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No order to impeach Yingluck, Prayut says

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"I have said many times that we should not reconcile with wrongdoers. Do we need to reconcile with murderers or people who are corrupt?" he said.

he needs to go read up on South Africa's successful reconciliation and understand there was wrong doing on all sides

PM Prayut didn't mention any side, just murderers and corrupt people.

It would seem Ms. Yingluck corrupted people by being so negligent. It may have given the wrong impression.

BTW The South African situation is not comparable with Thailands 'political' problems. Also the success of the 'reconciliation' has

"Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful."



"In contrast with other truth commissions, the TRC was led by clerics rather than lawyers and judge, and the TRC's approach to reconciliation was shaped by and imbued with religious content."


PS will Phra Suthep be available ?

we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents


Just mentioned on ABC news Australia that he had ordered her impeached.

Not surprising. The BBC, AFP, and even The Economist all seem to avidly reporting anything that shows the Shin clan in a good light whilst ignoring any wrongdoing.

Seems the Shin PT Lobbyists are very effective.

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"I have said many times that we should not reconcile with wrongdoers. Do we need to reconcile with murderers or people who are corrupt?" he said.

he needs to go read up on South Africa's successful reconciliation and understand there was wrong doing on all sides

PM Prayut didn't mention any side, just murderers and corrupt people.

It would seem Ms. Yingluck corrupted people by being so negligent. It may have given the wrong impression.

BTW The South African situation is not comparable with Thailands 'political' problems. Also the success of the 'reconciliation' has

"Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful."



"In contrast with other truth commissions, the TRC was led by clerics rather than lawyers and judge, and the TRC's approach to reconciliation was shaped by and imbued with religious content."


PS will Phra Suthep be available ?

we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents

The SA model - a real success story. All the white South Africans I meet in other countries tell me so. That's why they left.

What are you proposing then - simply allow a blanket amnesty and carry on as normal? Bent politicians placing their equally corrupt relations in senior civil service roles and then pilfering the county's money whilst trying to pass laws so they can't be voted out?


It looks more like the Khaki Kettle calling the designer Pot Black, I'm pretty sure that staging a coup is very much a law breaking issue, of which they constantly give themselves amnesties for, so really Mr PM, your words are incredibly rich coming from a man who many would say treason, by ousting the caretaker Government, although I'd not go that far personally.

Sometimes Mr PM, it's just better to keep your mouth shut and have people just think you're a fool, as opposed to opening it, and proving it beyond all reasonable doubt.

What he should have done, instead of throwing his teddies ( he must have some collection there!!) was ask the reporters to name the Politicians making the claims, and ask them for clarification, as he really hasn't done himself any favours with this latest outburst.

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It looks more like the Khaki Kettle calling the designer Pot Black, I'm pretty sure that staging a coup is very much a law breaking issue, of which they constantly give themselves amnesties for, so really Mr PM, your words are incredibly rich coming from a man who many would say treason, by ousting the caretaker Government, although I'd not go that far personally.

Sometimes Mr PM, it's just better to keep your mouth shut and have people just think you're a fool, as opposed to opening it, and proving it beyond all reasonable doubt.

What he should have done, instead of throwing his teddies ( he must have some collection there!!) was ask the reporters to name the Politicians making the claims, and ask them for clarification, as he really hasn't done himself any favours with this latest outburst.

Agree in pot and kettle analogy.

If he was PTP he would have set Tarit and Chalerm on them to come up with some trumped up charges of defamation or some law Tarit dreamed up 2 minutes before. Yingluck would have walked away in a huff but the follow would've been there.

Different organizations with different habits but the outcome is often similar.

  • Like 2

It is inconceivable that the PM, who is showing increasing signs of megalomania, and micro manages to the point of organizing floating gardens and Indian weddings, would not be in full control of the outcome of the impeachment proceedings.

True, true. Nothing to do with Ms. Yingluck being guilty, it's only a political witch hunt. Allegedly some tell me.

Personally I doubt a witch hunt is necessary when Ms. Yingluck so clearly shows to be 'ignorant' and 'negligent'. Even her lawyer complains Ms. Yingluck didn't say anything about the case rolleyes.gif

"Meanwhile, a number of NLA members said yesterday they had made their minds up on whether to vote for or against Yingluck on Friday, with some of them stressing that they did not need to listen to the closing statements by the NACC and the ex-PM."

