The Nation

Agency to promote morality; detailed proposal to go to reform council next month

BANGKOK: -- A moral and ethics watchdog will be established under the new constitution to increase public awareness about good governance and accountability, the director of the Moral Promotion Centre, Sin Suesuan, said recently.

Soon after the National Reform Council accepted the proposal to promote moral and ethics nationwide, a NRC drafting committee began working out details to regulate this new agency, said Sin, who is also a member of the charter drafting committee.

The agency will be made up of three institutional bodies - a steering committee, a secretariat and a moral assembly.

These institutions will encompass people from different backgrounds, ranging from the public sector to civil society.

Their first task will be to set moral and ethical standards for high level executives from the public and private sectors.

These institutions will be designed to improve public surveillance of the political system and to provide society with complete information about their political cadres and private executives.

The process of information gathering for the agency will last until the end of January before the committee will submit a second proposal to the NRC. Accordingly, two months was given to the committee to complete the entire process.

"Public participation is pivotal to the drafting process", said Sin.

Different constitutional drafting committees are reaching out to the wider public from Bangkok to remote areas to gather ideas from all stakeholders, Sin said.

He stressed that public participation was at the heart of the information gathering process. "The newly created bodies should reflect the diversity of society and the needs of all stakeholders", he said.

"Different sorts of challenges emerge from the past work of the Moral Promotion Centre, especially the lack of authority to present an agenda."

Created in 2004, the mechanism to promote morality and ethics has already realised many projects nationwide. A national plan designed to increase veracity and honesty from 2012-2016 is one of the examples, according to Sin.

Besides that, a pilot project to boost morality and ethics in society - currently underway in several provinces including Buri Ram, Ratchaburi and Phatthalung - is another example.

"The current work of the Moral Promotion Centre bears fruit. However, the legal aspect will give more muscle to this social watchdog to control the political system," Sin said.

He also emphasised that the drafters had no intention for the new social watchdog to substitute for the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).

Unlike the NACC, he said, the new institution would only do the task of public surveillance and tabling recommendations if needed.

The new moral bodies would not have the authority to place sanctions on high level executives. The Moral Bill would increase social responsibility among leaders through social control.

Sin said the legal side of the bill would pave the way for the newly created watchdog to be more effective in its operation. "People tend to be more respectful when laws and social norms are both effective," Sin added.

"In the end, our aim is to create a more sustainable approach to dealing with issues related to corruption and to improve the current situation."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Ethics-watchdog-to-be-set-up-under-new-charter-30252159.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-19

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Promote ethics and morality ? cheesy.gif

' and who amongst you will cast the first stone ? '

Oh I see, your'e all good Buddhists so that doesn't apply. That's ok then job done.

The watchdog's charter should include a provision that anyone holding any office should take their oath in front of the Buddha statue that politicians are so afraid of.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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The moral bill would increase responsibilty on political leaders through social control?

That is a good one since the police and politicians have been threatening people who so much as like a Facebook post they disagree with.

Never has so much BS been foisted upon so many by so many. Everyone is at the BS factory in Thailand. The smoke is getting so thick you can't even see the mirrors.

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The government seems to be on a quest to grow larger and larger...... and yet finding information about the government seems more opaque and limited. This proposal is going along with this spirit.

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Sounds like a suitable position for the ex PhuaThai stalwart Chalerm to jump into.

His experience of the Thai political scene and it's obvious underbelly could prove invaluable for a moral crusader. His name has been much "besmirched"(thanks Bobby A) due to the yellow mob's constant claims that his 3 sons executed by holding and shooting in the face a policeman in a nightclub in front of dozens of witnesses who all mysteriously changed their mind as to what they hadn't seen before the trial started. And further claims that Chalerm aided and abetted his sons escape from the country and justice, only to give him a plummy top government and police job when the fuss had died down. These claims are getting boring, I mean firstly what was a policeman doing in a nightclub? Also, which parent has kids that never caused mischief?

Hooray for moral and ethical watchdogs, Hooray for the Yoobamrungs and others that made the generals shortlist.

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Surely you cannot have a "moral" watchdog!

You can set ethics standards and gauge people by ethics compliance but morals are a totally individual thing which should not/cannot be monitored. It would clash with a number of concepts including freedom of speech.

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A new bunch of guys you will have to bribe to get anything done - great clap2.gif

Perhaps one could be a tad more positive, and describe it as a bold new initiative which should open up significant new income streams for the appropriate candidates?

Talking about bribes like that is disgraceful, did you not know that they are the sworn enemies of corruption.

Edited by JAG
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Am I alone in finding it ironical that the chap promoting a "Moral and Ethics Watchdog" is called "Sin"?

