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married registered in bangkok , can we divorce in uk ?


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In Scotland I was required to go to court to see if the Scottish court accepted that I was married (I married a Thai in Malaysia). The cost and time involved in that was ridiculous. Instead we went to the Ampur in Thailand, registered the marriage then divorced all on the same day.
The marriage was never registered in the UK.

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You can download the forms you need from the internet...pop along to your local (to your place of resifence in UK) family court and file the forms there. If you have both signed the forms and no kids are involved it can be very straightforward to do.

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  • 3 months later...

I've just encountered a divorce hurdle. Married in Thailand, trying to divorce in UK (as that is where wife lives now). Original marriage certificates "lost", so I got a copy from the Amphur office in Bangkok (no need for police report, 10 baht per copy, but this is an official written version of the red certificate). Got this translated and sent to the court in the UK. Letter came back saying the original certificate is needed. Now, as far as I'm aware, an Amphur office cannot re-issue this.

I will write again to the court saying this is impossible to get, and wait for the response. Someone else must have had this problem?

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