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Plastic bottles / Cans disposal - how to properly do it


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Hi all,

my environmental conscience forces me to collect all the many plastic bottles and cans ( sadly almost no way to avoid them) and not just throw it in the big public regular rubbish bin on our floor in the Condo. But now I am drowning in empty plastic bottles and cans here.....

how to properly dispose plastic bottles and cans ? or even sell it ?

I have seen poor old scavengers on the main road looking for plastic and cans, but I can not just camp on the main road for days and wait until such a poor old folk comes around.

I know a fellow national in Northern Thailand who collected glass bottles (yeah beer of course ^^), and several Hundreds of them, and then sold it to recyclers.

any suggestion ? I don't wanna offer it to the cleaning staff here as they are mostly unpleasant, otherwise that would have been an option. if they would have been interested anyway, that is......

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You don't need to worry. The bottles and cans you throw in the garbage will be sorted, sold and recycled either before collection or after. They are worth some baht which somebody will collect.

If you live in a city there will be recyclers/scrap collectors dotted about. If you collect your cans and stuff and take it every month you may get a two figure sum in baht. Might be better for the poor people to have this money though.

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You don't need to worry. The bottles and cans you throw in the garbage will be sorted, sold and recycled either before collection or after. They are worth some baht which somebody will collect.

If you live in a city there will be recyclers/scrap collectors dotted about. If you collect your cans and stuff and take it every month you may get a two figure sum in baht. Might be better for the poor people to have this money though.

"Might be better for the poor people to have this money though."


Yes, in our building we have separate containers for plastic, cans, glass, etc on every floor ... but even before we did that, the ladies collecting refuse twice a day segregated those things and sold them to recyclers. Nice to know someone is making a bit of money from it all and that it is being reused.

And every morning when I walk along the beach there's a number of people sorting through the dumpsters for the same things before the garbage trucks appear. It would be a bit nicer if they had separate containers there too, but even in our building it's too much effort for some residents to separate things and along the beach it's a miracle if some of the high quality tourists can even make the effort to get any of their rubbish in the bins.

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actually this raises a question I would like an opinion on

other plastic (soup from vendors, shopping bags, wrapping etc .... ) usually finds its way into waterways and the sea (causing major environmental damage), but I noticed my Wife's family and other villagers burning the plastic ... so which is worse of the two ?

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In the condo where I was the bottles were all left by the chute and collected.

When staying at the house I used to hang them on the gate outside.

In the OP's case neither of these are suitable because he does not live in a house, neither does he want the cleaners to have the garbage.

I'd suggest he finds a bin nearby and leave the bags of bottles there. They will soon be collected. Do this on a regular basis and he will not be overflowing with bottles.

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I have segregated (cleaned cans etc.) my garbage for years. Different bags for plastic, glass, metal/cans and paper. To make it easy for them to sort the garbage and to minimize the risk for them to miss something that can be recycled.

The cleaning staff at the condo are very happy to see me every time I go to the garbage room.

There is a truck coming once a week to buy paper, metal, plastic etc. and it is quite a heap the collecting from our condo. And it is the same at every condo along the Soi

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actually this raises a question I would like an opinion on

other plastic (soup from vendors, shopping bags, wrapping etc .... ) usually finds its way into waterways and the sea (causing major environmental damage), but I noticed my Wife's family and other villagers burning the plastic ... so which is worse of the two ?

Burning plastic is extremely hazardous. So far, I can't find anyone who will recycle it in Issan. We collect it and throw in trash now.

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I also bag up separately my plastic, cans, glass and plastic bottles and take them out directly to the binmen when they come twice a week. Our binmen go through every bin and bag of rubbish separating (as other posters have noted) everything sellable anyway but this just makes it easier for them. They do a tough smelly job and if they make a few baht selling the recyclables, so be it. I used to leave them out for the people who wander all day collecting them, but the neighbours used to grab them. Im wasnt financing their new mazda 3 with my rubbish.

The guys in seh-ven also know better than to give me loads of plastic bags now. They really need to get into the 21st century and become a damn site more environmentally friendly !

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Also remember the first "R".... Reduce.

I shop with a canvas bag and try my best to say "no plastic"

I try to avoid plastic bottles as well. Water delivered once a week big refillable container, if I'm off somewhere, use a small bottle I refill over and over.

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Save them up...take them to the recycler near you for a few baht...if you do not want the hassle of going there...give them to the local Thais...they will be glad to turn them in for you...I believe in recycling...it is important in preserving our natural resources...good job sir...

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I save the plastics n a dustbin, and paper, cardboard etc in a box.

Once a month I sell it to one the many who regularly come collecting such items.

They obviously resell it for a profit. Some months I can get 250 baht.

you're kidding right ???

Myself and my gf sell all our recycable easy get 200 a month wich includes cardboard, paper, plastic and glass. Plus cans.

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So for a measly $6 you guys pile up rubbish at your home for a month because you are too cheap to leave it for the ones who really need it.

Sometimes I really wonder about the people who frequent this forum. blink.png

Edited by wump
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I keep mine and once every few months the Mrs calls some guy who comes round in a truck to collect them.

She even gets some money off him which keeps her happy.

Fortunately I have the space to do so.

I am surprised the condo does not keep an area for this type of trash, plenty of people scavenge bottles and cans.

Bag them up and deliver them to a scavenger.

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We just put our Tins, bottles glass,and plastic even card board in bags next to our gate, There is a young guy who collects them and sells them. Even things that we class as useless, Old electric kettles, or anything electric that does not work , They get recycled or repaired.

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You don't need to worry. The bottles and cans you throw in the garbage will be sorted, sold and recycled either before collection or after. They are worth some baht which somebody will collect.

If you live in a city there will be recyclers/scrap collectors dotted about. If you collect your cans and stuff and take it every month you may get a two figure sum in baht. Might be better for the poor people to have this money though.

No they don't

Come and visit Onnut 76, where BKK rubbishes are burned.

The all district is a stench because nothing is sorted; Plastic, glass, kitchen refuses, etc, everything is in one big foul smelly hill.

Only a fraction may be less than 1% is taken by you garbage collector or homeless to be resold

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