There used to be a Cardinal in the Philippenes called Jaime Lachica Sin DD, PLH, OS, OL (Chinese: 辛海梅; 辛海棉 Xīn Hǎiméi; Xīn Hǎimián;Latin: Iacomus Sin; August 31, 1928 – June 21, 2005) was the 30th Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila, and was also a Cardinal.

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Maybe they can get some older Vietnamese to set up "re-education camps" like VN had after the war, and some even older Khmer Rouge to teach the new "instructors". Oh, wait.... now I get why Thailand is increasing contact with North Korea.

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Am I alone in finding it ironical that the chap promoting a "Moral and Ethics Watchdog" is called "Sin"?

There used to be a Cardinal in the Philippenes called Jaime Lachica Sin DD, PLH, OS, OL (Chinese: 辛海梅; 辛海棉 Xīn Hǎiméi; Xīn Hǎimián;Latin: Iacomus Sin; August 31, 1928 – June 21, 2005) was the 30th Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila, and was also a Cardinal.

And in describing his official residence in Manila he said ' this truly is the house of Sin ".

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Am I alone in finding it ironical that the chap promoting a "Moral and Ethics Watchdog" is called "Sin"?

There used to be a Cardinal in the Philippenes called Jaime Lachica Sin DD, PLH, OS, OL (Chinese: 辛海梅; 辛海棉 Xīn Hǎiméi; Xīn Hǎimián;Latin: Iacomus Sin; August 31, 1928 – June 21, 2005) was the 30th Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila, and was also a Cardinal.

And in describing his official residence in Manila he said ' this truly is the house of Sin ".

When the Pope came to call he asked 'Where is Sin?' the secretary answered 'Same place it always is, in the rectory'

Edited by RKASA
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Am I alone in finding it ironical that the chap promoting a "Moral and Ethics Watchdog" is called "Sin"?

There used to be a Cardinal in the Philippenes called Jaime Lachica Sin DD, PLH, OS, OL (Chinese: 辛海梅; 辛海棉 Xīn Hǎiméi; Xīn Hǎimián;Latin: Iacomus Sin; August 31, 1928 – June 21, 2005) was the 30th Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila, and was also a Cardinal.

And in describing his official residence in Manila he said ' this truly is the house of Sin ".

When the Pope came to call he asked 'Where is Sin?' the secretary answered 'Same place it always is, in the rectory'


Father forgive me forgive me for i have sinned. Oh Shit not again.

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"Besides that, a pilot project to boost morality and ethics in society - currently underway in several provinces including Buri Ram, Ratchaburi and Phatthalung - is another example".

Well, I live in Ratchaburi, and am deeply offended that I've not been consulted about morality, nor heard any 'morality' songs on the local loudspeakers.

More to the point, I don't think anybody in Ratchaburi knows anything about this, or if they do, gives two hoots about it.

Life here goes on "same-same" - perhaps morally and ethically, a bit worse under the "reformers". Move along the trough, please, room for ten more.

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ethics and morality

How does that work then???

To Quote an esteemed abbot (yes abbot) in today's press : who stunned his followers by declaring in a meeting streamed over the Internet on Friday he’d been making love to another man at the monastery. He stunned them again when he explained it was okay because it was done without “self-awareness.”

"I'm fully straight. I'm not gay in any way,” he explained 'I don't even know if I ejaculated because I wasn't aware of what I was doing"

Edited by kaiyaibob
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Am I alone in finding it ironical that the chap promoting a "Moral and Ethics Watchdog" is called "Sin"?

There used to be a Cardinal in the Philippenes called Jaime Lachica Sin DD, PLH, OS, OL (Chinese: 辛海梅; 辛海棉 Xīn Hǎiméi; Xīn Hǎimián;Latin: Iacomus Sin; August 31, 1928 – June 21, 2005) was the 30th Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila, and was also a Cardinal.

And in describing his official residence in Manila he said ' this truly is the house of Sin ".

I remember the chap, he used to get a lot of coverage in the UK Catholic press. He was a bit of a thorn in the flesh of the then Phillipines government, as well as having a sense of humour-

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Am I alone in finding it ironical that the chap promoting a "Moral and Ethics Watchdog" is called "Sin"?

There used to be a Cardinal in the Philippenes called Jaime Lachica Sin DD, PLH, OS, OL (Chinese: 辛海梅; 辛海棉 Xīn Hǎiméi; Xīn Hǎimián;Latin: Iacomus Sin; August 31, 1928 – June 21, 2005) was the 30th Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila, and was also a Cardinal.

And in describing his official residence in Manila he said ' this truly is the house of Sin ".

I remember the chap, he used to get a lot of coverage in the UK Catholic press. He was a bit of a thorn in the flesh of the then Phillipines government, as well as having a sense of humour-

One major blotch was to arrange a Papal decree allowing a divorce for Imee MARCOS

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