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Overpricing shames Thailand again


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Price is presumably (and theoretically) a reflection of costs, overheads and profit margins. It is not just tourists who are 'shaken down'. Local T Shirt shop unwittingly purchased from a big Pratunam wholesale store some T shirts which were 'it was alleged' copies of a Japanese brand. Local boys in brown arrived and demanded B200,000 for selling' counterfeit' goods. No charge paper, no warrant, threats of jail if not paid. Owner eventually settles for 50,000K. What about Pratunam store? Too big to touch. Receipt? Not likely. Money clearly trousered by BIB. Had he done anything to cause this? Not as far as he knew.

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a tuttuk driver in chiangmai once told me that all the karaoke bars that use the cover charge trick to extort large amount of cash out of unsuspected customers are run by the same jao-por (godfather).

if he knows how come the police doesn't ... or do they?

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On a similar scanario, I asked a friend in the UK how many days holiday he had, the answer was 25 plus 10 days sick leave. He works for the civil service and explained how every year the department manager takes his full holiday allowance and uses up all his sick days so all the staff do the same. Its not just Thais who can't always see something is plainly wrong

I recently told a friend of mine that I did not agree with her light fingers when it came to things from her work and wish she would stop with
that sort of behavior. I said it is wrong that she does that, her reply, no one sees me do it or knows I have taken anything, why should she


Because it is just wrong, this she could not comprehend, but she said it would be wrong if she was to be caught.

Basically in her view and apparently of most people is its not a problem if no one knows or it is a case of us vs them. No concept

of you just shouldn't., except when it came to not littering in the grounds of a Wat, while it being fair game once outside.

i'm baffled

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Enacting or trying to enforce laws on overpricing is simply not likely to work...it starts at home, school, temple, community and neighborhoods...everyone has to be of a like mind to make something like this work...and people should be quick to cry foul when they discover corruption...ain't gonna happen...

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One big problem is they think all Farangs are RICH !!!!!! Just ask your Thai women . I asked my girl friend and this is what they think. We can afford to pay it. One problem is they see the big ass house some Farang builds for his Thai wife another for her family and they all want it. Look at your girls Face Book account. They love to show off what they have and were they have gone. We really have no one to blame but ourselves.

Not really sure why you call it double pricing ? it is tourist pricing, just like going in to a place to eat and paying 70 baht for papaya salad. WHAT !!! I am not paying that, time to leave and go somewhere else. Unfortunately we are all just visitors here in the land of frowns and we can leave at any time. No one yes no one has to stay.

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