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Tourists are reporting a dramatic surge in harassment by Thai police


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I was two times extorted (paying at least 1000THB more then officially) that I will only get 15 or 30 days instead of 60 days I should get officially...

This is madness, and I simply don't accept it as true.

How can you say "1000THB more than officially" when officially it's always zero charge.

Tell us which border you have experienced this, I have been through just about every border and airport many time in the last 14 years and it's never ever been suggested that there be any fee at all.h


I also have another story, which I posted here. I entered the land border at Nong Khai last year. I should clearly get 30 days but the officer told me that he will give me only 15 days but if I paid (I think it was 500 Baht) he will give me 30 days.

You should read the Visa Section to read more stories like this. I met a nice belgium couple 2 week's ago. They are both retiring in Thailand. He told me horror stories of Koh Samaui Immigration. Officers demanding money and just called it a "new rule"

I believe it. The Samui immigration are literally a boil on the face of Thailand. They are the most heinous offenders. I was once asked to provide a new cell phone for all 9 of the employees to get a visa. They are infamous worldwide for this kind of nonsense. Immigration is out of control, basically. Likewise, the police. Do not pay either of them a bribe. Go to another immigration office. Tell the police or the security guard NO! Absolutely not. I wonder how many Thai people have been asked to pay the 2000 baht "butt" fine? I wonder how many said absolutely not. Probably most. But, I doubt any were asked to pay. The probably with Thailand is the utter lack of accountability. Shame on the general for not addressing that. Edited by spidermike007
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Who is this Ian Lloyd Neubauer? Sounds like another sensationalist so-called poor man`s journalist trying to make a claim to fame now that Andrew Drummond is out of the way.

The story regarding his police detention and interrogation, I don`t believe.

I believe it. Why would he lie about it?

Because I don`t take anything as fact solely on face value and hearsay or are you the type that believes everything you read? It`s on the Internet so it must be true?

Why would he lie about it? Because the guy is in the business of selling headlines. He has all the traits of Andrew Drummond, giving himself a glowing reputation online. Any reporter big in the world of journalism would not entertain stories such as the OP. As I said; this guy appears to have jumped into the now vacant space of Andrew Drummond. Something like Stickman who has now been replaced by Stickboy.

None of these poorman`s journalists impress me, I do not regard them as credible sources of information.

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Well dropping cigarettebutts on the street is a problem but why are there no bins? Is the fear of a bomb in a bin still that high? Then tourists should know about that.

Read the whole story. It's more than that.

Read the whole story and look at the dates, it's old news and not "more than that">

Well, it's more than cigarette buts at a BTS station. Anyway, the poor chap got stuck in the middle of a drug bust. Not the best example of police harassment. Just bad luck.

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Who is this Ian Lloyd Neubauer? Sounds like another sensationalist so-called poor man`s journalist trying to make a claim to fame now that Andrew Drummond is out of the way.

The story regarding his police detention and interrogation, I don`t believe.

I believe it. Why would he lie about it?

Because I don`t take anything as fact solely on face value and hearsay or are you the type that believes everything you read? It`s on the Internet so it must be true?

Why would he lie about it? Because the guy is in the business of selling headlines. He has all the traits of Andrew Drummond, giving himself a glowing reputation online. Any reporter big in the world of journalism would not entertain stories such as the OP. As I said; this guy appears to have jumped into the now vacant space of Andrew Drummond. Something like Stickman who has now been replaced by Stickboy.

None of these poorman`s journalists impress me, I do not regard them as credible sources of information.

Dude, eat a banana - I hear they're good for mellowing out.

If you've been in Thailand a long time, and never been extorted by a Thai cop, then you're a lucky guy. I've got personal stories, and have farang acquaintances who have told me stories of Thai police excesses, which match or exceed the story in the article. To me it's believable. The cops picked on the wrong guy, and didn't understand the word 'journalist' - so the cops wound up with their soiled pants published in the world's largest circulation weekly news magazine. Good!

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Who is this Ian Lloyd Neubauer? Sounds like another sensationalist so-called poor man`s journalist trying to make a claim to fame now that Andrew Drummond is out of the way.

The story regarding his police detention and interrogation, I don`t believe.

I believe it. Why would he lie about it?

Because I don`t take anything as fact solely on face value and hearsay or are you the type that believes everything you read? It`s on the Internet so it must be true?

Why would he lie about it? Because the guy is in the business of selling headlines. He has all the traits of Andrew Drummond, giving himself a glowing reputation online. Any reporter big in the world of journalism would not entertain stories such as the OP. As I said; this guy appears to have jumped into the now vacant space of Andrew Drummond. Something like Stickman who has now been replaced by Stickboy.