At the very least, an irresponsible disrespect for due process, but really an indication that this is a political witch hunt, with many of the NLA planning to settle personal vendettas on Friday.

And these people are the future of Thailand?

An indication of what you want it to be. To support your view. They have already seen the evidence presented. They heard Yingluck's meaningless mumbo jumbo opening statement. She was instructed that she must turn up to answer subsequent questions - and chose not to do so, in a very down her nose way, by sending a team with a message. She will, as her lawyer alludes to, read the latest script at her closing speech.

No facts, no figures, no apologies. Just the usual arrogant we are right, how dare anyone challenge us, and we're not saying were the money went attitude.She will once again say she is innocent without explaining why she failed to attend one single meeting or really do anything when warned about issues.

You think the Shins ever respected due process in nearly 3 years in office?

Virtually any group would be better than the old gang and cronies presided over by the big leader hiding from his crimes.

I don't buy the argument that any group would be better than the last. This current group has committed the same acts as the past group, cronyism and severe damage to the economy, and abolished an entire constitution instead of just one clause, and don't show any signs of being more competent or less corrupt than the last.

Also, the current leader is hiding behind a self imposed amnesty, and section 44 making him above the law.

So I will repeat, these people are the future of Thailand?

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If I were a Thai, I'd want to see transparency all over, sure the PTP were a bunch of thieves in office, but were the Dems any better?

NOBODY should be safe from NACC investigations no matter what position you hold/held in office, if you took backhanders, and dished out backhanders, you're as guilty as those you accuse.

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I see all the ptp apologists are trying their hardest to put their spin on this. We all know that the only way the ptp/reds can get what they want is to spread lies and innuendo and some of those in here cant help themselves, shows how pathetic some people are when they have to satisfy their other halfs demands on their political views and those of their families or face being told to leave. The only press releases overseas are overseen by thaksin aligned reporters, anyone believing the crap they write or promote would have to be totally gullible, cant help some people. What all this boils down to is that the ptp/red/thaksin supporters cannot handle the fact the truth is emerging after having it covered up for so many years and are trying to put bullsh*t up to try to confuse the public, after years of thaksins lackies running the show they dont want to give anything up.

You could take just about everything you said in regards to the Reds/PTP and equally apply it to the Yellows/Dems/PDRC.

Talk about covering up the "truth". Let's try Suthep's palm oil dealings, and his land give away to his buddies. Let's talk about the Dem's own rice scheme which failed miserably. Trust me, there is an entire litany of things they have buried, covered up, and just flat out got away with, yet no one has ever been held accountable for any of them. I'm not pro-red or pro-Thaksin by a long shot, but neither am I color blind by either side and try to look at the whole picture. Perhaps you should try that some time and find out that your "hero's" aren't as lily white as you seem to think they are.

Like you, I am totally disgusted with the the highly skewed double standard and like you, I am no Thaksin or PT sympathizer. Suthep has a long laundry list of corruption and even impeachment case over the Phuket land corruption case. Ahbisit borrowed heavily to finance various populist policies raising the debt to GDP ratio to unprecedented level. And the disgusting Saejae untouchables are the epitome of corruption longer than any political parties or personalities. Seem the only people on trials are those who are popularly elected and have huge support from the poor. Not hard to see the irony and the blind followers inability to comprehend that it is those elites pulling the strings to rid all their opponents to maintain their power and wealth.

Like you I'm also disgusted and certainly no Thaksin or PT sympathizer. That's probably why I'm having no problem with a former PM being called to explain some 'minor' details in one of her pet schemes. The mere 700 billion Baht her 'self-financing' scheme managed to lose despite all warnings and her voiced 'no problem, all taken care of'.

Of course those who protest now may just be some blinded elite lovers, the adoring masses who like Amply Rich people waste away tax payer's money.

  • Like 2

It is inconceivable that the PM, who is showing increasing signs of megalomania, and micro manages to the point of organizing floating gardens and Indian weddings, would not be in full control of the outcome of the impeachment proceedings.

