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Would you have lent the money?


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Lukecan, on 23 Jan 2015 - 11:01, said:

mrtoad, on 23 Jan 2015 - 10:51, said:

Easy to give money away that hasn't been earned, nothing to do with culture

Easy to make up 100000 excuses instead of admitting you're cheap charlie biggrin.png The funnier part is actually telling the lad you dont have 100thb on you instead of saying no outright biggrin.png I would of respected the OP if he straight out said I dont lend money to people instead of making himself look like a fool there. Farangs in this country are really of low quality, thank god I dont hang out in places where these english teachers and retirees go biggrin.png

Just stand outside Nana Plaza and see how many times you are asked for money.

The dilemma the OP faces is two fold. Firstly he didn't work for a while because he had to get his passport renewed and WP updated and secondly which you have no comprehension of he is working with this person and is concerned that the guy may talk behind his back.

Since you have never had a job this completely goes over your head.

Haha old timers giving advice on life again, you guys talk about principle BS here but have no problems building a house for a girl you just met who is the same age as your granddaughter, or even less. Buuuut when your fellow countrymen asks for 100thb because he forgot his wallet you suddenly remember the word "principle"

I do take money from my parents, but never before have I paid for the company of a girl here. I use my parents money for myself not for others.I dont have a problem taking money from them right now as I'm still a student. But when I have my own job my spending habits wont change a bit. I believe in giving to people, the more I give I realized the more I received.

I rather take advice from a homeless person in Bangkok instead of a farang retiree who is after girls that are the same age as their grandaughter. Yes I'm generalising, because its what 90% of the single farang retirees are after here.

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Probably would have, just a 100b.

What has the sleepy face got to do with it?

C'mon Krisb, even I can see that the Guy is implying that the taxi was not the problem, but that he suspected the Guy had slept in and did not have the personal hygiene to wash before coming to work, which is a bit of a give away. This Guy is raising concerns on a few fronts which would give me a slightly jaundice impression of him and my gut feeling would be saying - BEWARE. Might just be a series of unrelated incidents, which lets face it are not particularly earth shattering, but still............facepalm.gif

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Lukecan, on 23 Jan 2015 - 14:12, said:
Haha old timers giving advice on life again, you guys talk about principle BS here but have no problems building a house for a girl you just met who is the same age as your granddaughter, or even less. Buuuut when your fellow countrymen asks for 100thb because he forgot his wallet you suddenly remember the word "principle"

I do take money from my parents, but never before have I paid for the company of a girl here. I use my parents money for myself not for others.I dont have a problem taking money from them right now as I'm still a student. But when I have my own job my spending habits wont change a bit. I believe in giving to people, the more I give I realized the more I received.

I rather take advice from a homeless person in Bangkok instead of a farang retiree who is after girls that are the same age as their grandaughter. Yes I'm generalising, because its what 90% of the single farang retirees are after here.

Making assumptions again. When you work? That's a laugh. You know that you have to wake up early and go there everyday or maybe you think you can flaunt in and out as you like.

Just carry on playing with your uncle's dingle dangle.

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You're co-workers, right?

Reputation amongst peers needed to be factored into the decision.

Your co-worker risks being labeled a sponge if he doesn't pay you back.

But you risk being labeled a 'cheap skate' for refusing to lend the money.

Personally, I can't imagine not lending a fellow teacher 100 baht, unless, of course, if he had a reputation for never paying anyone back.

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The guy sounds like a real freeloader. It's your money, you get to decide. The worst thing that could happen is he doesn't ask you again....which is also the best thing that could happen. "Never a borrower or lender be"....or words to that effect.

I do not understand teachers need 100 baht others afraid of losing such big money

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Don't lend him 100 Baht -- *give* him 100 Baht and tell him to clean up his act

Listen folks (married to Hi So and all the other rich and famous) we are talking about less 3 Dollars Fifty Would not buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks

I just just do understand rich white folk

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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I think Lukecan is just thrashing out at my OP due to the numerous sore, red marks of his little bottom that he received elsewhere on the forum, and being a tad intellectually challenged, he obviously figured this thread was a soft enough target for him to smear some balm on himself so he can sit down again. I guess it didn't really work out for him here either.

