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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die


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Bolton is seen as a dangerous right wing warmonger by the UK and European press.

The man is a joke.

You are getting desperate and scraping the bottom of the barrel if you have to use discredited idiots like Bolton to make your case.

Another Chicken-hawk who avoided Vietnam.

He wrote in his Yale 25th reunion book "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost."

The link you posted above for the AEI is for a right wing neocon lobby group.

Among the better known figures based at the institute are several former George W. Bush administration officials and advisers who were key promoters of the administration's "war on terror" policies, including John Bolton, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle etc See more at: http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/American_Enterprise_Institute#.dpuf

All pro Zionists!

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Sorry, my point of view is different.

If a British citizen in the UK is not happy with his situation, then he should do everything for a democratic political change. I think this is what democracy means.

As far as this thread came now, it looks to me as if Muslim no-go areas in the biggest European cities are *not* reality, but the myth still remains.

Guess since it was published by Fox News, it is now imprinted in TV watchers' minds so strongly that nothing can get this myth out. Every step taken by moderate Muslims is Iimmediately regarded as infamy, and such a perception is fire in the fuel of paranoia.

The common prophecy is: There will be a war of Jihad terror.

Several years ago, a group of psychologists around L. Festinger et al. started an experiment in the USA, and published a book about it, titled "When Prophecy Fails"

Feel free to find out what it's all about.

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It is amazing there are so many 'experts' on UK domestic matters who despite having no knowledge of life in the wonderful country that gave the world the language we are using on here are quick to slate it.

The UK Prime Minister has this reply.....

The Fox News commentator who said the British city of Birmingham was a no-go zone for non-Muslims is a complete idiot, the prime minister, David Cameron, has said.

When I heard this, frankly, I choked on my porridge and I thought it must be April Fools day, Cameron said. This guys clearly a complete idiot.

Terrorism expert Steven Emerson claimed on US news channel Fox News that non-Muslims do not go to Birmingham, which he said had become a totally Muslim city.


But I guess it suits the agenda of the global Israeli-Firster's and Hasbara-bots.

What a proverbial wa****r is how we would sum him up.

Meanwhile Channel 4 News in the UK also scored an own goal when presenter Cathy Newman said she had been "ushered out" of a London mosque. Trouble is the security video proved her story a lie and now she has been taken off air and had had to apologise.

" The editor of Channel 4 News has told Cathy Newman he was disappointed with her claim that a mosque in Streatham ushered her out, after CCTV footage emerged that showed her leaving the mosque unescorted.

In a letter to the South London Islamic Centre, Ben de Pear said: I have spoken to her [Newman] at length and expressed my disappointment at her actions.

Her language was poorly chosen and caused your mosque untold and undeserved hurt.

Channel 4 has refused to deny rumours that the presenter has also been disciplined by ITN."

Here is the source where you can view the grovelling letters of apology.


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I live in the UK and Prime Minister Cameron speaks for us all.

What non resident propaganda is posted on sites is irrelevant.


But agreed your posts are irrelevantwhistling.gif

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I'm German - even if I'm skeptical about this country. Your Nazi vocabulary is certainly not a contribution to peace.

The guy's a racist. Simple. Does a chicken killed under halal, Kosher or normal means taste any different when eaten?

He obviously doesn't go to Asian curry houses!whistling.gif

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I live in the UK and Prime Minister Cameron speaks for us all.

What non resident propaganda is posted on sites is irrelevant.

...and now you know how Americans feel on nearly every thread on this forum having anything to do with the US.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

There are ghettos that are "no-go zones" in the US and Europe. The Charlie Hebdo gunmen lived in such a ghetto. Some of the ghettos in Europe do have a lot of Muslims living in them. I think Fox News and other media outlets have probably sensationalized their reporting when they refer to them as Muslim "no-go zones". Still, the Muslims who live in these ghettos are easily radicalized by others, and that's the problem facing the west.

Yes and some parts of London have gangs of Muslims walking about telling people that they are in a Muslin aires and should dress properly and no booz there are notices posted to this affect too. I have see this at first hand, what do the police do sweet FA.

