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When the euro down to 30 thb is it time to go home?

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Just imagine , when the euro fall again after a maybe Greek exit eu in the same level , after the ugly ezb deal yesterday and one euro hits 30€, is it then time to go home for most expats?

Where is your limit?

If you live same standart like in Europe 3000k euro in one month or maybe more are gone in only 4 week!

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The drop will stop somewhere, low euro doesnt benefit Thailand as it relies on Tourism income.

Not from Europe it doesn't, the Antanara Hotel in Chiang Mai (5 star) is full to the gills with Chinese and Koreans and has been so for many months.

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Depends on how many euros you can bring in every

month, I would've thought. The Brits will be joining

this party soon enough albeit not of their own


So where do the Plymouth bretheren stand,as you should know.

On The Barbican sipping Gin?

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Soon you will not worry about 30, you will worry about 10.......Do not worry my friends, our doors are open to anyone.....

It was a few years ago the media said America was doomed!!! Wait until they give up on the Euro.....then buy, buy, buy!!!!!!

clearly the trend is down.......but when it stops, nobody knows.......soon houses will be only pennies!!!!!! where is my gold????


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On a serious note: my pension is +-3000 euro/month, if THB goes South to 30 I wont be back (fly to Europe every 6 months for 1 month, April and September flight tickets booked and paid for). Spending winter 2015/2016 in Europe becomes a possibility. The only thing I will miss really is warm weather 350 days/year.

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Don't complain to me, Euromanrolleyes.gif . While we Americans had crappy exchange rates for years, you Europeans were living the high life in Thailand. About time the Euro has taken a hit from it's lofty levels. Can't say I really sympathize. Anyways, the US$ has been crappy but there are still plenty of American expats around. Guess the ones with no money or lacking the will to stay will go home first.

yeah maybe you forgot your "high life" on your Europen tour before the Euro was introduced, cant really sympathize smile.png

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Oh, this will be hurt at some point......but if yields went back to 16%....then just invest all your money in bonds and retire on the interest!!!!! on 100,000 bond, you get 16,000 a year....now you get less than 2,000 a year........

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