So today was ASEAN Plus Academic Show-Off Day... thus no classes, just lots of dancing and prancing and photos and promos. I ended up spending a fair bit of the afternoon walking about with my colleague and there was no mention of the 100thb (or any apologies), nor was there any bad attitude. Making a point of getting to know him a bit he seems like a reasonable guy, quite easy to talk with - which in Thailand teaching can be quite a blessing in itself given some of those we find ourselves obliged to deal with every day.

Personable yet vigilant I think is the way forwards.

A couple of trolls rightly picked me up for the lie about me not having 100thb, not that they made their points very well, but I do agree I should have just either been straight up and said I don't want to give the money, or I should have paid the 100thb for the Character Test, as described variously by numerous posters and what I'd normally have done.

So here I am in Thailand with my happy ending that didn't even cost me 100 baht.

(Until the next time.)

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If I didn't know someone very well I would never ask to borrow any amount to be honest, maybe its just me but I would feel a bit odd asking to borrow money unless it was one of my best mates or family...

I think it is a bit of an odd thing to do really... asking for a cig is ok, but I have lent a fair few mates money plus my brother in the past and most of the time I never see it back, I am not the type to chase it but what I will say is, once you've lent someone money regardless of how much, theyll always come back to ask for more... so you probably did the right thing not lending him it as he wont ask you again.

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Call me a, bread head, wage slave, or corporate whore, it makes no difference.

For me personally, I would rather stick with the, final salary index linked company pension plan, free medical, and life insurance plan, free housing and kids schooling packaage, free flights from X to Y every year.

Not to mention the COLA, tax free salary, the severance package, free shipping costs, free company car.

Etc etc, please let me know where this can be had in Bkk at a salary of at least 300k per month?

Last one I was offered was for about 96/98k per month, sorry, no chance dont think so.

Anyway to answer your question, some of us guys have, qualifications, knowledge, experience and have held positions that pays a dammed sight more than a TEFLr wage.

If you are here teaching just to be with Little Lek from upcountry for 30k per month, best of luck to you.

If this is true, and you make a ton of money, then why are you so insecure that you have to mock a TEFL-teacher? It's almost as if you feel inferior to him. And in my opinion - you are.

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thank you very much for making my day, I shall wear your comments like a badge of honour.

How refreshing to see the milk of human kindness is still overflowing, shall sleep easier in my bed tonight knowing there are still guys like you around (still havent yet worked out your previous user name, were you banned at one time?).

However I digress, I fully appreciate you have better things to do with your time such as flying a kite.

Any chance you had of asking for a job have just been blown out the water (do you have any NDI experience?), any way best of luck, enjoy yourself.

Dont hate us, join us, its a differing Thai experience.

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So you're 'uncomfortable with the morality of it',

yet you're perfectly comfortable with the 'morality'

of telling straight lies.

You could have said 'no'.


I don't think you're much of an 'alpha' really: I was more than clear that I was uncomfortable with all of it, as specified, and said it's not how I would normally have handled it. At no point did I say I was comfortable with lying, so that's you looking to put words into mouths so you can have your little penile wiggle.

And that's you: posting nasty negative comments to attack people who are trying to get through life in the best possible way. I'm surprised it took two pages before your kind appeared. A piece of you was stuck to the bottom of my shoe earlier today. No, I'm not calling you a piece of excrement, I'm not sure what it was, other than being something ugly, unwanted and thoroughly pointless.

That'll be my token reply to an idiotic troll in the topic then.

Boy, how truth hurts!

It does not matter whatever you call me.

But let me say what it was that was stuck to the bottom of your shoe.

You're truthful when you say it was ugly & unwanted. It wasn't pointless, though.

In the first place, it was the awareness that you had betrayed your own conscience

(as you yourself plainly state it, you were uncomfortable with lying but lied anyway).

In the second place, one's true colours are never seen under normal circumstances

(this 'is not how i would normally have handled it') but always when facing a probing,

edgy, unusual or stressful situation.

I guess something in you already knows this. Otherwise my little message would not

have hit so close to home.

Lastly, i was never your attacker.

I meant only to awaken conscience, ... in the same way i would like you to awaken

mine if you spotted double standards in me.

It may hurt, yes.

So it does the butterfly as it leaves the cocoon before it takes to the skies.

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You fret too much. That's all. You did the right thing and there was no lie. You did not have the money, to give away or loan to him. All you have is already designated for something else, no spare. Good luck. BTW a 100 THB is not a tiny amount. Good luck.

Edited by Jimbolai
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