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Yingluck's impeachment grabs global attention

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One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

Snig, I don't know where you live but if you ask the good ole folks of Bangkok, they will tell you down to the last man woman and Soi dog that they are more happy and secure with this present government than they have been for many years with all recent governments.. They can sleep at night without being afraid of their city being burned to the ground or being taken over by Red terrorists.. And their tax money is not being wasted in buying rice at double the global price ... And as for the generals making a balls-up... They came in to protect the country from civil war caused by the last government... Grow -up man....

Civil war caused by WHO?? Let me remind you all of this crap was started by SUTHEP! Where is that criminal buddy of the general? Oh hes in a monkostary :)

Red terrorists please. THe terrorists are in the south killing kids and innocent school teachers. Oh how we forget about that place....yeah its ok to kill them sure....

Take your meds and get back to bed.

Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

Suthep like him or hate him , Will go down as a Hero in Thai history... And he is a Hero... He risked his life daily to bring down the most openly corrupt government ever to be installed in Thailand... Long live the King..! wai2.gif

he will go down as a megalomaniac who brought down the elected government by brute force

and please do not bring His Majesty into it


Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

Suthep like him or hate him , Will go down as a Hero in Thai history... And he is a Hero... He risked his life daily to bring down the most openly corrupt government ever to be installed in Thailand... Long live the King..! wai2.gif

he will go down as a megalomaniac who brought down the elected government by brute force

and please do not bring His Majesty into it

So he is judged by you just as Mandela was judged by his critics after he organized terrorist attacks that killed women and kids.

History will see him as a savor of Thailand and truth be known there will be a 20 ft statue to honor him in Chiang Mai.


Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

Suthep like him or hate him , Will go down as a Hero in Thai history... And he is a Hero... He risked his life daily to bring down the most openly corrupt government ever to be installed in Thailand... Long live the King..! wai2.gif

he will go down as a megalomaniac who brought down the elected government by brute force

and please do not bring His Majesty into it

So he is judged by you just as Mandela was judged by his critics after he organized terrorist attacks that killed women and kids.

History will see him as a savor of Thailand and truth be known there will be a 20 ft statue to honor him in Chiang Mai.

Suthep is no Mandela

Mandela was a great freedom fighter and a DEMOCRAT. Do not even whisper that great man's name in connection with the fake monk thanks

  • Like 2

OMG there are those who believe applying the law to a responsibility dodging former PM is political.

it's nothing to do with corruption and all Thais I know, on whatever 'side', admit to this it's about 'things we are forbidden by law to discuss' and this posters OMG was spot on

it REALLY is OMG because I feel the same way I am shocked anyone believes this is about corruption and rice when the Elephant in the Room is ******************** (censored). wake up! take the meds and read outside of Thailand

"The kind of seed sown

will produce that kind of fruit.

Those who do good will reap good results.

Those who do evil will reap evil results.

If you carefully plant a good seed,

You will joyfully gather good fruit."


  • Like 1

One notch closer to Zimbabwe. Could these generals have made a bigger balls-up of Thailand's future? It seems unlikely.

Snig, I don't know where you live but if you ask the good ole folks of Bangkok, they will tell you down to the last man woman and Soi dog that they are more happy and secure with this present government than they have been for many years with all recent governments.. They can sleep at night without being afraid of their city being burned to the ground or being taken over by Red terrorists.. And their tax money is not being wasted in buying rice at double the global price ... And as for the generals making a balls-up... They came in to protect the country from civil war caused by the last government... Grow -up man....

"Good ole folks in Bangkok." "red terrorists" Some people here need to grow up man.

The problem is "the good ole folks of Bangkok" are not listening to the people the majority who used the law to vote her in, same with Mr T/S.

The good ole folks of Bangkok can't stand any other than one of them to hold PM and they will do anything to keep it, that's not just my opinion that is fact mate and you can ask any of your good ole folks of Bangkok and they will tell what they think of the people of the north.

