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Shipping a 60 KW Diesel generator to Thailand

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Has anyone done something like this, is this regulated and taxed like vehicles, how hard is it to do something like this if I include it in my container of household items (I know this in not a household item and will be declared so) will it be taxed heavily, It is a used item, over 10 years old, low hours. any constructive input will be appreciated. thanks.


I would just claim on your inventory list as a generator and not make a big deal of it. When I had my container shipped to my home I just gave my shipping agent an inventory list of my household items ( all wife's stuff ) which included all my shop equipment, lawn mower, gas BBQ and well the list went on.

My container arrived at my home in Sa Kaeo with my lock remaining unopened.

I would say just box up the generator just like all your other stuff.


You have found a place in Thailand to live that hasn't got electricity ... wow. Ok

Just so you aware generators are available here in Thailand (but can be expensive)

Import tax looks to be 10% plus VAT 7%. This is based on total value including freight costs. So if you do it get a separate freight bill for the geni.

Source : http://m.dutycalculator.com/hs-lookup/438730/hs-tariff-code-for-diesel-generator/

Thai customs here : http://www.customs.go.th/wps/wcm/connect/custen/traders+and+business/sample+of+duty+assessment/sampleofdutyassessment


...Maybe strip out some vital parts as well...

That's what i would do, declare it as scrap of no sale value (wouldn't even bother to remove parts).

You remove parts because they will get someone in to check it.. if it's to expensive to put right they won't bother trying to fxk you over.


Import tax and duty is imposed if the imported product competes with locally made goods. 10 year old is unlikely to be in that ballpark. However, those fees are imposed arbitrarily. The customs inspector may be 'fragrant grease' inclined regardless of the laws.

As for differences in frequency, many gensets are variable. CAT sells adjustment kits to the governors on certain models. Engine speed of course determining hz. 60 kw is pretty chunky. Unless you are running a small factory you will never use the juice and waste a lot of fuel. Modern diesel gensets run circles around old styles economy wise. However, if you are going for 3 phase, you probably have a very good move there. A 4 banger CAT 30 kw 3 phase burns almost as much fuel as a 60 under light to medium loads. Those commercial engines burn a metered amount that doesn't vary with load that much..

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