True, true. Nothing to do with Ms. Yingluck being guilty, it's only a political witch hunt. Allegedly some tell me.

Personally I doubt a witch hunt is necessary when Ms. Yingluck so clearly shows to be 'ignorant' and 'negligent'. Even her lawyer complains Ms. Yingluck didn't say anything about the case rolleyes.gif

"Meanwhile, a number of NLA members said yesterday they had made their minds up on whether to vote for or against Yingluck on Friday, with some of them stressing that they did not need to listen to the closing statements by the NACC and the ex-PM."

At the very least, an irresponsible disrespect for due process, but really an indication that this is a political witch hunt, with many of the NLA planning to settle personal vendettas on Friday.

And these people are the future of Thailand?

What with Ms. Yingluck and her legal team and band of merry ministers answering questions not asked and use voicing platitudes, with a year past now I would also no longer doubt that 'negligent' is the least. 'criminal neglect' or ''criminally deceiving the people and defrauding the State' seems more like it.

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"Meanwhile, a number of NLA members said yesterday they had made their minds up on whether to vote for or against Yingluck on Friday, with some of them stressing that they did not need to listen to the closing statements by the NACC and the ex-PM.

An indication of what you want it to be. To support your view. They have already seen the evidence presented. They heard Yingluck's meaningless mumbo jumbo opening statement. She was instructed that she must turn up to answer subsequent questions - and chose not to do so, in a very down her nose way, by sending a team with a message. She will, as her lawyer alludes to, read the latest script at her closing speech.

No facts, no figures, no apologies. Just the usual arrogant we are right, how dare anyone challenge us, and we're not saying were the money went attitude.She will once again say she is innocent without explaining why she failed to attend one single meeting or really do anything when warned about issues.

You think the Shins ever respected due process in nearly 3 years in office?

Virtually any group would be better than the old gang and cronies presided over by the big leader hiding from his crimes.

I don't buy the argument that any group would be better than the last. This current group has committed the same acts as the past group, cronyism and severe damage to the economy, and abolished an entire constitution instead of just one clause, and don't show any signs of being more competent or less corrupt than the last.

Also, the current leader is hiding behind a self imposed amnesty, and section 44 making him above the law.

So I will repeat, these people are the future of Thailand?

They still have a long long way to go to catch the Shins up. Whether they will "achieve" that is yet to be seen.

If the Shins had been allowed to do what they wanted, Thailand would have been something resembling Zimbabwe / Cambodia - a thoroughly corrupt basket case perpetually run by one leader, one party and very enriching for the chosen ones. No doubt about that. PTP were dire - so incompetent they couldn't even follow the correct parliamentary procedures when they had a majority. Dumb or arrogance or both?

PTP are simply a vehicle for the Shins to govern, for their own interests, as were previous Thaksin owned parties.

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"I have said many times that we should not reconcile with wrongdoers. Do we need to reconcile with murderers or people who are corrupt?" he said.

he needs to go read up on South Africa's successful reconciliation and understand there was wrong doing on all sides

PM Prayut didn't mention any side, just murderers and corrupt people.

It would seem Ms. Yingluck corrupted people by being so negligent. It may have given the wrong impression.

BTW The South African situation is not comparable with Thailands 'political' problems. Also the success of the 'reconciliation' has

"Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful."



"In contrast with other truth commissions, the TRC was led by clerics rather than lawyers and judge, and the TRC's approach to reconciliation was shaped by and imbued with religious content."


PS will Phra Suthep be available ?

we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents

It would seem the stress effects your sense of humour, my dear binji, otherwise you would realise that not even I would ever propose Phra Suthep to be involved in such commission.

Anyway, with your 'the yellows' you seem to lack the right spirit of goodwill and reconciliation. Don't worry, all will be in order by the end of the week thumbsup.gif


If I were a Thai, I'd want to see transparency all over, sure the PTP were a bunch of thieves in office, but were the Dems any better?

NOBODY should be safe from NACC investigations no matter what position you hold/held in office, if you took backhanders, and dished out backhanders, you're as guilty as those you accuse.

If only. But people can, and do, simply walk away from serious criminal charges such as murder.

Until there is an impartial justice system, with real laws not full of loopholes, and real law enforcement. then nothing will ever change.

