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When the euro down to 30 thb is it time to go home?

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Soon you will not worry about 30, you will worry about 10.......Do not worry my friends, our doors are open to anyone.....

It was a few years ago the media said America was doomed!!! Wait until they give up on the Euro.....then buy, buy, buy!!!!!!

clearly the trend is down.......but when it stops, nobody knows.......soon houses will be only pennies!!!!!! where is my gold????

Strange how Amerika keeps on forgetting that it lost the Vietnam War. From this massive loss of face has come most of the Amerikan-imposed misery on the rest of the world, 1975-2015.

And that misery includes the trillions of printed money of these last few years, making the 1% richer than all the other 99% combined.


if you say 'huh' ... it is indicative of how disconnected you are with reality ... and most likely from the third group

(those that make it happen, those that let it happen and those who wonder what happened)

Murican dollar is the most stable form of money in world. Always has always will. Haters will hate. And Murican democracy, only in this country's dreams....

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Those already in Thailand will hang on for some time as many have more or less cut ties with the motherland. The real effect will

be those considering the move to Thailand. That is where the numbers will nosedive. Between the few that do return home and the many

that don't come I believe this will have a measurable effect. One expat living year round is worth about 20 Chinese tourists who come

for 4-5 days. It will be interesting. I am not predicting gloom and doom but the big number of tourist and expats adding foreign currency

to the Thai economy will be softening. coffee1.gif

It's become popular to think of the Chinese tourist as the original "cheap charlie, but:

Mrs chiang mai works for The Antanara Hotel and reports that around 80% of guests for the past three months have been Chinese who don't come on a package tour but instead pay between 10k and 15k for their accommodation. It's not uncommon for a well heeled Chinese guest to wander into the hotels boutique shop and drop between THB 100k and THB 200k on "stuff" that is then shipped back home. A quick walk around some of the other 5 stars in the area suggest the same is true at Four Season, Dhara Dhevi, Pillars and Shangri La.

Its true i see them walking around these hotels all the time ,usually with someone in front with a flag showing them how to get therewhistling.gif

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The Euro has lost in no time 10% against the Baht and as well other currencies.

I saw it today quoted at 36.27 buying and selling at 37.27 at Bangkok Bank.

I think it might go next week around 35.

At 30-32 Baht I am going to buy up Euros for our annual European summer holidays.

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