None of these poorman`s journalists impress me, I do not regard them as credible sources of information.

There's also the possibility he was in that bar buying drugs. If you've ever been around users and addicts, then you know they often times tell you half the story, especially when drugs are involved.

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So, this is what passes for journalism these days. A drunk copy boy gets busted. Maybe Thailand doesn't want sketchy people anymore. I wouldn't blame them.

And, it's in Time magazine (Time.com). When was the last timewa anybody here read that rag?

What utter nonsense you drivel on about! Time magazine is read across the world mostly by middle and upper class people. The very same people Thailand would think of as quality tourists. And this article is not aimed at Thai citizens? Where is your proof this was written by a drunk copy boy? Stupidity is a disease and you should seek medical help immediately.
You might want to get out of your insular world once in a while. Out of 7 billion people what percentage read Time? Where is this supposed journalists facts?
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Saw them hassling 3 guys in lower Thonglor a week or so ago.

I they stopped in his mini and were very aggressive.

2 young guys just walking past tops ( supermarket )the cops nearly hit my car doing a quick reverse..couldn't start to hassle these two respectable looking young kids quick enough.

All this nonsense has been going on for years. Piss tests in soi 20 off thonglor opposite the hospital was a favorite hotspot for awhile.

Interestingly the only 2 times I have had to use the police station in thonglor I have received a reasonable and fair service.

This is how it is in thailand, but it has got worse without a shadow of doubt, even my thai friends acknowledge that is the case.

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I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force - I usually don't say this, but if you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere and leave those of us who live here in peace.

As for whinging about litter fines - try doing it in Singapore where the police will certainly fine you, or for that matter in Australia when a gestapo officer notices what you are doing - you may get arrested, or fined, or both.

On the one hand we have the posters here complaining about litter fines and being targeted (yes, people who throw litter should be targeted), and yet we also have those saying that the city is dirty - again, I say go travel around Asia and do some true comparisons - India for example, or even Philippines, Indonesia, etc...

If the truth of the matter is that the litter police are really targeting farang, then maybe the farang need to stop dropping litter - it may not be "fair" (diddums), but as you are presumably older than 5, you should be adult enough to handle that, and realise that this is the world, and not everything is fair - get over it for goodness sake, and just enjoy the place, or enjoy leaving it if that's what you prefer... we don't mind.

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I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force - I usually don't say this, but if you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere and leave those of us who live here in peace.

As for whinging about litter fines - try doing it in Singapore where the police will certainly fine you, or for that matter in Australia when a gestapo officer notices what you are doing - you may get arrested, or fined, or both.

On the one hand we have the posters here complaining about litter fines and being targeted (yes, people who throw litter should be targeted), and yet we also have those saying that the city is dirty - again, I say go travel around Asia and do some true comparisons - India for example, or even Philippines, Indonesia, etc...

If the truth of the matter is that the litter police are really targeting farang, then maybe the farang need to stop dropping litter - it may not be "fair" (diddums), but as you are presumably older than 5, you should be adult enough to handle that, and realise that this is the world, and not everything is fair - get over it for goodness sake, and just enjoy the place, or enjoy leaving it if that's what you prefer... we don't mind.

To be fair, I think some people are just trying to out-Thai-bash each other!

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I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force - I usually don't say this, but if you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere and leave those of us who live here in peace.

As for whinging about litter fines - try doing it in Singapore where the police will certainly fine you, or for that matter in Australia when a gestapo officer notices what you are doing - you may get arrested, or fined, or both.

On the one hand we have the posters here complaining about litter fines and being targeted (yes, people who throw litter should be targeted), and yet we also have those saying that the city is dirty - again, I say go travel around Asia and do some true comparisons - India for example, or even Philippines, Indonesia, etc...

If the truth of the matter is that the litter police are really targeting farang, then maybe the farang need to stop dropping litter - it may not be "fair" (diddums), but as you are presumably older than 5, you should be adult enough to handle that, and realise that this is the world, and not everything is fair - get over it for goodness sake, and just enjoy the place, or enjoy leaving it if that's what you prefer... we don't mind.

To be fair, I think some people are just trying to out-Thai-bash each other!

