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Summer trip abroad


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I need advice from the people acquainted to the part of the world I am going to, this summer, to know whether it is worth going there and how long. Also it would be of some help if someone could come up with the right locations.
Please note that I have never been to any of those countries

I have booked a flight to Montreal Canada, landing there on June the 29th and departing on August the 9th
I intend to spend 3 days upon arrival and a further 3/4 days before leaving.
It then remains 5 weeks
I plan to fly to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, for a 2+ week stay, then San Jose for the same length of time with a break to Catagena, Colombia, for 5 days or so, from where I'll fly back to SJ for the remaining time allocated, and Montreal via Mexico ( just a stand by )
I have chosen this path as it seems to be quite affordable: the trip would be around 1,000 US $ once in Canada

1) Do you think it is the right way to go ? As in, should I start with San Jose or else
2) would you advise another country (more open, more fun one) ?
3) would you discard any of the destinations?

Note that I will be travelling alone, looking for fun people
I am not interested in touring but enjoy the beach and nightlife as well I need do some sports activities
Not to worry about communication as I am fluent.

Thank you for any advice

Edited by Scott
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It sounds like a fantastic trip. I haven't been in that part of the world (except Canada) for quite a few years. I assume you are interested in the gay life in those locations.

Best of luck, hopefully we'll have some members who can give you more specific information.

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