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There are ghettos that are "no-go zones" in the US and Europe. The Charlie Hebdo gunmen lived in such a ghetto. Some of the ghettos in Europe do have a lot of Muslims living in them. I think Fox News and other media outlets have probably sensationalized their reporting when they refer to them as Muslim "no-go zones". Still, the Muslims who live in these ghettos are easily radicalized by others, and that's the problem facing the west.

Yes and some parts of London have gangs of Muslims walking about telling people that they are in a Muslin aires and should dress properly and no booz there are notices posted to this affect too. I have see this at first hand, what do the police do sweet FA.

(7by7 emphasis)

How many more times has this myth got to be busted before people accept the truth?

'Muslim patrol' gang: police arrest three more after homophobic video

Judge BANS Muslim Patrol vigilantes from promoting SHARIA LAW in Britain

'Muslim Patrol’ vigilantes jailed for attempts to impose sharia law in London

Arrests over 'Muslim Patrol' vigilante videos in London

Wherever people have tried to impose Shari law on the streets of the UK not only have they been arrested and dealt with by the courts, they have also been roundly condemned by the local Muslim community.

Muslims condemn behaviour of Islamic vigilantes

Shaikh Shams condemned the men in the video for being “complete bigots”......

.....In a statement, the East London Mosque said: "These actions are utterly unacceptable and clearly designed to stoke tensions and sow discord. We wholly condemn them.”

The title of this topic is Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die and the answer to that is obvious from reading many of the posts here.

The myth wont die because the prejudiced don't want it to die; they want to keep it very much alive so they can use it to justify their prejudice and push their political agenda.

People like Anjem Choudray and Paul Golding; two sides of the same coin.

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As I have said before I did business with Muslims for many years ,they were even more untrustworthy than the eastern Europeans that I did business with,and as I also said in my old home town it was not a no go area. But you were not really welcome and to be honest I would not walk about there at night

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Who cares if it's not a no go zone in theory but people don't dare to enter. This isn't a myth this is true. Nowadays. In France. That's a fact. I have family living there. And I'm not afraid of foreign cultures believe me. I speak 5 languages I've lived in carribeans and asia. So stop denying the objective reality by repeating like parrots what socialist says...

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Very hard for me not to take the bazaar of Kandahar as an example for a myth that has nothing to do with reality, but I try.

When I was young, there was a part in South London where rumours had it that it was taken over by criminals, socialists and (beware!) even communists from Indochina.

That part of London is Brixton.

And is Brixton a no-go area today?

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As said before; that some people's prejudice and their ignorant fear that prejudice causes means they wont enter certain areas does not make them 'no go' areas!

Ask the many non Muslims who live, work and play in these areas.

Of course, every city has areas which are safer than others in terms of street crime; mugging, pickpockets etc.. But anyone who believes street crime is a mainly a Muslim activity really is a candidate for a nice room in a secure hospital!

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Just cos it's illegal and therefore arrests, does not mean it does not exist. eg burglary, speeding, murder, grooming.

Agreed; but the the mere fact that these arrests take place proves that these no go areas where the police refuse to tread are a complete myth and shows that a99az's earlier comment that the police do "sweet FA" about Sharia patrols is utter rubbish


Who mentioned street crime or pickpockets in Muslim areas,it's nothing to do with street crime there ,so please don't try and change things

People, including you, have stated that they are afraid of entering certain areas. Street crime is the main reason why someone may be reluctant to enter a particular area; whether that area has a majority Muslim population or not.

It is certainly more relevant to this topic than your earlier post about Muslims and Eastern European businessmen being untrustworthy!

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Your evidence of this being what?

Yes, British soldiers have been advised not to wear their uniforms off duty (little evidence of them following that advice in Aldershot yesterday!) to avoid possible attacks by jihadists and terrorists.

But as has been shown time and time again, those jihadists and terrorists have very little support among the majority of British Muslims and certainly do not represent them.

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