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Yingluck did not attend yesterday's meeting of her legal team, which had recently provided more documents to the ex-PM to assist her in defending herself, according to the lawyer.

Translation :

We have written out what she has to say in her closing statement in easily understood words.

Yes, exactly the same as would happen if the President of USA or PM of the UK were being questioned in such a manner. Yet you seem surprised by it?


"I have said many times that we should not reconcile with wrongdoers. Do we need to reconcile with murderers or people who are corrupt?" he said.

he needs to go read up on South Africa's successful reconciliation and understand there was wrong doing on all sides

PM Prayut didn't mention any side, just murderers and corrupt people.

It would seem Ms. Yingluck corrupted people by being so negligent. It may have given the wrong impression.

BTW The South African situation is not comparable with Thailands 'political' problems. Also the success of the 'reconciliation' has

"Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful."



"In contrast with other truth commissions, the TRC was led by clerics rather than lawyers and judge, and the TRC's approach to reconciliation was shaped by and imbued with religious content."


PS will Phra Suthep be available ?

we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents

The SA model - a real success story. All the white South Africans I meet in other countries tell me so. That's why they left.

What are you proposing then - simply allow a blanket amnesty and carry on as normal? Bent politicians placing their equally corrupt relations in senior civil service roles and then pilfering the county's money whilst trying to pass laws so they can't be voted out?

"All the white South Africans I meet in other countries tell me so. That's why they left"

how unsurprising you would say that


"I have said many times that we should not reconcile with wrongdoers. Do we need to reconcile with murderers or people who are corrupt?" he said.

he needs to go read up on South Africa's successful reconciliation and understand there was wrong doing on all sides

PM Prayut didn't mention any side, just murderers and corrupt people.

It would seem Ms. Yingluck corrupted people by being so negligent. It may have given the wrong impression.

BTW The South African situation is not comparable with Thailands 'political' problems. Also the success of the 'reconciliation' has

"Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful."



"In contrast with other truth commissions, the TRC was led by clerics rather than lawyers and judge, and the TRC's approach to reconciliation was shaped by and imbued with religious content."


PS will Phra Suthep be available ?

we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents

It would seem the stress effects your sense of humour, my dear binji, otherwise you would realise that not even I would ever propose Phra Suthep to be involved in such commission.

Anyway, with your 'the yellows' you seem to lack the right spirit of goodwill and reconciliation. Don't worry, all will be in order by the end of the week thumbsup.gif

yea I got that Rubl... (and it was amusing) anyway finding anyone 'neutral' here would be like finding a virgin in Pattaya


PM Prayut didn't mention any side, just murderers and corrupt people.

It would seem Ms. Yingluck corrupted people by being so negligent. It may have given the wrong impression.

BTW The South African situation is not comparable with Thailands 'political' problems. Also the success of the 'reconciliation' has

"Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful."



"In contrast with other truth commissions, the TRC was led by clerics rather than lawyers and judge, and the TRC's approach to reconciliation was shaped by and imbued with religious content."


PS will Phra Suthep be available ?

we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents

The SA model - a real success story. All the white South Africans I meet in other countries tell me so. That's why they left.

What are you proposing then - simply allow a blanket amnesty and carry on as normal? Bent politicians placing their equally corrupt relations in senior civil service roles and then pilfering the county's money whilst trying to pass laws so they can't be voted out?

"All the white South Africans I meet in other countries tell me so. That's why they left"

how unsurprising you would say that

So, 'truth' any one? Maybe in SA style those immigrants will leave, Bangkok population halved?

Surely a 'blanket amnesty' is out of the question. Not even the red-shirts want that, allegedly that is.


PM Prayut didn't mention any side, just murderers and corrupt people.

It would seem Ms. Yingluck corrupted people by being so negligent. It may have given the wrong impression.

BTW The South African situation is not comparable with Thailands 'political' problems. Also the success of the 'reconciliation' has

"Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful."



"In contrast with other truth commissions, the TRC was led by clerics rather than lawyers and judge, and the TRC's approach to reconciliation was shaped by and imbued with religious content."