So what would you call the yellows that beat and bashed people men woman even grand mothers who wanted to vote?

"good ole people of Bangkok" yes I remember now.

Live in BKK not quite the azz hole of the world but you can see it from there.


History will see him as a savor of Thailand and truth be known there will be a 20 ft statue to honor him in Chiang Mai.


My business partner (who I respect dearly) is the head of the yellow shirts in my area, he's a sensible guy who wants the greater good for Thailand, his wife however is a crazy Hiso who hysterically shouts all wide eyed whenever there is a discussion... you remind me of the latterclap2.gif

Wikileaks revealed Suthep's own camp complains about his corruption... you believe he's a saint you are no different than the people who make Thaksin a hero... you don't know it but you are two sides of the same coin, both part of the problem not the solution.


Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

Suthep like him or hate him , Will go down as a Hero in Thai history... And he is a Hero... He risked his life daily to bring down the most openly corrupt government ever to be installed in Thailand... Long live the King..! wai2.gif

he will go down as a megalomaniac who brought down the elected government by brute force

and please do not bring His Majesty into it

So he is judged by you just as Mandela was judged by his critics after he organized terrorist attacks that killed women and kids.

History will see him as a savor of Thailand and truth be known there will be a 20 ft statue to honor him in Chiang Mai.

Which someone will paint red the night after it is unveiled!

  • Like 1

I don't think the overseas media really understands what happened

in the lead up to this, the corruption,nepotism,etc etc, nearly bringing

Thailand to its knees, sound bites and one liners thats all they are

interested in. just lets hope there is not another Shinawatara in the

sidelines waiting to be pushed on by the great leader to be PM.

regards Worgeordie

OMG there is actually people on here who think the coup was about corruption laugh.png

OMG there are those who believe applying the law to a responsibility dodging former PM is political.

it's nothing to do with corruption and all Thais I know, on whatever 'side', admit to this it's about 'things we are forbidden by law to discuss' and this posters OMG was spot on

it REALLY is OMG because I feel the same way I am shocked anyone believes this is about corruption and rice when the Elephant in the Room is ******************** (censored). wake up! take the meds and read outside of Thailand

There are always 'bigger" games going on, which anyone living here for sometime will be aware of.

Leaving that aside, we have a PM who left herself wide open by claiming she was totally in charge of a rice policy scheme which all and sundry warned her about. She chose never to attend the meetings she was supposed to chair, glibly gloss over everything with statements assuring it was self financing, the money was there, there were no quality or inventory issues, the G2G deals were true and that farmers would be paid. All were lies. She's still lying now, saying it was a good scheme and there's no damage been caused.

Clearly, she's not been damaged like all the farmers that were left with higher debts and the poor families who had members driven to suicide.

She may well be just a pawn in one of the side shows but she's a repugnant human being who has zero ethics or conscience and will carry on lying as it's all she knows. A billionaire, thanks to her brother, she will never suffer anything but a life of extreme luxury.

  • Like 1

5 year ban

does it matter

there won't be an election for 5 years

just increases her popularity in the long run

everyone loves a martyr

Webster martyr :Person who voluntarily suffers death rather than deny his or her religion.

So you also want her to die ? .


Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

I suspect that you're confusing Suthep with Chalerm ? wink.png

You are so <deleted> Ricardo, wake up and don't turn others posts into yours.....


Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

Suthep like him or hate him , Will go down as a Hero in Thai history... And he is a Hero... He risked his life daily to bring down the most openly corrupt government ever to be installed in Thailand... Long live the King..! wai2.gif

Where you born that stupid ?


Wow, you're utterly clueless. Suthep wanted mayhem and death. He RELISHED the violence.

Suthep like him or hate him , Will go down as a Hero in Thai history... And he is a Hero... He risked his life daily to bring down the most openly corrupt government ever to be installed in Thailand... Long live the King..! wai2.gif

Jesus H. Christ...

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