This is what is boils down to. It dosn`t take much of an excuse to bring the Thainess brigades crawling out of the woodwork, the so-called persecuted and the oppressed farangs in Thailand. My guess is that the majority of these Thainess fanatics don`t even live in Thailand There are also the armchair judges and prosecutors who believe they are some kinds of online revolutionists, who are intent on spreading the word of Thailand`s injustices towards the vulnerable and the innocent based on hearsay articles published by crap amateur so-called journalists mostly read in blogs. All some has to do is publish an alleged account of how they were abused or scammed in Thailand and suddenly it becomes fact and International headlines, regardless of the facts that no names are ever mentioned with no documented evidence whatsoever.

As I said; I am not that gullible to take in all this crap, not unless it`s proven with convincing evidence to back it up.

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Please give title, the publisher and where it is possible to purchase your book? If not possible than I`m calling troll on this one.

Guess the title of the book is 'Selected Quotes from Thaivisa'. smile.png Not terribly creative it would seem, using other's words to piece together a 'book'. Permission?

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Please give title, the publisher and where it is possible to purchase your book? If not possible than I`m calling troll on this one.

Guess the title of the book is 'Selected Quotes from Thaivisa'. smile.png Not terribly creative it would seem, using other's words to piece together a 'book'. Permission?

Judging by the size of the font he uses, it`s probably a book printed for the long sighted titled: The Idiots Guide To Thailand.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Soon the only tourists will be Chinese bus tours.

That's the whole point, it will shift the demographic of tourism away from the Farang, which is partly why this is going on. Farang's aren't really wanted anymore, only an idiot would ignore the signs.

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I got asked quite politely to put out a fag in Lumpini Park - no fine, no hassle, just looked at me, rolled his eyes and muttered something in Thai like 'you ignorant farang!'

I mentioned before, those who engage, argue, shout and ignore cause their own issues in Bangkok!

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I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force - I usually don't say this, but if you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere and leave those of us who live here in peace.

As for whinging about litter fines - try doing it in Singapore where the police will certainly fine you, or for that matter in Australia when a gestapo officer notices what you are doing - you may get arrested, or fined, or both.

On the one hand we have the posters here complaining about litter fines and being targeted (yes, people who throw litter should be targeted), and yet we also have those saying that the city is dirty - again, I say go travel around Asia and do some true comparisons - India for example, or even Philippines, Indonesia, etc...

If the truth of the matter is that the litter police are really targeting farang, then maybe the farang need to stop dropping litter - it may not be "fair" (diddums), but as you are presumably older than 5, you should be adult enough to handle that, and realise that this is the world, and not everything is fair - get over it for goodness sake, and just enjoy the place, or enjoy leaving it if that's what you prefer... we don't mind.

arrested for littering in Australia oh please stop it. There is no arrest power in the offence.
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I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force - I usually don't say this, but if you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere and leave those of us who live here in peace.

As for whinging about litter fines - try doing it in Singapore where the police will certainly fine you, or for that matter in Australia when a gestapo officer notices what you are doing - you may get arrested, or fined, or both.

On the one hand we have the posters here complaining about litter fines and being targeted (yes, people who throw litter should be targeted), and yet we also have those saying that the city is dirty - again, I say go travel around Asia and do some true comparisons - India for example, or even Philippines, Indonesia, etc...

If the truth of the matter is that the litter police are really targeting farang, then maybe the farang need to stop dropping litter - it may not be "fair" (diddums), but as you are presumably older than 5, you should be adult enough to handle that, and realise that this is the world, and not everything is fair - get over it for goodness sake, and just enjoy the place, or enjoy leaving it if that's what you prefer... we don't mind.

Greer: you have some valid points but they do not really address the problem.

It is a money making scam of sorts that is perpetrated upon the foreigners...never the Thais.... who also smoke and drop their garbage and cigarette butts everywhere .

Why do they not have the same sort of enforcement operations in other parts of the city where Thai people are far more prevalent than any foreigners.

That is a self answering question...but still needs to be asked...at least for the ignorant.

The fine is 2000 baht...why not only 200 baht....or why not a warning and ask the foreigners to pick up the butt and discard it in the litter bin.

We all know why because the scam is a money making operation for the last 20 years....repeat 20 years, as in 20 years of extorting money out of foreigners for the mistake of dropping a butt on the ground.

Why do they not post signs everywhere warning people to not discard their cigarette butts on the street.

That would be the civil thing to do.

They do not do that because there would be no lucrative money to be made that way.

Why do they not have far more trash bins and or bins to discard the cigarettes butts into.

Because that would not be a money making lucrative way to make money off of foreigners.

There is a better approach to solving the problems ...but that would not make them money.


