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Call for Muslim army in Australia

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So how's hat multiculturalism thing working out for you folks?

Well thanks.

I'm a child of it. Profiting immensely thanks for asking.


Lakemba, say no more.

Sharia Law in Australia.....mmmmm give me a break. Obviously these people lied when they signed their citizenship applications of they are so much against living in a democratic society. I realise some of them must have been born in Australia. Perhaps the government could sponsor a flight to 'somewhere else' and let these folk out. Make the first step off the plane about 35,000 feet, that should ensure they don't cause discomfort to anyone else. Grubs.

Might be time for the Cronulla hoodlums to visit this crew and deal with them If the authorities are too busy trying to untie their hands.

Doo gooders have destroyed Australia, where the Police are busy worrying about 'offender rights' and paperwork instead of getting in the faces of crap people like this.

In case you out of touch with reality , it was the Leb mob who bashed Cronulla hoodlums and returned armed to bash more.

It is leb mob who runs most if not all drugs and bikie gangs.

It is leb mob who are involved or responsible for most drive by shootings and other related crime.

In case you failed to understand geography, lakemba is only 1 place mentioned, you can add Bankstown, marrylands, campsie,parramatta , auburn and pretty much the rest of Sydney western suburbs.

Your ex bodies have been at war with leb mob for decades now , with number of strike forces set up but without much success , if anything more failure, as more and leb crimes take place on daily basis.

The biggest club owner is a leb gangster, who not only runs kings cross but now also half of CBDs, Paddington and Surry hills, thankfully he is Christian

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Lakemba, say no more.

Sharia Law in Australia.....mmmmm give me a break. Obviously these people lied when they signed their citizenship applications of they are so much against living in a democratic society. I realise some of them must have been born in Australia. Perhaps the government could sponsor a flight to 'somewhere else' and let these folk out. Make the first step off the plane about 35,000 feet, that should ensure they don't cause discomfort to anyone else. Grubs.

Might be time for the Cronulla hoodlums to visit this crew and deal with them If the authorities are too busy trying to untie their hands.

Doo gooders have destroyed Australia, where the Police are busy worrying about 'offender rights' and paperwork instead of getting in the faces of crap people like this.

In case you out of touch with reality , it was the Leb mob who bashed Cronulla hoodlums and returned armed to bash more.

It is leb mob who runs most if not all drugs and bikie gangs.

It is leb mob who are involved or responsible for most drive by shootings and other related crime.

In case you failed to understand geography, lakemba is only 1 place mentioned, you can add Bankstown, marrylands, campsie,parramatta , auburn and pretty much the rest of Sydney western suburbs.

Your ex bodies have been at war with leb mob for decades now , with number of strike forces set up but without much success , if anything more failure, as more and leb crimes take place on daily basis.

The biggest club owner is a leb gangster, who not only runs kings cross but now also half of CBDs, Paddington and Surry hills, thankfully he is Christian

Yep. Well done.



Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

That can be removed easily....NOT doing it is why the world is in the mess it's in.

Real Australians will come out of the woodwork soon....You can see it coming a mile off.

It's not just Australians either. Don't awaken the sleeping giant.

250 ppl.. Hardly world news.

They can say what ever they like, its a free country. Which is what they don't want..

Err.. Hang on

If 4 of them in France can bring the world to its knees then what do you think 250 can do.

I had a shop next to a mosque once. These people are terrifying to say the least.

They have no fear of any law except their own.

Yes, they caught us napping but don't underestimate the will of people in power.



Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

At least now the government knows who to keep a VERY CLOSE eye on.

Very labour intensive.....they will need a bigger budget and more operatives.

Easier if they just ...........

What do we do with these blokes then. Video of them went viral a few days ago under the title 'Aussiest interview ever.' Which to my mind they were being...

Edit - can't get you tube link to work


Been sounding the alarm for years...what will it take for the Western democracies to wake up before it is too late...this is going to end badly...


"Eventually, we will bounce back and we will reclaim everything that they have taken from us,” Bilal Merhi told the crowd.

i've not been to Australia but I am curious as to when sharia law was enforced there in the past.



Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

OK .. "Exile" then. If that's a no go too ... then just shoot him.

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"Eventually, we will bounce back and we will reclaim everything that they have taken from us,” Bilal Merhi told the crowd.

Is he an aborigine? Had no idea they were Muslims.

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Their will be a massive backlash and bloodbath unless decent muslims start coming out and removing themselves these fanatics and if they dont they to will sadly suffer the backlash

You will have to define what is a decent muslim.

In the islamic frame of reference a decent muslim wants to live under shariah law, live life according to the koran, and believe absolutely that there is only one god, that muhamed was the true prophet, that there is no distinction between the state and the religion, and it is a duty to convert or kill any non-believers, with the ultimate aim of having a world under islam.

In the western frame of reference a decent person wants to live life in a modern society, a democracy, with respect for others and have freedom of speech with the rights to pursue ones aims, provided they fall within the laws, accepted moral code and generally align with protecting what has been achieved.

IMO the conflict of interests are too great.

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That's one option -- just not to the UK -- but I believe the old England tactic of public hanging, drawing and quartering will work wonders on personage of this ilk. Certainly one-up from boring ole beheadings.



Immigration Department could bulk-buy one-way tickets back to the Arab country of the protester's choice, in exchange for their Aussie passports.

As the mayor of a Canadian city recently stated, there are many Islamic countries they could choose to go to, if they didn't like the system they were living in.

Another alternative is to enlarge the Migration Centre at Manus Island. (Papua New Guinea).

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One way ticket to Syria for their entire family should clear out the bad apples in a few weeks.

Oh no, please not, than they all come to Europe

If you havent noticed they already have.


Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

Sounds like freedom of speech to me. Its a fine line between freedom of speech and terrorism talk.


250 ppl.. Hardly world news.

They can say what ever they like, its a free country. Which is what they don't want..

Err.. Hang on

What the extremists want,,,Is to infiltrate the country (does not matter witch country)They are attacking the whole world,,,,and rule the whole world,, sadly to say,,,There is only one way to stop them,,,,,,eradicate the lot of them so they cant breed .Keep the world Safe,,,very sad but true, a lot of innocent people will get hurt and killed in the mean time,

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"Eventually, we will bounce back and we will reclaim everything that they have taken from us,” Bilal Merhi told the crowd.

i've not been to Australia but I am curious as to when sharia law was enforced there in the past.

The guy is talking to support of ISIS self declared caliphate and other objectives such as the destruction of Israel.

Australian Federal government has never supported recognition of any form of Sharia Law, legal pluralism has been rejected.

It's interesting that Hizb-ut Tahrir is banned in many Islamic majority countries, but not in Australia & most other Western countries. When taking into account recently enacted legislation in Australia, perhaps this time they have gone over the edge and a ban and arrest of their leader/s will soon follow. Some background...


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Looks like Oz is going to have to come up with it's own version of Gitmo.

Canberra? Just the thought of going would make the terrorists talk :D
I was thinking Adelaide.

Pakistan would love that. Every vist to The Oval would feel like a home game :D

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Not familiar with the laws there but I don't think any country can "deport" citizens almost by definition of the word deport. I assume a large portion of Australian Muslims are full citizens.

They may be citizens,but they are not Australians

If they are not citizens, they are not Australians.


I hope the anti halal mob walk or ride their bike to work and row themselves to Thailand.

I hope they have given up eating meat too given about 90% of meat in oz is halal certified (I must admit my local butcher told me that over Christmas but he had no issue with the way it was slaughtered at least in oz and said it made no didference to the quality of the meat).

You're missing a huge point about halal as usual. It's nothing to do with the 'quality of the meat'.

It's not just the way it's slaughtered but the infringement of indigenous cultures.

Non-muslims haven't demanded halal meat so why are they secretly being given it.

Also the costs of halal certification gives rise to the issue of what happens to these funds. There's strong suspicion that a lot of the money is financing terrorism, which is understandable and totally logical considering numerous and continual Islamic terrorist attacks against civilians and unarmed soldiers in both the middle-east and civilized western countries.

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