PS will Phra Suthep be available ?

we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents

It would seem the stress effects your sense of humour, my dear binji, otherwise you would realise that not even I would ever propose Phra Suthep to be involved in such commission.

Anyway, with your 'the yellows' you seem to lack the right spirit of goodwill and reconciliation. Don't worry, all will be in order by the end of the week thumbsup.gif

yea I got that Rubl... (and it was amusing) anyway finding anyone 'neutral' here would be like finding a virgin in Pattaya

Your remark suggests that not even you might be neutral. So, on which side are you? The side of the enraged tax -payers or the side which has grown beyond caring about money ?


"I have said many times that we should not reconcile with wrongdoers. Do we need to reconcile with murderers or people who are corrupt?" he said.

he needs to go read up on South Africa's successful reconciliation and understand there was wrong doing on all sides

PM Prayut didn't mention any side, just murderers and corrupt people.

It would seem Ms. Yingluck corrupted people by being so negligent. It may have given the wrong impression.

BTW The South African situation is not comparable with Thailands 'political' problems. Also the success of the 'reconciliation' has

"Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful."



"In contrast with other truth commissions, the TRC was led by clerics rather than lawyers and judge, and the TRC's approach to reconciliation was shaped by and imbued with religious content."


PS will Phra Suthep be available ?

we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents

It would seem the stress effects your sense of humour, my dear binji, otherwise you would realise that not even I would ever propose Phra Suthep to be involved in such commission.

Anyway, with your 'the yellows' you seem to lack the right spirit of goodwill and reconciliation. Don't worry, all will be in order by the end of the week thumbsup.gif

All will be in order, according to the plan hatched in 2010 by prayuth and suthep.


we know which side he is on... and I think the SA model is ideal for here but it would mean goodwill and the yellows have none only seeking to victimize it's opponents

It would seem the stress effects your sense of humour, my dear binji, otherwise you would realise that not even I would ever propose Phra Suthep to be involved in such commission.

Anyway, with your 'the yellows' you seem to lack the right spirit of goodwill and reconciliation. Don't worry, all will be in order by the end of the week thumbsup.gif

All will be in order, according to the plan hatched in 2010 by prayuth and suthep.

Foresight, really good. In 2010 hatch against an RPPS promised in May/June 2011, started begin of October 2011 and a real disaster even mid-2013 already. To foresee in 2010 that in 2015 Ms. Yingluck would dodge questions needs a perfectly good functioning crystal ball with excellent brand batteries.

Those guys are real good. biggrin.png

  • Like 1

There was no emergency to impeach her as she is not any more PM and elections are far away. They could have waited for the court decision on the same charge and then decide to impeach. That would have been clear-cut: guilty in court, impeached, not guilty in court, not impeached.

They wanted to impeach her before the court decision, because they wanted a decision based on "opinions" without the constraints of a legal procedure (i.e. as to proof checking, testimonials, legal rights, etc....).


Would believe a word the guy says.

Oh yes.

"I have said many times that we should not reconcile with wrongdoers. Do we need to reconcile with murderers or people who are corrupt?" he said.

Music to my ears.

BTW I must ask again, what does it matter what the prosecutions motivations are when the charges are proven? The court decides guilt on the evidence provided by prosecution and defence - should the evidence of the defence be discounted because they are biased?


There was no emergency to impeach her as she is not any more PM and elections are far away. They could have waited for the court decision on the same charge and then decide to impeach. That would have been clear-cut: guilty in court, impeached, not guilty in court, not impeached.

They wanted to impeach her before the court decision, because they wanted a decision based on "opinions" without the constraints of a legal procedure (i.e. as to proof checking, testimonials, legal rights, etc....).

So now you try the invert track?

BTW all impeachment procedures follow the law, are based on evidence and voted on in the Senate (or now by the NLA representing the Senate). Do you want to suggest that Thailand should amend it's laws and procedures because you feel a need to protect Ms. Yingluck ?


There was no emergency to impeach her as she is not any more PM and elections are far away. They could have waited for the court decision on the same charge and then decide to impeach. That would have been clear-cut: guilty in court, impeached, not guilty in court, not impeached.

They wanted to impeach her before the court decision, because they wanted a decision based on "opinions" without the constraints of a legal procedure (i.e. as to proof checking, testimonials, legal rights, etc....).