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I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force...

well, come on, it's fun. Bangkok is such a juicy target. Besides the police extortions and hassles in this article, there's bad air, rude locals, world-famous gridlock, jacked-up prices, angry crowds commandeering parts of dowtown every 2 years or so, floods, ..... shall I go on? Rarer, but not unheard of, is a local brothel owner hiring p.u. truck loads of thugs - who go late at night to smash and flatten a large square block of hundreds of vendors' stalls. When the ringleader is cornered by cops, he threatens to tell the world about paying bribes to head cops, so they let him go.

There's also the possibility he (the article writer) was in that bar buying drugs. If you've ever been around users and addicts, then you know they often times tell you half the story, especially when drugs are involved.

That's what bars are for (among other things): buying and selling drugs. What is the #1 most harmful drug in Thailand, and in the world? You get one guess.
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Thai police is not targeting tourists, they are targeting the Junta.

Wrong. Thai cops are doing what thieves do. They see an opportunity to get easy money, and they go for it. Tourist are easy targets, because they will usually comply to stupid requirements coming from uniformed authority in a 3rd world country. I'm not saying tourists are dumb, but they certainly wouldn't put up with such harassment in their home countries (unless they were from China or perhaps Russia) without loud protest.
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They target Koreans who are usually heavy smokers and Arabs, too. I've seen these rent-a-cops fine unsuspecting tourists along a stretch of Sukhumvit. I'd hardly call this harassment, though. It's littering and it comes with a fine. I believe spitting, dropping cigarette butts, and littering are among the acts which can be legally fined along that small stretch. This is a crappy article. and should be ignored. Much hype over nothing.

You didn't read the article, genius - you read the first paragraph.

And I quickly and honestly acknowledged this mistake, 'troll genius,' on a subsequent post I made.

Edited by falangjim
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I see the usual Bangkok bashers are out in force - I usually don't say this, but if you don't like it, you are free to go elsewhere and leave those of us who live here in peace.

As for whinging about litter fines - try doing it in Singapore where the police will certainly fine you, or for that matter in Australia when a gestapo officer notices what you are doing - you may get arrested, or fined, or both.

On the one hand we have the posters here complaining about litter fines and being targeted (yes, people who throw litter should be targeted), and yet we also have those saying that the city is dirty - again, I say go travel around Asia and do some true comparisons - India for example, or even Philippines, Indonesia, etc...

If the truth of the matter is that the litter police are really targeting farang, then maybe the farang need to stop dropping litter - it may not be "fair" (diddums), but as you are presumably older than 5, you should be adult enough to handle that, and realise that this is the world, and not everything is fair - get over it for goodness sake, and just enjoy the place, or enjoy leaving it if that's what you prefer... we don't mind.

Greer: you have some valid points but they do not really address the problem.

It is a money making scam of sorts that is perpetrated upon the foreigners...never the Thais.... who also smoke and drop their garbage and cigarette butts everywhere .

Why do they not have the same sort of enforcement operations in other parts of the city where Thai people are far more prevalent than any foreigners.

That is a self answering question...but still needs to be asked...at least for the ignorant.

The fine is 2000 baht...why not only 200 baht....or why not a warning and ask the foreigners to pick up the butt and discard it in the litter bin.

We all know why because the scam is a money making operation for the last 20 years....repeat 20 years, as in 20 years of extorting money out of foreigners for the mistake of dropping a butt on the ground.

Why do they not post signs everywhere warning people to not discard their cigarette butts on the street.

That would be the civil thing to do.

They do not do that because there would be no lucrative money to be made that way.

Why do they not have far more trash bins and or bins to discard the cigarettes butts into.

Because that would not be a money making lucrative way to make money off of foreigners.

There is a better approach to solving the problems ...but that would not make them money.


2,000 baht is the maximum fine. I agree the penalties for littering should be more universally applied, but local/city authorities the world over apply on the spot fines to raise funds.

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Do it in Singapore !

and be sure its more than 2.000,- THB,

Take your legal visas and you will be fine !!

after Junta, slowly order comes in this country !!

very much appreciated !!

I think also good for correct living expats !

others, please there are many other places to go !

please go !!

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Do it in Singapore !

and be sure its more than 2.000,- THB,

Take your legal visas and you will be fine !!

after Junta, slowly order comes in this country !!

very much appreciated !!

I think also good for correct living expats !

others, please there are many other places to go !

please go !!

Yes..please go and do it in Singapore!

In Singapore, where there are warning- signs everywhere, accompanying the hundreds of trash- cans!

Where Singaporians and visitors alike get fined and not only the walking ATM's from outside country!

After Junta...what?

Sure: none so blind as the ones, who don't want to see!

...and finishing off with the ever so popular "if you don't like it here"!


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