So now you try the invert track?

BTW all impeachment procedures follow the law, are based on evidence and voted on in the Senate (or now by the NLA representing the Senate). Do you want to suggest that Thailand should amend it's laws and procedures because you feel a need to protect Ms. Yingluck ?

The only legal basis for this impeachment is the nla gave themselves the right to impeach. The interim charter is very vague on this. I suspect anyone voting to impeach will face the same fate sometime in the future when the inevitable change in power occurs.


True, true. Nothing to do with Ms. Yingluck being guilty, it's only a political witch hunt. Allegedly some tell me.

Personally I doubt a witch hunt is necessary when Ms. Yingluck so clearly shows to be 'ignorant' and 'negligent'. Even her lawyer complains Ms. Yingluck didn't say anything about the case rolleyes.gif

"Meanwhile, a number of NLA members said yesterday they had made their minds up on whether to vote for or against Yingluck on Friday, with some of them stressing that they did not need to listen to the closing statements by the NACC and the ex-PM."

At the very least, an irresponsible disrespect for due process, but really an indication that this is a political witch hunt, with many of the NLA planning to settle personal vendettas on Friday.

And these people are the future of Thailand?

An indication of what you want it to be. To support your view. They have already seen the evidence presented. They heard Yingluck's meaningless mumbo jumbo opening statement. She was instructed that she must turn up to answer subsequent questions - and chose not to do so, in a very down her nose way, by sending a team with a message. She will, as her lawyer alludes to, read the latest script at her closing speech.

No facts, no figures, no apologies. Just the usual arrogant we are right, how dare anyone challenge us, and we're not saying were the money went attitude.She will once again say she is innocent without explaining why she failed to attend one single meeting or really do anything when warned about issues.

You think the Shins ever respected due process in nearly 3 years in office?

Virtually any group would be better than the old gang and cronies presided over by the big leader hiding from his crimes.

I don't buy the argument that any group would be better than the last. This current group has committed the same acts as the past group, cronyism and severe damage to the economy, and abolished an entire constitution instead of just one clause, and don't show any signs of being more competent or less corrupt than the last.

Also, the current leader is hiding behind a self imposed amnesty, and section 44 making him above the law.

So I will repeat, these people are the future of Thailand?

I am not in favour of Yingluck's impeachment, the main reason being that incompetence and negligence from a (reluctant) politician are not crimes but just normal.

But the above post is so much of a distortion that it needs another response. First, this lot haven't committed the same acts as the last lot - they've rectified them by removing most of the boot-lickers in various government and quasi-government positions. Is it perfect - no, but it's a big improvement.

Second they haven't caused 'severe damage' to the economy. That started in 2013 when the economy sank to c1.8% growth. The protests certainly caused more damage and the junta have been in attempted recovery mode ever since. No doubt lifting martial law would help.

Thirdly, of course the junta leader and the coup itself have protection against future law suits - that's what coups do. Yes they abolished the constitution - the one that Thaksin/red shirt supporters have always been against. But they have initiated the drafting of a new constitution.

Fifth & last, no, these people are not the future of Thailand. They never said they were and are an interim governing body to make yet another attempt to bring some semblance of democracy to the country and eliminate one-family rule.

Well said


There was no emergency to impeach her as she is not any more PM and elections are far away. They could have waited for the court decision on the same charge and then decide to impeach. That would have been clear-cut: guilty in court, impeached, not guilty in court, not impeached.

They wanted to impeach her before the court decision, because they wanted a decision based on "opinions" without the constraints of a legal procedure (i.e. as to proof checking, testimonials, legal rights, etc....).

So now you try the invert track?

BTW all impeachment procedures follow the law, are based on evidence and voted on in the Senate (or now by the NLA representing the Senate). Do you want to suggest that Thailand should amend it's laws and procedures because you feel a need to protect Ms. Yingluck ?

The only legal basis for this impeachment is the nla gave themselves the right to impeach. The interim charter is very vague on this. I suspect anyone voting to impeach will face the same fate sometime in the future when the inevitable change in power occurs.

'gave themselves' ? Followed by a threat ?

So the obfuscation continues.

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